
Heirs/The Inheritors Episode 20 Recap — 75 Comments

  1. You’re so fast! Thank you Koala! The show has been terrible but I still had some fun time thanks to your recap. Now maybe will you recap Beautiful Man (Bel Ami)? It would be really nice.

    • Oh sorry I just realized that my tone was impolite, it sounded like I ordered you around there. What I really meant was that it would be great to read your analysis of the show.

    • ah huh.. and I can only conclude one thing, Tan’s fashion sense didn’t change a bit even after 10 years.. wow! at least that’s consistent.

      • hhmmmmm… I was referring to Kim Tan’s but come to think of it… The character and the actor has almost the same taste. But whatever, He’s still my baby, hihihihi

  2. I liked Heirs. No regrets. But i will not miss it.
    For me, i really loved KT-ES couple. They were cute when allowed. YD-ES were boring for me because it was one-sided for YD.

    • And the ending was just as Hideous as LMH’s one piece suit (if you can call that a suit) @the party!! My Lord what Where They Thinking!!???! Uff :/

  3. Ms.Koala your feedback is always equivalent to being splashed on by a bucket of cold water. It’s sobering in the worst possible way. Especially in this case since I am obsessed with Heirs and am one of those hopeless fans who are all in for a second round some time in the near future. If I think neutrally, you were right on all counts except the OTP having no chemistry. I thought they had hordes of it! As you said, it DID sail my boat. Anyways, keep giving us reality checks and keep up the good work!

  4. i haven’t actually watched the episodes yet, but just following your fast and detailed recaps. It seems like they ended the drama, where the loose ends were tied just for the sake of tying it up but leaving a lot WTFs and questions.. More of a head scratcher. It confirmed my fears that it will turn out to be more of a bark than bite. Oh, well…

  5. I didn’t watch this, but read the recaps. Or I should say, fixated on the purple lipstick. Why oh why do the makeup teams put purple lipstick on almost everybody? It looks awful.
    Just my two cents.

  6. This wasn’t the best drama for Lee Min Ho or Park Shin Hye, but I’m so happy it has benefited Kim Woo Bin. He’s an excellent actor, I loved how he expressed Young Do feelings. And I loveeee his eyebrows!!! ❤❤❤❤ I love strong eyebrows and he rocks them, he controls them very well helping his performance. I want to see more of him in future projects. Has anybody seen ‘Friends 2′ where can I watch it? Is it good? Sorry for the fan girl outburst, btw.

  7. My feelings for this drama can be summed up in one word: meh.

    (And I still don’t see any chemistry between Park Shin Hye and Kim Woo Bin. On his side, sure, because he just exudes charisma, but not on hers.)

    Thanks for the recap, MsK! 🙂

  8. I watch this drama just for only Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hey pairing. Could not careless for anything else. And I like their sweet kisses too. Though I was expecting a bit more with the last kiss. But oh well what’s done is done. Time to move on. I’m glad it’s over they all can have a good sleep 🙂

  9. This drama got a 5 out of 10 for me. It was somewhat interesting enough to keep me watching until the end, but yet, it was frustrating because some of the things that happen did not make any sense.

    • Chan Young and Bo Na’s relationship is the perfect kind of high school romance, they have such good chemistry together even in their lil scenes

    • Even with recaps, i scan through till i see mention of either Bona or Chanyoung and read that paragraph. Rinse and repeat. Sigh…..

      Last night, i was shocked and totally delighted to be bombarded with Bona-Chanyoung kissing picsies on twitter from random ppl. They were in agreement that Krystal and MinHyuk should be the next WGM couple. lol. I would support them too.

  10. Seriously, WTFF all over the place. Glad that the drama is over. I really won’t miss it but I still can’t believe they wasted so many good actors and characters at the same time. The big thing that Hyoshing wanted to do was enlisting in the army ? SERIOUSLY ? Ji Sook and Chairman Daddy smiling and giggling at Tan’s party like nothing happened, seriously ? And Won and Hyun Joo not getting an happy ending … SERIOUSLY ? I could have understood/feel something if they showed us more of their lovelines but noooo, we have got 5 seconds in each episode, so how come we can feel sad about their romance ? Though, it’s heartbreaking to see Won like that.
    SERIOUSLY, I thought they were going to use the idea of The Heirs in its fullest but so far, I get the title of the drama but I don’t get it either. GAH, Man from Another Star, come to me fast and make me forget The Heirs ASAP.

