
Secret Love Affair Episode 7 Recap — 52 Comments

  1. Thank you Miss Koala for the beautiful recap…

    I adore this show…it’s my new fix….Yoo Ah In is a phenomenal and gorgeous actor.

  2. Thank you Ockoala for your hard work. This is a difficult episode to recap, so much sadness. I feel so bad for SJ, he tried so hard to please HW. Wow, that cheap Love Motel was actually beyond his means to pay; but for his goddess, he sacrificed. I found that refreshing that SJ never expected anything from the rich folks. He didn’t eat the food after the first “audition” and he didn’t want any clothes from Professor Kang. I think he was actually not happy that Min Woo got attention from his goddess in the past. He is as low maintenance a man can be. In this drama, I am rooting for both OTP equally, they are just fantastic.

    • I laughed when Min Woo sweetly asked Sun Jae to exchange cell numbers and Sun Jae flatly answered “Don’t want to” because he was jealous that Min Woo was formerly Hye Won’s student. Poor Min Woo just scampers away.

  3. Random thoughts:

    The soup ahjummi said, according to my subs, that she was raised at a Mao Tse Dung school and they all learned, that everybody was equal. Is she a North Korean defector?
    Whatever she is, she is a gutsy lady with lots of principles. A lesson learned for Hye Won.

    The song Madame Han sang was the Korean version of the German WWII classic Lili Marleen by Lale Anderson, later also interpreted by Marlene Dietrich. THE song of yearning for soldiers and their sweethearts back then. It’s about home sickness, separation and longing. I found the use of it quite funny in this context. 😀

    Is it the first time Hye Won wears loose clothes? I think so. Her lashed world is disintegrating. Wasn’t too fond of the colors, too.

    • Re the soup ajumma: I am guessing she is an ethnic Korean from the Yanbian region of China. Ethnic Koreans have been living in that region for years. Unfortunately many ethnic Koreans from Yanbian and elsewhere have a difficult time transitioning to life in South Korea, and this soup ajumma fits that ‘mold’, for lack of a better word. She seems to be having a difficult time in her day-to-day life.

    • Yes, I think you are right. When she says she went to a Mao Tse Dung school, I think she means she went to an elite school. She was smart and respected back home, but now can only find work in a small restaurant.

    • I want to give soup ahjumma a medal! For not apologising for sleeping with rich bastard, then dumping him coz the sex was bad, and not taking any of Hye Won’s crap! Unlike Hye won she refused to be bullied by the rich, and knew when to walk away.
      Soup ahjumma FTW!!

  4. I felt sad for him when she left stranded like that. He is really an honest person by telling her that he wishes they sleep together someday, my draw dropped.

  5. Thank u thank u very much for I wait and wait reread and reread ur recap and comment of others .Though I still wonder why is she staying married and still remain in such work . She should learn a lot from the soup ahjummi

    • I think Hye Won just had a few bad weeks, before that, she was pretty in control of her life. I don’t think the soup Ahjamma is 100% happy either, it appears she does not have a good man also. I think Hye Won would have been fine if Seong Jae didn’t come into her life and overturn all her values. That internet chat between “Hyung” and SJ changed everything, it was the most incredible chat I have witness in KD. After SJ confessed his “goddess” caused him to gave everything he had to her. Hye Won wrote, “drink some cold water and go to sleep.” She wasn’t able to handle any more of that. She painted on her toes red and I am sure that has some symbolism involved as SJ loves her feet. I think things will be fine, HW will be a different woman come Episode 9, I bet she would be on top of the world soon, the fortune teller might be right.

      • I remember HW talking about “cold water” a couple of times and ***SPOILER*** in Ep.8, she tells SJ to wash his face with cold water. I’m still not exactly sure what the significance is, but I have noticed it. (Maybe to cool down the “heat”.)

  6. I just want to point out what Young Woo was accusing Hye Won of doing was giving rich people’s kids private lessons and get them in to school through back doors, not sleeping with a student.

    • With that said, I love what you wrote about what would’ve gone through Hye Won’s mind when she ran off leaving SJ behind, and what made her behave that way. I’m sure I’m not the only one who went WTF? when she did it and your insights really help understand and sympathize with her more.

