
Joseon Gunman Episode 13 Recap — 6 Comments

  1. thx so much for this recap! gahhhh…why can’t YK be truly happy for one whole episode with his loved ones???? like you, Ms. Koala, i think i need to take an anti-anxiety pill b/c of the baddies winning this round

  2. Thank you so much!!! I’ve been waiting the whole day… biting my nails and refreshing the page like crazy. I simply love this drama, very well written and the perfect job of Lee Joon Gi, he definitely has developed into a great and picky actor after his army service: Arang & the magistrate, Two weeks and Joseon Gunman.

  3. Thank you for fast recaps. Last night was tortured unable to understand the whole episode but had much feelings for Yoon Kang and his plight.

  4. Poor Yoon Kang just can’t get a break!
    I’m hoping that the King is planning to rescue him on the sly even though he ordered YK executed. Otherwise, I can’t imagine how YK is able to escape on his own.
    Or maybe Ho Kyung will try to help him.

  5. This is the first time that I dislike Hye Joo – not for protecting her father (that I can still understand) but for her statement to Soo In that henceforth both of them will not be able to have Yoon Kang. Judging by her words, it would seem that she has selfishly thought of the consequence that her good friend/rival will also not have a future with YK.

    Any sympathy I had for Choi totally `evaporated’ from this episode.

    Poor poor Yoon Kang – he really is learning a harsh lesson of how powerful his enemies are that even the King is unable to protect the innocents.

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