Categories: K-dramas

Park Min Young Focused on Her Acting and Counters Netizen Critique of Her Looks in Healer

I’m comfortably bipolar when it comes to Park Min Young. She is one of the few acting talents that I judge project to project and don’t carry too much previous opinion forward when it comes to whatever she’s lined up next. It’s pretty evenly split on her dramas I loved her in (Man of Honor, Healer, A New Leaf) and hated her in (Dr. Jin, City Hunter, Sungkyunkwan Scandal). She’s got a natural camera-friendly effervescence, but doesn’t have the deeper acting chops to deliver every time, which means delivering even when her character sucks, or the script is bad, or the directing is wonky. She reflects more the costars she has, good ones elevate her craft and bad ones expose her limitations.

With Healer wrapped up two weeks ago, Min Young has been doing the post-drama interview rounds which has unfortunately been dominated by recent netizen complaints about her looks in that drama. Bad acting is totally a legit complaint, even after a drama has wrapped, but there is none of that with respect to her performance as sunny with a side of grit Chae Young Shin. K-netz is harping about her looks, namely she looks older and isn’t styled very attractively in the drama. Now that’s just silly. She’s actually aging well IMO, and despite wishing she didn’t do that much work on her face early on in her career, what’s done is done and luckily it hasn’t impeded her ability to act. Her face emotes nicely and I thought her look in Healer was supremely adorable (other than Young Shin’s latter helmut half hairdo).

During the media interviews after the drama wrapped, Park Min Young directly discussed the audience commentary at her less than attractive looks in Healer by basically saying she doesn’t give a fuck on that complaint. In very diplomatic terms Min Young said all her attention is focused on acting and continuing her development on becoming a better actress. Good for her on having her priorities straight. With that said, please don’t don’t do anything else to your face sweetie~ M’kay?


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  • Well I find her beautifull and the Netizen are very Demanding. More than her hair or haw styled she was in Healer it was her losing weight for the caractere that affected her beauty.

    • I enjoyed her as chae young shin in healer. Cute character and she did a good job with the role.

  • Yes...please don't do anymore damages to your face. I know people age but it hasn't been that long and she already look so different from "City Hunter."

    • Yes, I think she is beautiful, downright luminous in Healer but then I would see a close-up of her perfectly chiseled nostril and I would get a Michael Jackson vibe - I hope she stops now.

  • "Efferversent" is an apt description. I enjoyed her in SKKS and City Hunter ... and (imo) her best by far - Healer.

    I think she comes across as colder and less bubbly in real life. If really so - the onscreen projection is already a huge effort.

    As for her looks - for whatever reason, she's always reminded me of Eugene (forehead maybe).

    • Short hair makes her look older and serious
      Yeah the later part of series hairdo made her look tired
      The curly bob was better suited for her
      But what's this netizen complaint about her hair so much
      Koala is right
      She was adorable, intelligent and mature in her chae young shin role - that's what matters most

      • Everyone has different standards about beauty. She looks gorgeous to me with short hair either in the first half of Healer or the second half. I'm not her devoted fan. But honestly she looks way better with short hair than long hair. I don't like her style in City Hunter. In general, working women with long hair looks unprofessional and incapable. That's my bias.

  • I don't know whether my beauty standard too low for K-net or theirs are too high. I find her very adorable and beautiful in Healer. Even though she had some work done but she looked really natural on screen.

  • Lol, I'm waiting to see if this article can reach 190+ comments like the Blood does. One is about look and the other about acting.

  • Its official Koala have no taste whatsoever.. this is shocking! you said she looked good? Watching healer i could connect with Ji chang wook cuz he did perfect and looked believable but on the other hand I found it hard as Man to believe there romance since PMY looked waaaaay to bad in this drama.

    She lost to much unnecessary weight and her hair cut looked really bad BUT Aside from that her acting was good but the looks alone is tough to come thru the drama for men espiecally cuz the man the guy is romanzing have to be believable to our intelligence but sadly PMY character was far from that.

      • @Joey100, Linda20 She's a reporter who is continuously on the run chasing people/bad guys and her looks fits her profession. Do you expect her to wear designer clothes, dresses, high heels, long locks, make up????? She ain't have time for that, girl!!

    • Guess people have different tastes, but PMY did look good in Healer. I do not always agree with Miss Koala but I do agree on this one with her. Plus if you watched the drama you will realise that Seo Jung Hoo fell fr her unique character and not her 'beauty' even though PMY as Chae Yong Shin looked perfectly fine.

      • I like Koalasplayground since there is free of speech but sadly this blog is losing credibility. coming in here and telling us PMYs character in healer looked good with straight face is beyond questionable.

        but hey whatever rocks fandoms boats I guess. I Am done with this blog! thanks with the hilarious articles in the past and I truely enjoyed it.