  7. Love rereading the events even ive been rewatching ep 7&8!

    Btw it’s Hye Won, not Hae won
    and also Sun Jae peformed Liszt’s Spanish Rhapsody (referred to a few times over a few eps)

      • they might sound the same when you read it out but is different in korean….
        Hye won = 혜원
        Hae won = 해원

    • I guess there’s more than one way to transliterate it because I use “Hae”, but perhaps that’s an old-fashioned version because I agree that “Hae” is a better representation for 해.

  8. Hye Won’s fate is so ironic isn’t it? If she has to endure all these years for her husband (and for comfort). the many daily insults, humiliations and injustices of her position, now with Sun Jae entering the Belly of the Beast so to speak, she is even more implicated in the world of the rich and awful. What do you guys think?

  9. Thanks, Koala, for doing this one. Dark and sad. I am relieved you found humor, too. They starting to show us just how flimsy are the rich folks’ facades. The soup ahjumma saying, in so many words that the Chairman wasn’t good in bed, made me LOL. He’s prolly thinking he is some Don Juan, and she’s like, “Ehn, whatever.”

    Can we smack Cello Snob also? She’s making herself money on the poor kids, nice.

    I cannot figure out JH other than he is empty, nothing, waste of space. What possible reason would HW have to marry the guy? I’m getting really curious about the YW – HW – JW connection back in the day.

    And HW, I am very sympathetic to her now, poor thing, but I still can’t believe she LEFT SJ ALL ALONE on the street!!! He was SHOCKED. More than when he saw the “positions” chair back at the love motel. OMG. All the kid wants is peace and quiet for her and he ditches her. So funny.

    The relationship with YW is best when HW isn’t being smug. You can tell Boy Toy wants to smack HW because she looks down on him with such haughtiness. Part of that, I think, is because before the Chairman and his family legitimized her, she could have been accused of the same thing. Riding on the coat tails of the rich. Whatever hell she was in was worse than being with YW? Really?

    SJ continues to impress me with his word grenades. Dropping a “Sure I want to sleep with you” here and a “That’s because I love you” there. I think I feel it as much as HW, hearing him. They don’t really help in calm her in the middle of the sh^tstorm her life has turned into, but they sure do make her think. Why AM I putting up with these people again?

    By the way, has anyone talked about the mouse trap scene back in the apartment? I feel like everything will happen just as it unfolded then.

    Preparing to rip the TRAP for mice off her foot, SJ said, “It’s going to hurt. Please bear with it.”
    HW: Hey! “Bear with it even when it hurts a lot?”
    SJ with no further words, ripped it off and she cried out in pain then laughed.
    Husband, too afraid of the mice stayed in the hall.
    SJ called, “Close the door you are letting the mice in.”
    Husband ran away, leaving the pair alone, and SJ carried HW off to offer first aid.

    The mice are the present circumstances. HW is not afraid of them, unlike her lily-livered husband, but she is rightly afraid of ripping herself out of the trap she’s stuck in.

    She needs SJ as the force that pulls her finally away. Even if they don’t end up together, at least they will be free. I need a happy ending!

    • I somehow get the sense that HW had little to no social status (maybe a hair better than SJ’s situation) except her musical talent. There have been hints of this throughout the drama (especially with her husband’s snide comment about her being comfortable in those situations). HW’s choice of JH may or may not get some airtime – it could have been a mutual choice (or an easy passive one) knowing full well they were engaging in some marriage of convenience. Both are practical to a fault; just one is far superior at it than the other.

      • Yes, I agree. I think HW’s background, while not as humble as SJ’s, was very modest. I love how the mice don’t really bother her. In fact, she makes a little joke about them. And she laughs so light-heartedly when she gets her foot stuck in the mousetrap.

        Speaking about jokes, she makes quite a few little jokes here and there. When she goes to SJ’s apartment the first time by herself and SJ asks how she got there, she jokes “By taxi”. In this ep. when SJ asks about her scar, she jokes that she got hit by shooting stars.

    • I really like this mouse trap metaphors, it was a really random way to introduce skinship so maybe the scene has a deeper meaning

    • Omo! Omo! jomo:) I think you nailed it on the head! That mousetrap scene really is a shorthand for SJ and HW’s relationship. You’ve brilliantly made the connection. That’s the very scene where I fell in love with SLA.

      I despise the Cello Snob Prof. That’s about as disgusting and low as you can go as a teacher. I felt so bad for the student when she was talking to her mom on the phone apologizing to her. That girl’s family finances probably is greatly affected by that cello purchase.

      Poor SJ , stranded far from home. Yeah, HW was a real coward there.

