Kim Jae Wook Graces the Pages of Japanese Magazine 25 Ans
Kim Jae Wook has always been a very low key star and sometimes I have to fairly dig for information about him. Part of the reason is that he splits time between Korea and Japan, and also between acting and his indie band gig with Walrus. He wrapped up the tvN cable drama Who Are You two months ago and has been enjoying the well-earned downtime. He was the best character and performance in the drama, by a long mile, and maybe an ocean tossed in for good measure. He’s in the pages of the November edition of Japanese magazine 25 Ans and in the accompanying interview shed some light on his recent activities. He said the chance to play a ghost really intrigued him and he accepted the role the next day after he got the script, and filming for WAY commenced the following day. It was a tight schedule and he worked with the PD a lot to really understand what the role required. As much as he was thrown into the filming, his natural acting talent and charisma easily made up for the lack of advanced preparation. He mentioned that a new mini-album is in the works for Walrus, which gets me excited because I love watching him in MVs as well. When asked what he loves most about Japan and Korea, Kim Jae Wook loves the rows and rows of shiny vending machines in Japan, whereas in Korea he loves the banks of the Han River, playing baseball there with friends and then going for a beer afterwards. I did not know he played baseball. Cool beans! Kim Jae Wook revealed that he’s a new cat owner after his military service discharge and he enjoys taking his cat for a stroll along the Han river. Walking his cat, that is so very quirky Kim Jae Wook. I love this man so much and all that he brings to the screen in any role. Enjoy these gorgeous magazine pics and let’s start counting down the days until he picks another drama.
He looks good! 🙂 Gosh, he even makes animal-printed clothes look chic 🙂
By the way, I’m just curious, Koala, how many languages do you actually know? Just basing my guess from the diversity of information you’ve kindly posted on your blog, quite a lot, ranging from English, Mandarin, Korean (?), and Japanese (?).
Lol! I posed a similar question in the past. I am similarly curious :).
Not to mention Koala-speak 🙂
OMG. its that 10ft long striped scarf again!
I find this guy painfully ugly ever since marry me merry and still in who are you but at mute ! Lol
But those cheekbones…
Haha, second that!
I think he looked better with a little more weight on him. His legs are like toothpicks, you could slice veggies with those cheekbones. He doesn’t look like he just got out of the service, at all. Give that boy a sandwich. Good actor, though.
Omg Skelly. If your a fan of him. You shouldn’t say mean things about him. He’s skinny because he either eats lots of vegetables, smokes, or eat slowly.. I dont like your bad shitty words on my KJW’s! Get off his property! He doesnt need you to be his fan. Are you really Regret saying all that? You noob! I think he’s fine on his own. He doesn’t need a bunch of mean people on his side. I have enough of people’s opinion about my kim jae wook! I’m so sick of non-korean people say mean things to Kim jae wook that barely doesnt know about him. Go to your favourite idols that looks not too skinny not to boney.. Ill stick with him. Thank you very much!
Tondemo arimasen (far from it)… KIm Jae Wook is a VERY striking-looking and attractive man, plus very talented. One does NOT always have to be drop-dead handsome (plastic surgery). The more natural-looking actors/actresses who are also good in acting would be popular and last longer in the industry.
Hibz, I didn’t understand why he was thought to be handsome in Korea when I watched ‘Marry me…’ either. And, I didn’t find the famous cheekbones beautiful, I thought they made his face look too severe. Yes, I thought he was quite unattractive too.
But in that serial he had the disadvantage of being pitted against Jang Geun-suk. JGS did a great job with the grungy-cool look and matched him stare-for-stare in the emoting-with-your-eyes-only ability that KJW is actually famous for. KJW fared better in ‘Coffee Prince’ but his look there too did not answer the why-does-Korea-fawn-over-him question. And then I watched ‘Antique’….and BAM!…all questions answered!
