
My Lovely Girl Episode 10 Recap — 24 Comments

  1. The scene of Se Na almost fainting was a bit awkwardly acted by both, lol. It was funny. The rest was fine, and I love them anyway. Now the fact that her being hurt by someone she loves is enough to even get her sick the way she did this episode is even more funny. Oh k-dramas, you never disappoint with your utter exaggerations.

    There’s nothing much to say because it’s going exactly how I expected it to. Exactly. Now we need one more dramatic bomb so we can get a bit more angst (or not much, it depends) and then the drama ends with them together. Ta. Da. It’s Shi Woo that keeps me watching, personal bias aside. I really like what they have done to his character. He has such strength to keep going on despite the downfalls he’s suffered and he’s just…entertaining.

    I can’t buy that Se Na still thinks that Shi Woo’s joking about his feelings, lol. Like come ON now. The drama needs to stop dragging this. It just makes her look daft when she’s not like that in anything else.

  2. So it was all about Jae Young having his pride hurt after all? If petty was on sale, you bet that Jae Young dove and got a 1+1 with it too. I’m surprised Hyun Wook even considered this guy to be his friend at all at some point in their lives.

    I’m liking Shi Woo’s trajectory and unlike koala I feel that this episode wasn’t totally wasted, as far as his end is concerned, because we get to see this cocky kid slowly maturing both as a singer and as a person. He’s still pretty brash and while I don’t buy that Se Na isn’t aware of Shi Woo’s feelings, I think that their non-romantic banters are just fun. Even with Shi Woo harboring feelings for her aside, they make a great chemistry just as friends, even more so to as what Hyun Wook displays with Hae Yoon, and they’ve only known each other for such a short time too. Maybe because Se Na tries not to take his advances seriously that it works, actually, I’m afraid once things turn out for the serious then Se Na and Shi Woo would just be awkward. So it’s all good for now with Shi Woo just approaching it lightly and Se Na playing along nicely. Angst between the two just doesn’t feel right.

  3. Hae-yoon is such an overbearing bitch who thinks she has the right to control people and make them do as she pleases. Ugh, everything about this drama’s cliche works for me other than that one thing. She pisses me off more than even Jae-young or Hyun-wook’s father. Because while they actually are controlling or psychotic, they don’t believe they are good people. They know their flaws and accept it as much. Hae-yoon’s most irritating personality is that she thinks she’s doing the right thing for Hyun-wook and he should listed to her because of it. It’s just hideous!

    Hyun-wook’s breakdown broke my heart. I’m glad he’s stopping this torture to him and Se-na. They both don’t deserve the pain they went through in this episode so I’d have whacked Hyun-wook’s head if he allowed for this noble idiocy any longer. I’m just happy I don’t have to spend the whole week wondering if they’ll reunite in the next episode or not. Yay for quick-ish separation!

    • You and almost everyone, lol.

      They can support it. What’s surprising to me is that some viewers still express that they might end up together when everything has shown otherwise. The whole entire drama is built on the leads being with each other. I personally think that was a downfall. It is what it is though.

      I’m wondering what is Shi Woo’s family secret. It’s on his character description, though speculations on him being a half brother has gone dry.

      I think ockoala’s off on the CEO Lee/wife/Kang/trainee subplot. That trainee was a trainee two years ago. Didn’t Hyun Wook and So Eun fight over a rumor that he was seeing some trainee? Food for thought.

      • “Almost everyone” – Nah, that just depends on where you choose to talk about the drama or search it up. Because Soompi forums, Couch-kimchi, Breathlesssurvival to name a few are all extremely skewered towards the main OTP.

    • I agree. Just not feeling the HW relationship. I don’t care how many times they kiss, it feels weird knowing that he also slept with her sister. I like SN and SW together–they just fit to me.

      • Yeah I feel the same about HW relationship. Even the plot obviously directs viewers towards that OTP, I don’t feel heart-fluttering romance when they’re together.

  4. Does anyone in the world care about Hae Yoon? Gah. She creeps me out. How many times does Hyun Wook need to tell her to bug off before she gets the hint. So. Annoying. Go to the other CEO already and let our OTP make eyes at each other and make out. Sheesh.

    • Ugh I feel the need to rant about her! She’s so irritating, and it’s also Sang-Jin’s fault for encouraging her. What kind of friends does Hyun-wook even have? They are seriously so self centred and don’t see him while making apparent decisions in his life. Like WTF is wrong with these people. I’m starting to think Hyun-wook was happier living in isolation all those years because at least he didn’t have to keep up with these demented people.