    • Honestly it was heartbreaking to see Won like that but only because I love the actor Choi Jin Hyuk he makes me feel so much which is why I am still in love with him as Daddy Gu 🙂

  11. it was amazing journey i loved everysecond f it ‘! im crying just imagining that i will not watch this anymore

  12. THANK YOU!
    Spot-on with your analysis of Heirs, Ms. Koala, in particular : “… KT and CES were like two wet towels rung repeatedly to milk the tears and emotion by sheer brute force.” At some point I didn’t care about them anymore and I could connect with them either. Overall I have several issues with the writing and I don’t like the messages that are included either (e.g. bullying is never ok and girls are not objects, which can be pushed between boys!!!). Not to mention the denouement of the conflicts.

    Apart from the writing, another problem is the casting of PSH & LMH as a pair, as Ms. Koala has emphasized in the other thread: “….it’s not the fault of either of them, but if one was cast then the other shouldn’t. Does that make sense?” YES, it absolutely does! PSH & LMH together = totally friendzoned couple!!! And not only on behalf of PSH, but also from LMH. All who have said, that she looked enduring & suffering in their kissing scenes, I would like to stress that he looked equally unconvincing in his ‘feelings’ for her in these scences, too. Sometimes I wonder if the admiration for LMH leads fans to believe, he has chemistry with everybody he’s paired with – even with a stone. Especially, if the undoubtedly evidence of his leading lady sparkling with the second guy is thrown in your face, as it happens here (ES-YD).

    I’m with all the other comments, who have pointed out during the whole series, that they couldn’t see ES-KT romantic chemistry. There are other OTPs in Dramaland where you actually can see & feel what chemistry in rom-com should be: sizzling sparkles flying everywhere (despite age gaps or unbalanced attractiveness in the OTP). And I’m not talking about make-out- and kiss-scenes. Just in general two people with the vibes of a real One TRUE Pairing, not just friends.

    That said, I also looooooved BN-CY. Their interaction was so cute and they played it so sweet, that I waited every episode for their scenes. One of the few highlights of Heirs, apart from the moms, some witty dialogues and -of course- KWB (who made a despicable charcater bearable).

    A real pity that so much potential was so hugely wasted: cast-wise and to a lesser degree story-wise (b/c after all it’s a rom-com, it’s allowed to be fluffy, but then you have to limit the angst). If I had one wish for Heirs, it would be a tighter and more focused writing with a suitable & contemporary message in 16 eps. Ok, that’s more than one wish.

    • Where’s the Like button? You said everything I wanted to say.
      This drama could have been great but instead we got a lot of meh mixed with wtfery

  13. THAT’S IT?! The only thing I liked about Heirs was the Won/Hyun-Joo romance (because of the actors) and it SUCKED! I can’t believe it ended like that! -__- major disappointment!

    • Same here -_- But what can we expect from a drama that was as limp as a wet towel from start to finish? What a waste of good actors, especially these 2.

  14. Thank you Mz.Koala. Finally done! I think I will skip watching the drama… I watched up to episode 12 and could not continue anymore. Reading your recap is good and satisfying. I don’t think I can tolerate their lame kissing scenes, yuk 🙁

    • me too I couldn’t watch it anymore though I like the side characters but it wasn’t interesting enough to hold my atention 😐
      the kissing scenes are just bleeeehhhh!

    • Oh,and the only redeeming thing that came out of this series? My newfound obsession…er, love, for actor Kim Woo Bin! I began watching this series solely because of Lee Min Ho, but about halfway through, I found myself completely succumbing to Kim Woo Bin’s charms. On paper, I didn’t love his character, Choi Young Do – sure, he was misunderstood, but I couldn’t get on board with his misogynistic and cruel behavior – but somehow Kim Woo Bin managed to make him vulnerable and in the end, quite sympathetic.

  15. This drama was not really great but there was some nices moments!

    The character of Young Do was nice and Kim Woo Bin was really great in this role : mean, mad, sad, in love etc… I was thinking that I never saw him in a relationship in a drama. It sucks!!!

    I loved the couple Bo Na and Chan Young, they were so cute and normal.

    I loved too Hyo Shin and Rachel, they’re funny and cute.

