
Prime Minister and I Episode 1 Recap — 25 Comments

  1. Yay! Thank you for the speedy recap! Finally a good drama after that horrible season where all dramas went downhill! I thought that the only drama I was going to be watching was IAGW.

  2. Thanks for the fast recap.
    Fake marriages are sooo much fun! And this pair is exactly what fake marriage requires to make it cute and adorable to watch! I love bad first meeting…this drama is on my list to watch.

  3. I just hope the rest of the episodes are as zippy as this first one. Too often we’ve been deceived by a fun first episode only to be disappointed midway. *cough Mi-rae’s choice*
    Enjoyed watching yoona. I remember when news first broke out of this casting and everyone was wtf-ing at the randomness of it all, but somehow.. They just make it work.
    Btw, recapping 3 shows! Koala, hope you’re getting the rest you deserve!

  4. Right after enduring the mess that is MC I’m just glad to have a rom-com at actually has both romance and comedy. I haven’t seen the episode yet but I think I’ll love it. Yoona is hitting it out of the part; always thought she had it in her. MK is also premiering next week so this is gonna be a good winter I hope.

    Also… There’s something about PM&I that just reminds me of the K2H days. Maybe it’s the politics regarding the nation, or the I-never-thought-it-would-work OTP but if it’s even a quarter as good, I’m in this till the end.

  5. I cannot believe I’m going to say this: YOONA is ACTING!!! Her face can move and I did not cringe once…WOW…someone must have taken some serious acting lessons… Cudos to her…Bravo!
    I’m definitely in; Their chemistry is off the chart!!!

  6. I love the kids’ names. It has to be a take-off on Song Il-Gook’s triplets, who are named Dae Han, Min Gook, and Man Se (Republic of Korea Hooray)

  7. I’m in love!! I have watched all of Yoona’s dramas and I have to say that this time I’m greatly pleased by her acting!! she’s doing really well in portraying this quirky reporter 🙂 here’s to hoping for a much better drama than my recent drama outing with Mirae’s Choice and Heirs. (the disappointment in both was great)

  8. Awww! It did remind me of MP. I would watch LBS in anything. He is more convincing than THT as the successful smart-guy, though.

    Knowing nothing of Yoon-ah going into this, I like her here. The ice cream/fav singer/what do you know about your kids Q & A felt completely genuine. Whatever space they give to this romance, when they finally allow the pair to be clearly in love, will be filled with all kinds of warm, funny and heart-tugging moments. Bonus is time with the kiddies as a family – LBS having his own little kiddle will make these wonderfully touching.

    YSY looks good not red-headed, and I hope his character turns super evil. I don’t believe we have seen that from him yet. Love to see him have to choose between whatever bad guys he is working for and his (eventual) love Yoonah. I can’t see him falling for Chae Jung Ahn’s character, though.

    Man-Se was great and I am glad we get to hang out with the kids the whole series. Thanks for the recap!

  9. OMG it looks really good! 😀

    I already squeeed at that interview. Her questions (apart from the widower one) seemed like something you’d ask on a date.

    “Kwon Yul-sshi, what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?”
    “Omo! I love strawberry too!”


  10. Thanks for the recap. After watching this first episode, I know my Mondays and Tuesdays will be happy days again (drama watching-wise). I LOVE this first episode! I can feel the chemistry of the OTP and I’m so looking forward for more of them on screen. I’ve always find Lee Bum Soo magnetic and amazing so I’m really glad to see him in a potentially very good drama after [the unintentionally hilarious] Dr. Jin. I also found Yoona to be endearing here. I think she’ll become one of my favorite female characters this year. I can’t wait to see their romantic journey together (which I expect to have lots of crackling chemistry/bickering and heartwarming moments).

    Hope the show continues this trajectory of being funny and engaging until the very end.

  11. thk u for recapping this drama! i’m loving it so far. i wonder if the Prime Minister’s aide is the one who set him up b/c he does seem to resent the Prime Minister. I wonder if he’s a spy for the bro-in-law.

  12. Finally! I’ve just finishe watching and I enjoyed it so much! I had a smiled on my face through the entire ep. Funny and cute, the funniest was when Da Jung and In Ho meet for the first time and to avoid him she pretends to be Japanese. While my favourite was the interview between Kwon Yul and Da Jung and she says he scored “0″ as a father.
    But I have a problem, Wich ship should I board??? Because Yoona has chemistry with both Lee Bum Soo and Yoon Shi Yoo, I didn’t had that problem in the teasers and trailers!! I guess I’ll board the Yoona&BumSoo, they’re the OTP and I’m enjoying them more.
    The part when rumours are speeding fast reminded me so much Lie To Me, hahaha. Now that I think there are some similarities. I hope one of them are the steamy hot KISSES

  13. I hope they dnt turn this into a political melodrama,i love d lightness of the drama,and wow yoona is beautiful and that pink dress is soo lovely

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