
Two Weeks Releases Tense and Thrilling Long Preview — 11 Comments

  1. I want Tae san and In hye to get married in the end of the show and they’ll become great parents for their daughter…

    • Strangely enough… I don’t want Tae san and In hye to get back together at the end. Eight years is a long time apart and hopefully the ending would be along the lines of both of them having moved on. However since Korea loves the ‘fate will conquer all’ plotlines, I can totally see the happily reunited family ending.

  2. i really looking forward to this drama as it is interesting and able to see how a father dying to save his daughter. If you are a father will you do that like Tae san?

  3. I was really getting excited for this one.The long preview was really DAEBAK
    and I was hoping this will be a big hit in the ratings.Fingers crossed!!!

  4. This is so freakin’ awesome! I can’t wait! I’m so ready with this full of angst!
    Are they done filming this drama? Based on the preview it looked like they filmed a lot already.

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