    The main couple was nice in USA but after it was a little bit boring.

  16. >sigh<…i just read the recaps for this drama… thank you Koala for your recaps! ur recaps and thoughts on the drama made this drama a lot more interesting for me…this drama was o-k-ay, not great.…it could have been better, but no harm, no foul…moving on to the next drama for me..

  17. I don’t know but I didn’t see any great chemistry between KWB & PSH….their scenes were dull and boring….it was all fine but not more than that….

    Despite all flaws, I really liked Heirs a lot and LMH and PSH were simply awesome together….

  18. did anyone else get a serious titanic vibe from the 10 yrs later scene. it was shoot just like that scene in titanic when she imagined what it could have been like everyone smiling happily same camera angles etc etc.

    besides that im now ready for my next lee min ho show, I swear all the other actors almost jump from show to show but he only does 1 a year =((((

    • LOL, I noticed that for sure. It was shot the exact same way, camera movements and all, with the staircase and everything. I was like, how come no one is talking about this????

      Glad to see I’m not the only one that noticed! 🙂

  19. Was not a bad drama or ending but it left me wanting more.. They did not resolve half the questions popped up! They literally just ended it cause it was 20 episodes… so disappointed.

    The story would have been better if they went with the false “leaked” story with Eun Sang really being an heiress and time jump! Along with Kim Tan and Young Do becoming friends again.

    The only character that benefited from this drama was Young Do he actually changed! Everyone stayed the same.

    I would not mind a spinoff drama solely on Young Do, Lee Hyo Shin, Lee Bo Na and Chan Young they were the only interesting character i loomed forward to!

  20. I don’t why you guys can’t feel the love btw Tan and Eunsang? All those stares looking into each other eyes like that… Especially at the birthday party. If it wasn’t love in those eyes I don’t know what is? You guys have grudges against my OTP.. It’s Romeo and Juliet feelings..

  21. the weight of the crown. i guess Won bears the weight of it. he sacrificed himself in a way. The Heir wasn’t the best drama ever but i enjoyed watching it. Thanks for the recaps!

  22. Thank you for the recaps , Ms Koala. I appreciate all your hard work. Usually, I read the recap before watching the episode, but I’ve already seen the final. This is my #1 disappointment drama for 2013. What happened? I’m gonna watch City Hall again if I get snowed in this weekend…and cry about what might have been.

  23. What a flat and boring finale; LMH and PSE= boring!
    Young Do: Mindblowing; KWB: show stealer!
    KT’s mom: adorable!
    I felt sad for Won and HyunJoo; I wish Chan Young’s Dad and Rachel’s mom will get together.
    Please LMH, you don’t pass for a high schooler…be a man next time!!!
    I’m frustrated that this writer will think she’s good since the show passed 25%.

  24. I felt nothing big ever happened in this drama..Except Eun Sang left momentarily and Tan goes to look for her. The rest are just little bits about other characters. Somewhat makes me feel this drama has too much cast and just 20 eps to squeeze it all in.

  25. Thought the last episode was a touch slow but sad it came to the end. I have to say yes it could’ve done better but didnt have much expectation. So i greatly enjoyed KT and CES characters and others as well. Thank you for the 20 episodes journey!

  26. The entire drama was a hodgepodge, from cast to stories. They put in all the hearthrobs and teenyboppers and made them re-enact best scenes from top rated dramas. Haha.
    I never bought the LMH-PSY love team, Mother & ahjumma gave me more funny & touching moments. Don’t get me wrong, I still love LMH and PSY – SEPARATELY. Maybe the story & direction is not just right for them. It was a waste using two talented actors in a convoluted story that didn’t went anywhere. The only thing I’m thankful about Heirs is introducing me to Kim Woo Bin. The most touching or should I say, the only touching scene I experienced with this drama is the reunion of Young Do and his mother.

  27. I was watching Marry Him If You Dare and Heirs at the same time. I’m wondering if my total disgust and anger with the course of MHIYD made me go easier on Heirs than I would have. I wasn’t thrilled with the ending, but I wasn’t unhappy with it except that I actually wanted Rachel and Hyo Shin to realize that maybe they could fall in love instead of pining away for people who just weren’t that into them. Even though I wanted the OTP to end up together, I agree that Kim Woo Bin was a total scene stealer. He was lucky to actually get a well-written character to work with.

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