      Jae-young might be a jerk and I’d probably want to punch him when he screws over the OTP’s relationship next week, but for now I’d like him on my screen far more than Hae-Yoon. Girl needs therapy. And a psychiatrist.

  5. The writing for this show is _____________ flat lining. I had very low expectations for it but I still find myself disappointed & I use the FF button a lot. The 2nd female lead is one of the most caricatural clingy witches I’ve seen in a while. Ppalli, ppalli! The follow up drama so my brain cells could revive.

  6. I don’t understand these second leads, if I’m rejected or igbored no way in hell would I oine. I’d be living the good life in front of that person everytime…while being sad and cursing him out the other times

  7. Can I have my own Shiwoo? He’s such a straightforward person but so sweet at the same time. When will they reveal the big secret about Sena’s sister… I don’t see any point in dragging it after all Sena and Hyunwook will be together at the end.

  8. I hope I’m not the only one who’s just sick and tired of that non-ending, totally unexplainable love triangle between Hyun Wook’s father and that director in AnA. Its like a random pointless, emotionless plot that the writer plugged in for no apparent reason other than to fill up screen space. I FF through it and then feel like I may have missed something important. So I go back, and I realize I wasted 10 minutes of my life on it. I think its for the purpose of comic relief, but I’m not even smiling. Such a fail.

    Hyun Wook was frustrating as much as understandable this whole episode. I would’ve grumbled all week if he didn’t confess at the end of the episode, so I’m just thankful the angst won’t extend anymore. They both clearly love each other so reveal the truth and make gorgeous babies together! I’m just kidding, I know they have to deal with upcoming reality crap but if Jae Young is the one that breaks the news to Se Na, I’m really going to be pissed. He’ll probably twist everything around too. I hope she doesn’t get manipulated. Jae Young knows how to play his game and plays it really really well.

  9. This episode had me being like ‘ok wth just get together and be happy already cause I can’t deal with your shit anymore’.
    I’m all for Shiwoo/Sena to happen but if you get a whole episode of the main lead guy showing off his emotional instability and the girl getting ill because he’s being a d**k, then whatever just put them together to get it over with.
    Hyunwook sure is one lucky guy to have two beautiful girls pining and getting drunk for him and then receiving calls to come to their rescue!! Sena was right, he’s just a bad ajussi!! 😀
    I wanna talk about Haeyoon a bit..I actually liked that character at the beginning cause no matter how pathetic it seems to like the same guy for over 12 years, I do think it’s possible, esp if it’s one-sided cause that way you keep idealizing the relationship and how great it could potentially be. Her being cute about it made it a lot easier too. But if you gonna turn her into a scapegoat to move forward the plot of Hyunwook getting the girl, then how can you not but feel she’s pitiful and she just needs to shut the f**k up. Even if she’s in a situation like that you could at least give her some self-respect.

    Overall I still find the Hyunwook/Sena thing extremely dull cause she looks like a school girl with a crush and he seems too much of an ajussi who also needs to move on for real. So in that sense, he’s not that much different from Haeyoon since I pretty much think if he was to die, she would also have fallen for his brother(given he had one) just to have something to remind her of him.

    Shiwoo being the only bright thing in this drama is totally true minus the whole i-always-think-you’re-joking-when-you-say-you-like-me bit. It sure pisses him off but he doesn’t do anything about it either. He just likes her.

  10. I want more scenes with Dal Bong, the golden retriever. Every scene with Dal Bong is totally worth it. Why do these other characters keep getting involved?

    On paper I can buy the OTP despite the age difference. Rain’s a dreamy ajusshi and she’s supposed to be old for her age because she lost her family young. But on the show, Krystal doesn’t convince me. She’s pretty flat, and so L’s Shi Woo. It bums me out, because I liked both of them in other dramas. I like that Shi Woo is insecure but trying to grow. I like that Se Na calls Hyun Wook on his sh–. But dude, Krystal, L, where are you hiding your charisma?

    Only reason I’m watching now is the Rain-Dal Bong OTP! Or is that OTD? One True Dog?

    • One True Dog! Lmao, that’s a good one. I’m going to shed so much tears when our baby doggie dies. He’s so weak to even bark at Hae Yoon anymore :'(

      I hope they’ll introduce another puppy that’s Dal Bong’s offspring. If will be bitter but somewhat sweet farewell. Or better yet, give him a miracle cure. But I know thats impossible.

  11. I want Sena with Shi woo .. because Shi Woo much much much better than Hyun Wook .. but the ending ,, Sena with Hyun wook right ??

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