
Orange Marmalade Starts Filming and Song Jong Ho Joins the Vampire Side — 12 Comments

  1. Is SJH gonna be the aunt in the webtoon. The one who opens the bar that the girl sings frequently. Or an additional character?

    • I think so too because they don’t have prominent adult male character in that drama apart the lovingly heroin dad or our lead mom that also the school teacher in webtoon.

    • Hahaha…for the time being! 2016 will probably have another script “obsession” (or corporate espionage, maybe??) as usual!

  2. why do you not posting seolhyun cut ms koala? she wears a uniform, looks so pale and with that long straight hair, i think she fits the role.
    and jonghyun photo, LOL. he looks like older (and handsome) brother for seolhyun and YJG :))

  3. When is this drama airing.I love vampire series(vampire diaries,The Originals)although,I dodged,I love,I’m starting to warm up to seolhyun.

  4. Erm…. having actually finished reading the webtoon, I don’t see how YJG fits the role of the human boy or the Seolhyun as the heroine (who is supposed to be cold as she keeps a distance from others). I think they just don’t really fit the image I had in my mind for these characters. However, LJH actually looks like the vampire boy in terms of look, ha! Anyways, I’ll keep an open mind about this adaptation.

    It seems like they’re targeting the teens segment with this cast. With much experience under YJG’s belt, I’m actually disappointed to see that his co-star are not more on par to him in terms of experience.

    I heard that another popular webtoon, Cheese in the trap is being remake into a drama too. I’m particularly wary about this remake as I’m worried they won’t be able to deliver the essence of the story. The plot sounds ordinary but the characters are very complex and realistic so they really need to pay attention to details.. Sigh.. I guess I’m more sensitive when they’re remaking a webtoon I like.

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