      I’ve been worrying about the ending, too. I don’t know how I will be able to bear a sad ending for HW, but even more so for “word grenade” spewing SJ.

      • Should change that from “follow through the dark and dangerous world of Seohan” to “follow away from”

    • Yes, the different experiences of their sex life by chairman and ahjumma were hilarious. He comments on her being a block of ice in the beginning and then being on fire. She said, it was utter boredom. Lol. I bet so many men are cocksure of themselves and yet are wrong all the way.

      Cello snob gets so much screen time, I get the feeling she will be the reason the empire will crumble. Hopefully it will not bury Hye Won.

      About the mouse trap scene. Yes, I see it just like you do. They added another scene like that later in ep 6. When she visited him in his apartment and they stood outside, talking about finding a resting place for her (!!!), he said there’s only his home, but it’s ‘dark and dangerous for you’, she answers ‘I’ll follow you well’. (Trying hard not to get my hopes up for a happy ending.)

      • Oh, now you’re getting me all excited for a happy ending! With SJ a beacon of light for HW to follow through the dark and dangerous world of Seohan.

      • @Newbie-
        Yes, I loved that dark and dangerous line, too!
        There is more about the mice, too:
        In Ep 6, SJ tells HW, “YOU Have to close the door.” and she replies, “YOU SAID mice will come in, right?”

        It’s up to her to cut ties with what is going on, he cannot do it for her.

        More about the trap scene –
        HW said being in the trapped burned. It hurt being in the trap, but it hurt even more to get out of the trap. Free from the trap, everything stopped hurting, but there was residue to clean up. He wanted to help her, though, she refused his help saying she could do it herself.

  10. I think taking SJ’s mom out of the picture is a smart editorial/writing choice. The drama is more about exploring the human condition (through music, common passions, and reasons why people connect despite the odds of a situation) than a traditional k-drama with the usual hijinks. There are probably good reasons for keeping her there in the beginning as it conveys SJ as a decent human being – dutiful, responsible and good son – without characteristic family issues (looking for a mom substitute in HW, for example) as well as a choice that helps manage the affair’s complexity and minimize some of the more painful complications to follow. If his mom were still part of the picture, HW’s doubts, story and relationship wall would be even harder to put in an appropriate context from an audience standpoint (harder for the director/writer/producer to execute a thoughtful story in 20 episodes, especially given the style of execution). The existence of SJ’s mom would a) get the audience in a constant uproar about SJ/HW relationship despite SJ’s mom (b/c what Korean mom would not object to her 20-year old son having an affair with a 40-year old woman, who is married nonetheless); and b) undermine the credibility of the adultification of SJ’s character. A guy who lives with his mother and who doesn’t have his own place, his haven to share, would quickly sleazify the drama (or make it commonplace) and create too much undesirable noise, derailing the core of the story. (He’s 20 after all, so there’s a lot of social subtext that the drama has to handle.) Also, I like the underscoring of his identity, confidence, decency, and self-awareness as being tied to his place (not his mom’s place). He can truly be who he is without apology or conflicted, staying true to his passions, yet not be the typical romantic wanderer without roots. (I love SJ’s line about how he wishes not to be discovered until the end. It shows that these characters came together not because of ignorance, stubborn ideals and hamstrung notions of romance and love.) I think it also makes SLA more memorable and impressive because it’s not just about some chance love affair or a momentary lapse in judgement or morals.

    The characterization is done in an effort to perhaps show that these individuals are not out of the ordinary; nor are they unethical and amoral. Yes, there is their outsized talents in music – but that is a detail that could have been substituted for any talent or interest that connects one person to another. Their immoral act was a choice because of some incidental hole – one that somehow deepened over time and can no longer be readily ignored. Something that perhaps their chance meeting and relationship was able to fill in some way, and at that moment “awaken” them, where no other person could. (Apologies if my comment sounds a bit highfalutin but just a thought on the drama’s execution choices.) SLA is not about glorifying or warranting the affair either. Seeing the execution choices made in Ep 8, I think the director/PD/writer understand very well the social context in which they are broadcasting SLA. And that’s why I don’t think this drama is aiming for a happily ever after. At least it doesn’t have to aim that way without giving these characters a thoughtful journey for viewers to be a part of.