I hope you’ll get a chance to watch him in Antique, it’ll help you see him in a different light…I did…the man is good looking, but he’s an acquired taste. 🙂
You find this guy painfully ugly? Wow.. shame on your fking words.. I dont find him ugly. Well I bet he’s very sexy than you are. You looking for good-looking guys? Go watch coffee prince. Kim jae wook is very handsome and sexy, If you start liking him from there. I guarantee you to not like him. Because his beautiful face. Go watch his music video Dear cloud Ice fortress! It’s soo cool that he looks like a person that comes from an anime. I think you should take ur ugly words to yourself. 🙂 (Dont want to fight with you with words with words. 😛
Hibz if you ever seen this msg from me, I want to tell you that you must be jealous.. that he’s so beautiful than you.. Thats y you call him ugly? Go back to your favourite idol.. dont come near this site again! You should respect others actors as yourself… If he’s ugly then why comment that you have to regret? for saying that? What right do you have to judge other people faces that are ugly? I hate guys/girls like you that doesn’t know about him.. If your words meant was painfully pretty, then you should’ve check what you wrote was wrong..
Gorgeous! *_* <3
My sentiments exactly.
Squee <3
Never heard of walking a cat before….lol. This guy is cute and he does have acting chops. Hope to see him in a good project.
Me too!
Walking a cat implies that it follows you somehow, right?
My cat will probably ditch me at the door…
Kim Jae Wook on my screen! You made my day!
I’m dying to see him play the lead in a romantic drama soon… preferably a role where he is ALIVE and gets the girl.
I find this guy totally naturally gorgeous unlike some other actors/actresses that go through plastic surgery. Let’s face it there are so many plastic surgery done with actors/actresses in asia that it is such a treat when you see one that doesn’t go through a knife.
Darling I know that you hate people done plastic surgery. But I felt sorry for them. Surgery should be used with broken parts on the face for purpose reason. But I can’t be mad to them. Because If their dreams to be an actress.. they should be good for the camera.. and they probably doesnt want to be called ugly. Non-korean people found other actress/actors ugly. And I think I know how they felt.. If they born with the face then keep the face.. but if they want to do surgery.. then its their choice.. If I were ugly and my dream was being an korean actress… I would do the same. I want to be good on the camera so no one would say things like (Ugly) I dont like the word ugly! It makes me want to kill myself. But It can’t be help. So Sad That they can’t turn back to who they are.. Arrows just shoots my heart to hear the word (ugly)and about some of the people here thinks he’s not handsome.. 🙁
Brilliant title, Koala 😀
KJW stole Young Do’s scarf!! Hahahaha… Or is there some kind of fashion conspiracy to make that into the new “in” scarf to be wearing… Hmmmm
I LOVE HIM ever since MSOAN!
I swear I shipped him so bad with MGY in he drama >.<
Impeccably gorgeous and definitely knows how to act. Sweetheart put me out of my misery and get yourself a lead guy gig! I need you to finally get the girl~~~
I hope some of you guys. Would shut up about his cheekbones is not beautiful, and hes not attractive in Marry me mary. I found his cheekbones is very sexy and very attractive.. When he was young. He doesnt have a cheekbones. When he gets older I think he lose weight on his face because he either smokes his favourite cigarette or eat vegetables I have no idea how he gets cheekbones. But I dont care about cheekbones. If you dont find him attractive. Then keep your words to yourself, and dont be a fan of kim jae wook if you dont like him. Saying that would make a person hurt. If you like good-looking girly/flower guys go back to them and stick with it! You dont need to love kim jae wook! If Im the only one thinking about this. Then Im very lucky.. But if there is some of you agree with me. We could be the bunch of friends for Kim jae wook, and never talk about this lovely man, with bad (words)that can hurt Kim Jae wook If your a fan of his.
ok i take my words back that some of u think that you dont find his cheekbones is not beautiful. I should blame it on mittiin. If you dont find him attractive. Then you’re not attractive too! I think i find his cheekbones very beautiful. It looks good on him… it looks good on man like him. He turn into a manly guy now. He’s suppose to be 31 and he should become a man that looks like a man. If you dont find him attractive. Then Why are you on my oppa site? I dont get why you judge people by their looks. And find them ugly. If you agree.. Dont ever comment things that could hurt a person feelings! If they born with it.. then they born with it. Dont Comment that you want to regret.. Think before you comment about Kim jae wook.. I wish that kim jae wook never found about this or one of his friends who loves going on computer. and tell Kim jae wook about 1 or 3 of you say things that hurts kim jae wook.