
Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 9 Recap — 25 Comments

  1. agree on most of the things…especially circus performance and ha na still not knowing the truth…. but at least this episode was really entertaining (in my opinion)! and yes i’m so rooting for ha na to leave robin and go with seo jin! their chemistry is so much more intense. why can’t robin become bad or something!!!

    • I’ve given up on the circus and Ha Na ever getting a clue on its own.

      The only chemistry Ha Na has shown is with Seo Jin, how the heck can anyone root for her with Robin?

  2. I want to know if robin gets to come out at night and seo Jin in the morning when does the body rest? The human body doesn’t give a F about DID it needs some freaking time off.

    • Yet another aspect of the drama that makes zero sense even with the flight of imagination. In 49 Days, Scheduler took Ji Hyun that she gets Yi Kyung’s body during the day and Yi Kyung gets it back during the night, but eventually the zero rest on the physical body will take its toll. Wish there was some allusion to this here, sigh.

  3. Looks like the big reveal is happening next episode or after that. I honestly never knew Sung Joon could act like this. I hope he gets more scenes. His character is the most intriguing one.

  4. It’s seojin and Hana for me. It’s hard to root for Hana and robin. 2 goody two shoes makes me yawn. I’m happy though that robin is developed a little more this episode. Overall was pretty breezy and entertaining. I’m certain some behind the scenes writing have changed even the lines are different. Maybe too late for some, but for those sticking around, hey change is definitely better than no change!

      • Oh yes ! :p
        Despite everything abt this drama, I’m liking seojin. robin irritates me but lesser these days plus I really enjoy the acting of the two by hyun bin. Add a charismatic villain, why not.
        They are making legitimate plot choices now, just don’t go crazy on us that’s all I’m asking!

  5. Honestly, this drama is a train wreck. Even Sung Joon is bad at acting (I cringed at his angry-revenge eye motion in today’s episode.) And what’s up with Woojung (what a useless character). Even I find the cousin much more interesting now. And I pretty much given up on the circus act. Their meeting today was yet another useless filler.

    For episode 9:
    Plot (↓)
    Editing (↓)
    Character Development (↓)
    Romance Comedy Theme (↓)
    Evil Baddie (↓) <— He's not that great for a villain.
    Overall (↓)

    Terrible plot, terrible acting.

    I thought I would give this drama another chance but episode 9 is yet another disappointing one.

  6. I actually still didn’t convince on how DID function in this story, mainly because Robin doesn’t have any of Seo-jin’s phobias or traumatic memories. He is the split part of his memories
    People keep living with what they can handle,that’s why they survive,so if seo-jin have that memory, why did he appear,to be a good guy that also didn’t remember? says that Seo-jin created Robin to be the person he wants to be,when he want to live as a very full of life experience but DID is about escaping reality (not live in that “bad” world anymore, forget all of that),so I still think this could be 2 person job with seo jin get borderline, maybe that’s why robin still 1 dimensional character,

    anyway, I get that this drama is fictional but the way the story goes just weird for me. It get better and sometimes it interesting but then the twin theory is just need to stop, the romance is just off, how ha na still just like that and didn’t know something other than her feeling? and there’s not much to say when the romance or the comedy didn’t work to me (help me)
    this drama has potential to be super good but I feel like they just change direction and still didn’t knew what to do to fill the gap between the mystery plot and the rom-com or even romantic side
    the villain is the one that I care most, because he show a better job to be a smart bad guy

  7. I just checked the ratings. It was 4.7%. I only hope if this drama end, no actor will get trauma to take another chance soon.

    • seriously?
      this week is lunar new year…so not lot of people watch
      but then,it just sad … and even more sad that I kind of understand why

      • It doesn’t matter that it’s lunar new year. KMHM dropped about 1 % whereas HJM dropped 3%. That’s a big difference in ratings dropped. Just to show that people aren’t interested in HJM because of its poor writing and execution.

      • @purpleclow
        It sad that I do understand why it in 4 mark % in terms of the drama itself
        even as normal audience with no bias,

      • @ purple ; I believe both shows dropped by similarly abt 1% points. Not 4%
        No doubt KMHM is the better DID show but i’m amused at the hate HJM is getting. It’s still a breezy watch for me.

  8. How about this?
    You know how in old cartoons and prolly current ones, too, there is the characters in the foreground and the non-changing background drawings?
    So every time Fred Flintstone runs through his house you keep seeing the same lamp and painting on the wall repeating behind him?

    Everyone in this show is repeating background drawings, placed there for no other reason than the illusion that HB and SJ are NOT standing there on the set alone.

    Hana appears from time to time when she talks to SJ, but mostly she’s a lamp.

    What bothered me the most was SJ’s disappearing glasses. What? Did he take them with him when he receded into the back of his own mind? Does he have a collection of lenses there? Why weren’t they at least on the floor, or on the bedside? Stretching credulity indeed.

    • uhm what actually bothers me is… the hair do… it seems that before SJ wakes up as Robin, he would tussle his hair and sleep and wake again and vice versa with Robin putting his do in its proper place before SJ woke up.

      • The hair and the way they change is the least of the problems this drama has.. Such a waste.hope they decrease the number of eps to 16-17 to save everyone from their misery!!!

  9. There are definitely a lot of things I notice in this drama that are mess up or whatever. Live shooting?

    Anyhow, I am committed to stick around. I am interested in SJ and Hana and I did like Hana and robin here. It’s not intense chemi but it’s comfortable. He does seem to care for her and it give Hana comfort and support.

    It’s true what Hana says cause I think SJ trusts no one and not even himself. He has that desire and want to trust sown one else but he can’t bring himself to actually take that leap of faith and just do it.

    SJ – eeks. I think he is doing ok. I am glad at least he picked a different role. I can’t believe sonetimes that he was the lanky second lead in LTM.

    HB continues to be good (IMO) with whatever crap or oddly nonsensical or funny parts they throw at him. He has me convinced.

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