
Bride of the Century Adorable Wedding and Couplewear Episode 10 Scene Cuts — 25 Comments

  1. What a great morning! Thank you! Still in bed but started lurking this site already! Looove it! But scared of things to come to our OTP…

  2. I was squeeing endlessly with the cute.
    But I’m still upset that she hasn’t revealed her true identity yet.
    But next weeks episode looks like it’s about to go down and Hubby will realize something is off.

  3. From an objective point of view this drama seems rather average, but it put some kind of spell on me. During the latest two episodes I squealed like a teenager. There’s just something in the way Kang Joo and Doo Rim look at each other… They have sizzling chemistry. Their hugs are really passionate, much different from the usual “awkwardly hugging a tree” style. Moreover, I can’t believe that there was actually a bed scene! A very discreet one, but still. Have drama gods finally started answering my prayers? If yes, then please give us a satisfying ending. Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top~!

    [On a side note, before BotC I never found Lee Hong Ki attractive. Now I think that he’s the perfect combination of sexy and cute (reminds me of Yoon Shi Yoon). He should definitely keep this hairstyle. I also like that his character smiles a lot more now. And the way he waves… Pure adorableness! I have to admit, I replayed the waving scene a couple of times. ;D]

      • i second that!their chemistry really daebak in BOTC. both of them so flirty at BOTC presscon and Hongki following Jinsung on instagram the same day she made the acc. I’M GOING DOWN WITH THIS SHIP!

  4. I love this drama!
    I loved the cute scene…
    Thanks for the post! The first thing that I always do when I wake up is look this site…
    Thank you very much!

  5. The wedding was not officiated by anyone, reminiscent of Goong (the one in Macau). Can this type of wedding be registered? Just wondering…

    • No right? Don’t they just need witnesses to register at the office? You don’t need a celebrant.

      Haha did they just show pre marital sex in a K drama? I am highly amused. Different from the one in INR3.

  6. Am I the only one who didn’t see the beginning of a bed scene or the hint of one? Also, does any one know the orchestra or group of people who sing that version of “Ave Maria” in the 1st video, please? I would like to look for it on YT.

    • I agree – a kiss does not a bed scene make. And they wake up fully clothed the next morning? (On a side note – does no one wear pajamas in this drama? They’re always going to bed in the knappy clothes they wore all day!)

      • That reminds me of Ojakgyo Brothers, where the main couple was wearing matching pajamas and they both had wet hair during their first night together. It looked ridiculous. 😉 However, I agree that on ordinary nights they should sleep in some kind of nightwear. Oh well. Dramas!

      • Thank you for the link! I have been on that website before, but I had forgotten its address. I need to clarify that when I read this post, I had not seen ep. 10 yet, because it had not been posted online (on the websites I go to). So I thought Ms. K had included them in the videos she had posted, hence my surprise at not seeing (all of) the scenes she had mentioned, which was why I asked my question. It’s OK if she didn’t include those scenes, it is just that I expected to see them, that is all.

      • Oh, then I’m sorry that I misunderstood you. At least my link was useful, heh. 🙂

  7. Woah… I love this episode!, I’m so excited & I can’t
    wait!.I love Doo Rim & Kang Joo they are adorable & lovely
    together… I love this drama the story is lovely & simple
    its really a romantic fantasy!…Thanks to the writer and
    director. I love it!… cheers!.

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