    • I find it funny that people think she looked bad in this drama when she was wearing realistic clothes for her age and her job. I cannot say how many times I have bemoaned the fact that people are shown on television, internationally, wearing clothes that no one who actually works like they do would reasonably wear. Her dad owned a coffee shop, and she worked as a reporter for (sorta) sketchy news service. She was going to be wearing jeans and sneakers. And it is winter, she is going to be wearing jeans, sneakers, sweaters, and hats. Is she supposed to be hiding out and/or sneaking around on people in heals and and short skirts? I thought the clothes fit her realistic character, and her down to earth no nonsense is exactly the kind of character that Healer would fall for in his lonely world, which needed comfort and community.

      • Thats what i am saying. She had a very natural vibe on healer. And people call that ugly. Hahaha then all natural working women are ugly if we follow that thought. That is just fatshit crazy!

        She is not beautiful at SHK or KYH level but she is not ugly. She was pretty and cute.
        But she did change in looks in terms from her gorgeous aristocratic vibe from proncess ja myung go but maybe it is mostly the vibe and yup some work done.
        i certainlu get 5hat one can change the vibe depending on acting with no change in the face much like go ara but people harping on her change of looks to being ugly is just not right.

        But i agrwe with koala she should stop doing something with her face like LDH

      • @Know-It-All Joey

        You and your conspiracy blog theory is getting really boring now.As much as you might find it hard to believe, yes, even we have the ability to recognize posts which are made for clicks and which for sharing views.So I assure you even without your annoying forceful 'coaching' in almost every single post of your declared 'unreliable' blog, we can decide on our own when to ignore and when to interfere.
        and how many times have it been..1001 times that you declared that you were done with this blog?! Unbelievable!

    • and here comes the one as always! I've always tried to ignore your bullshit 'I'm the wisest' pathetic attention seeking comments but you win this time! so let me ask you and give you the attention you are craving for, who are YOU to say if one's taste is right or not? Even if you disagree with what one likes, who gave YOU the right to claim s/he's wrong and you are right? What makes YOU so superior?

    • Every MAN is different. My dad hates girls with long hair and told me not to have long hair since I was young. He thinks women with long hair looks sloppy and weak. My hubby praised my short hairdo more than my long hair. I don't pay high regard for women with longer hair with length reaching beyond shoulder at workplace. These women look extremely unprofessional. On top of that, PMY looks gorgeous in Healer. Her costar leading man JCW also praised her for her beauty on screen. So imo, Ockoala has a taste way better than you.

      • Good grief you seriously made my blood boil, and thank god i managed not to write anything before calming down.
        I'm assuming your dad is quite old so I can forgive his misogyny, but as a woman you should be ashamed and I honestly can't believe a woman has uttered something of the sort. Why do they look unprofessional? Because long hair is traditionally feminine? 'Cause that's the root of your dad's problem with hair. Because oh my women are weak and sloppy, and long hair makes them look so...womanly.

        What the f**k does one's hair have to do with professionalism? Oh right, men are professional, women are less competent and less professional than men, so the less traditionally feminine they look the more professional they look. You might not be aware of it on a conscious level, but that's exactly what you think.

        Most of my life (until a few years ago) I had really, really short hair. I got a lot of crap for it, and some random people on the street took it as their right to warn me that everyone will abandon me and that I will be left alone and everyone will avoid me yada yada. Cause you know, I was a chick with short hair. So at one point I got so fed up I decided to grow it long, just to make some people eat their words. I ended up liking it, and now my hair reaches my waist (it's never shorter than bra level cause I end up eating it with my food).

        And now you're f***ing telling me that regardless of my level of competence (and I'm more hardworking and perfectionistic than most people), I don't deserve respect because my hair reaches my waist? You as a woman to another woman? It's just too sad. Look up internalized misogyny. You're a capital offender.

        Really, now I'm not even pissed anymore, I'm just sad. I think I lost the last traces of faith in humankind I had.

        And all of you who think that PMY looked bad (as opposed to like a normal girl) and that it was a bad thing for this drama, you're beyond hope.

      • I cannot believe I am hearing this from a woman. You judge professionalism on your fellow co-workers based on the length of their hair instead of their work contributions. You should feel ashamed of yourself.

    • If guy only falls for girl because of look, then i feel pity for men cos they're too shallow, and i feel pity for average girls like myself everywhere cos we have to depend on look to get the man. I believe Healer falls for the girl not because of her look but because of her personality. At his first meeting, Healer didn't even care about the girl, not the omg-shes-so-pretty-i-need-to-check-her-out. So, whatever look PMY has in Healer is consistent with the character she supposed to play, and of course par with decent acting, she's done her job as an actress.

  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I dropped the show cause it didn't grab me sadly but I LOVED her look there which was realistic, not that baby doll look she had in City Hunter (for a bodyguard at the Blue House? Ridiculous). I thought her acting had improved too.

  • I blame the hair... Short hair does not suit her & the fact that her hair has so much volume in it makes it worse.. IMO hair does play a big factor in someone's looks...

    But acting is really important so I rather have good acting than pretty looks! I love that she doesn't give a dang on what people say!

    • She looks adorable to me in Healer, specifically with that short hair with much volume, just gorgeous. I hate her style in City Hunter. In my opinion, long hair doesn't suit her complexion. Obviously everyone has different definitions of beauty.

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