  11. Here’s what I need to happen that probably won’t happen in the way I imagine it. I need Hye Won to pull a Madam Han and flush that brat Young Woo’s head down the toilet. Madam Han had the perfect idea in episode 1. It’s so painful to watch how nastily everyone treats Hye Won and also watch how she has to just suck it up and bear it in silence. Even Madam Han…I thought they were friends but this episode really made me feel the distance between the two. Madam Han is just keeping her double/triple enemy close.

  12. I’ve already watched the episode but I love to read ur recaps and ur comments ! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
    I do love this drama is so close to reality, rite?!

  13. Hye Won in the bathtub checking if her body parts are drooping while recalling Seon Jae’s word that he wants to sleep with her someday, it was so subtle and touching. She looks vulnerable. She feels insecure by her age and can’t believe a young healthy hot man wants to hit her. I think she cries because she’s touched by his words. KHA is such an amazing actress. And so is YAI.

    • Yes, I felt as if I could totally read HW’s mind comparing her “drooping” body parts and comparing them to a 20 year old’s.

  14. I, so enjoyed your comments and Ockoala’s recap. You all make me laugh. Look forward to reading more comments regarding SLA.

  15. Thank you, koala, for another interesting recap! I really enjoy reading your thoughts on these characters.

    When SJ is in his apartment sitting on a bed and thinking about HW, I don’t think it’s his bed but his mother’s. There no sheets or blankets on it. Maybe our neat and tidy SJ is in the middle of changing his sheets? Or, maybe the PD is trying to convey a message. Or, maybe I’m over-analyzing things. Lol

    • Same thought with you. I don’t recognize his bed. When I first saw that scene on the teaser I thought he was in someplace else, not in his own bedroom.

  16. Agree, it’s his mom’s bed. He is so lonely, his closest friends don’t understand or get him at all.

    Which makes me think of him rejecting the phone number of Ji Min Woo. Did he do it out of jealousy? Or didn’t he feel any connection with this guy roughly his age? Or was it both? Sun Jae seems to be much maturer than kids his age. His behaviour underlined why he is so interested in someone so much older than him.

      • I was wondering about that phone number thing too. I think Ji Min Woo was not exactly being friendly but playing games in the name of rivalry. It seemed like he was bragging/name dropping more than anything and Sun Jae didn’t bite the bait. He just sort of scoffed at the offer to change numbers. lol

  17. Thank you Koala for the wonderful recap. I feel bad that this series is being overlooked by a lot of K-drama lovers. Althpugh its not as bright sunny side up like You who Came from the Stars , this id one of the few K-dramas that I find very challenging to watch. Its sad that sime people are not so open minded. The story is well executed, characters are, developed with complexity, their daily lives are realities if not all for some. All in all, this drama is very human. It doesnt flood you with baloons nor drwon you with angst. The very fine details of their daily lives is so real and at times , that i cannot help myself but say ” yeah… That kind of situation is difficult or that kind of words ill probably choose to say given the conditions.

    Thank you again Koala. Well said. Love this drama. Its truly special in every way.

    • I actually don’t think it’s being overlooked at all. The ratings are doing well, and a lot of international drama watchers are tuning in as well (especially, if you compare it to A Wife’s Credentials). Even one of my friends, who watches maybe two/three dramas a year, is watching. It probably helps that both Viki and Dramafever are subbing it.

  18. Though I haven’t watched any of the episodes yet, through the recaps, insights and comments I can connect with the characters and can feel their angst, longings, and other slew of emotions.

    It would be so nice if they release a soundtrack of all the classical pieces played in the drama.

    Can’t wait to read Ep 8 recap.

  19. The mousetrap analogy! Brilliant. I did pick up on the many times Seon Jae was her safe place, her home throughout this drama.

    It upset me how she stranded him. I saw on second look how she was hyperventilating, and I know she expects other people to use her so she cannot conceive of someone simply wanting to help her. Even so it was one of her ugliest moments. Seon Jae was extremely patient and forgiving. He “gets” her like no one else.

    His words again slay her, and me!! Honest admission that he wants to sleep with her someday.

    The contrast between the men, polar opposites!! SJ wants to know how she was injured, how to help so she feels better, to protect her, he feels angry and powerless that his love is not enough in this situation. His is the mature and caring response. Hubby? He sees it as a bad reflection on himself and yells at her. Self absorbed little child man.

    I think with this episode Hye Won finally starts to realize that Seon Jae is nothing like the rest of her relationships. He is a pure angel, a bright light in her otherwise dark world.

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