
So Ji Sub and Kim Ji Won Couple Up for Online Drama Set on Jeju Island — 17 Comments

  1. atleast,Kim ji won is finally getting reconize.i hope she gets a lead role someday.with a very good actor.she is such a good actress…i will definately watch this….

  2. Great News !!! SJS is coming bak.. Kim Ji Won is also beautiful.. 14yrs old difference between them would make me wonder how the script will be created.. Hoping for the best and it will be rank at the top as soon as on Air 🙂

  3. I’m happy for Kim Ji Won. Soon, all the foundation she’s been laying on for her carreer will come to fruition. She’s one lead role away to legit stardom (I know she was on What’s Up? but that was more of an ensemble actually). Hopefully being partnered with So Ji Sub will be the catalyst to put her over the top and finally bring her to the the ranks of go-to female lead, just as her other more popular acting peers.

  4. Also Koala, I don’t know if it’s just me and my phone, but for some reason your site has been acting wacky lately. I just cannot get to load it right.

  5. I’m always down to check out another drama from Kim Ji Won. She’s been growing with each role. The other youngsters in High Kick 3 have gained leading roles on non-cable shows, and as much as I’d like for her to be more successful, I wouldn’t mind if she takes on a diverse range of side characters for a bit longer.

  6. That’s great, it might be only a web drama but starring opposite So Ji Sub is a good profile booster for a young actress. It’s high time she moved to lead roles, she’s beautiful, talented and versatile and as a fan I never need to make excuses for poor acting because she always does well at all kinds of roles. Looking forward to this drama now!

  7. Do not know the actress but working with So Ji Sub should give her all the publicity she needs. I have a good friend who is Jamician , and he love So Ji Sub’s rap. Jamicians are into hip hop, rap, Raggi. He said the people of color are glad the Koreans are into their stuff. He also loves their B boys and said who would ever guess the Koreans would be so good at their stuff. Keep it up!! He loved those B boys at the DMZ on youtube. Everyone thinks they are really HOT!!!!

    • Stop. Don’t ever say people of colour aka Black people love K-Pop. Most of us are not happy with their racist, culture-vulture hip-hop. Their entire industry is watered-down 90s Hip-Hop & R&B. And their disgusting anti-black sentiments is a huge turn-off. Most of these kpop stars are nothing more than korean Iggy Azalea & Vanilla Ice.

  8. That photo should have come with a warning. My racing heart! There are no bad pictures of So Ji Sub but that one’s made with Extra Win. I am so glad to see that So Ji Sub is going to do something this year after all! It’s not that long since I binge-watched The Master’s Sun a couple times. I’ve been looking for more SJS–and in things that won’t make me too depressed. But something set in Jeju should be light. Yay! Even if big age gaps aren’t my favorite. Thanks, SJS, for not depriving us an entire year!

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