
The Girl Who Sees Smells Episode 8 Recap — 25 Comments

    • I love this OTP so much!!!!!! And thank you for your thoughts, Ms. K. I was not sure if CMG felt the pain on his side, or if his bandages came undone, because I watched the episode raw, and I heard a sound, which made them break the kiss. I thought at the time that maybe some of his stitches came undone, hence the sound. I guess I was wrong?

      I really love how the romance has been written in this drama, so far. And it is exciting to see KJH be ahead of the police, knowing that he will be caught in the end. As Ms. K. said in one of the previous recaps, the execution matters, and so far some of it has been really well done.

      I am also curious about why Dr. Chun wanted to reveal to KJH that CES was still alive, if indeed he wanted to protect her. I am looking forward to the things that Chef will (continue to) do, that will eventually lead to his fall. We are half-way through this drama, I am hoping that it will stay this good until the very end.

      • Yes Dr. Chun. Don’t call/text anybody about the identity of the murderer. Just meet up in a secluded church in the middle of the night to tell Mu Gak who thinks you killed his sister. Oh no! Jae Hee found you first! Maaan. I thought secluded areas were safe! Now that you’re about to die anyway, the best way to protect Cho Rim is to write a cryptic message saying Cho Rim is alive. Although Jae Hee is the sole owner of the books, he definitely will never read it. Even if he did, he’s too stupid to figure it out. DAMMIT CHUN! He better have intended on playing mind games on Jae Hee. Otherwise, the good guys are clearly at a disadvantage.

        MG must be getting his senses back, well at least pain. He obviously overexerted himself when he kissed her. His body got too stressed out. Heh. I’m predicting CR will regain her memories in the next 4 episodes. Bring on the angst, drama! I can handle it.

  1. oh how I love this drama and been waiting for recap for episode 8. I can’t watch chef’s scene because he gives me the creeps. but oh the romance and how comfortable this couple so far gave me sweet feeling and I hope I can have that kinda step in relationship. they are such a cute couple…

    I’m still confused why doc reveal that eyewitness still alive and put cho rim in danger. does he want to left clue for cops or someone else but the one who read is jae hee and he finally figuring it out..this week it’s moo gak who is in danger and I sure hope next week will not be cho rim’s.bring the romance more.

  2. haha, i felt that mu gak is soo sneaky in ep 7 when they did the CSI..but all the OTP moments were precious, their banter was cute and their unspoken caring to each other: cho rim did not want to burden mu gak to do the gag without telling him the real reason and mu gak let cho rim release her sadness by choosing the spicy food for her to cry…

  3. I really love how natural their relationship has progressed. Everything that has brought them closer isn’t anything out of the ordinary (for dramas anyways lol), all they’ve done was simply hang out and actually get to know one another. Nothing seems forced as neither hated one another and became friends before developing their feelings. Both are considerate of the other’s feelings and even moments trying to cheer the other one up are simple.

  4. Thank you for the recap! I scared my neighbors today with all the screeching from the cute, and then again with the screaming because Jae Hee is a total creepazoid.

  5. Erm. Now I’m torn. Again I really dislike how incompetent the detectives are. They knew the killer when into Dr Chun’s container. THEY SHOULD SEARCH it first and grab the x-ray files. What they did then? Other than checking the cctv? Even Left Yeom said, maybe Dr Chun has something in the container. But did they immediately went for ir? No! Did they frantically searching the container since it was the last place Moo Gak and the killer went? No! Again, they just let the important information slip to Jae Ha. Even the romance can’t safe it. I just fast forward.

  6. Uh.. but why did Dr. Chun tell Chef that the witness is still alive? I thought he aimed to “protect the witness”? And why didn’t the cops empty the containers or atleast looked through the stuff?

  7. But doesn’t Jae Hee have the letter that the doctor wrote in the box now? If he finds it he’ll easily be able to figure out that eun sul is cho rim….

  8. I’m seriously amazed the RoK police don’t sue this Drfama for defamation. They are so VERY, VERY STUPID. Each episode I have to FF through the clown show masquerading as police work. And this episode was worse than usual because the hitherto competent female cop was as stupid and incompetent as the clowns under her command – hiding in the next room? Stroke of genius, that. Not searching the container that your stabbed colleague had been investigating? Poirot would be proud.

    Obviously, if the cops combined IQs threatened double figures, the Drama would barely last 8 eps, let alone 16, so the reason for their ineptitude is clear, but it’s still aggravating. Just as well the OTP is quite ridiculously cute.

    • thats what i think whenever they do a psychology drama like kmhm who had such stupid doctors but actually all kdrama have that
      1. they cater to specific audience
      2. they dont have time they film 2 ep a week they cannot finesse everything

  9. Although I wish the writer hadn’t made the detectives be such buffoons, in general, Smelly Girl makes me a smiley girl 😀

  10. This episode left me speechless. So speechless that my happiness, giddiness and thrill as well I can’t put them into words! As in wow! Haha. I love the writer for wonderfully putting everything rightfully in their place until now. Whew. I can’t wait for next week episodes! Fighting :D!! 😀

  11. Why bother yourselves with k-drama police? Please don’t expect sense from them anytime soon. I’m just going with the flow.

    And I just love the way Jae Hee keeps having fun fooling the police. Hwaiting Jae Hee!!!!

    * goes back to view tongue action from Cho Rim *

  12. I’m shipping the otp so much I’m actually starting to ship them in real life
    Thx for recapping this wonderful show

  13. I’m loving the drama but I just can’t ‘accept’ some of the plot holes.

    I think the revelation of Chef disability is a great twist IF he’s not a famous celebrity chef that frequent on air and every girl dream (according to CR)which means he must have some stalkers at some point since it’s pretty much a common thing in Korea where ‘idolization’ breeds deranged people.

    Why make the serial killer to have that kind of background? Serial killer should keep everything low, maybe he can be written as a successful chef who own restaurant but ‘celebrity chef’? Pfffft.

    I know I sounded like I’m nitpicking but I don’t care with the incompetent cops since I’m not invested in their story and incompetent cops are not strange occurrence anyway but the chef is as important as the leads because we’re ought to curious with his background, motive, how did he become a monster and how did he manage to get away every time?

    Making him famous a celebrity is stupid choice for me since people can recognize him easily or his fans could follow him and find out his side job.

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