
First Stills and Teaser for Prime Minister and I with Yoona and Lee Bum Soo — 16 Comments

  1. Koala if there’s a ICOMYM can there be ICOMOM??? Because I definitely love Lee Bum Soo and he’s an ajhussi for this young girl. But how can I resist him?
    The trailer was so blergh to me, I wanted to see the chaos the kids are and how cute they can be. I hope it’s a Christmas themed drama, well atleast one ep. If not I will rewatch MMM or My lovely Kim Sam Soon.

  2. Interesting. Didnt know about the fake marriage contract. Really wonder how that’s going to help his reputation as prime minister but I guess we’ll see how the story unfolds. That is, if it doesn’t end up sucking..

  3. She’s so pretty *_* Same type of beauty as Choi Ji-woo. I really hope this drama won’t suck. The premise sounds cute enough!

    • Well, next to Lee Bum Soo he’s second lead material anyway. Perhaps Yoon wanted to work with him, and gain more experience. Or the script is just phenomenal. Which I doubt.

  4. If only Yoona was a good actress, I’d love to see her I’m a sageuk. I think she’ll be gorgeous in a Hanbok and look generally amazing in a period set up. Alas, I don’t think she should do it – not until she improves at least.

    I love her here though. She looks lively, energetic and is bringing out the youth in her character – which is great. I’m not buying into the OTP just yet but if they have chemistry, and it’s somewhat decent, I’ll definitely be watching this.

  5. Actually, i thought Yoona was quite good as Hanna in Love Rain. She wasn’t great in part 1 but part 2 was so different. I was actually quite impressed. I hope this one will be better.

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