
Chris Wu and Kimi Hsia Headline CTS Drama Rock n’ Road Premiering this Sunday — 14 Comments

  1. What a happy pleasant surprise. I just finished my King Flower marathon recap from your website and back to your homepage while thinking what happen now with wonderful Terry.

    I never heard about Kimi Hsia, so don’t know about her acting. But I hope she’ll have a nice chemistry with Chris Wu whom I adore now.

    I think if there’s sub available, I’ll try to watch for the sake of Chris Wu eventhou the premise actually don’t tickle my fancy 🙂 thanks koala for the good news, hehehe

  2. Omggggg….. I didn’t know I’ve missed that beautiful man with that gourgeous long neck!! Plsss let it be good, even if not the hold think at least his his side of the story!
    Thanks miss koala

  3. ahhh chris wu!!!! He is back!!! yay! Yay! Yaaaayyyyy….

    And now I want Bolin Chen in the small screen like Chris Wu….
    please someone make my fave taiwanese actors be back in the small screen!

  4. No need to say more. You had me at Chris Wu. Kimi is pretty funny. I have been watching her on variety for at least ten yrs. she was in what is love with Chris playing the best friend of the female lead amongst other dramas.

    I think they will have decent chemistry. I like that hair style on him. I did like the rich boy look on him too. Ahh… I will take anything with him in it.

  5. Yay and yay! It looks really funnnnnnnnnn!

    Both themes are added to my ipod, thanks!!!

    With the hair and devilish smile, he looks like a long lost Beatle.
    The ending song definitely hints at Beatles with the horns.

  6. What ever happened to drama with Ella Chen? I was waiting for that one? Well as long as it is Chris Wu after all.

  7. Just watched 1st ep of Rock n Roll and it is GREAT!! Can’t wait to read what you think?

    I love Chris Wu since “What Is Love” (花是愛)If you like him you have to watch “What Is Love”, one of the best T-drama and Chris’s first lead role playing a shameless playboy (sooo funny). Just don’t be discouraged by the first ep. It will become a roller coaster ride mid-way from 2nd ep and fill with good laugh.

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