
The Girl Who Sees Smells Episode 11 Recap — 34 Comments

  1. What I don’t get about this drama is why it is called, “The Girl Who Sees Smells”? She barely even sees smell and barely uses her special ability to see smell. I think this drama needs to be renamed.

    • This is actually my biggest complaint! She didn’t see smells all episode long and that’s my favorite part of the show. She did it all the time in the beginning and this is when she should be using her power the most. Then when you add all the other WTF things that happened in this episode…yeah, I’m disappointed. But it’s because I care so much! I just…if they are going to keep having their characters make stupid decisions in order to prolong the conflict 5 more eps, I’m going to be pretty bummed. I like this show so much when it’s being funny and cute and I’m so invested already. Please be better!

      • they actually wanted “sensory couple” as a more symbolic representation
        but the author of the manwha demanded they change it to the name he’s given

      • @nevill I like that they kept the original name though. I just want our girl using her power!

  2. Here we go with the noble idiocy. My head hurts with how stupid these characters are. I mean come on?!! It really takes away from this drama. Ok with some plotholes, but now, it is just getting ridiculous. Things are just not making sense anymore.

  3. I have stopped watching since episode 7. I can’t fathom the silliness and incompetence investigation of this drama already.

    Just one question if there is anyone who can help me. Why Cho Rim adoptive dad didn’t come home. Aren’t he working as security guard and knew that the killer is still around. Why he left her alone in the house and never encountered with Moo Gak? And why suddenly he is in the country side?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. I think in the next episode, Jae Hee is not going to recognize her face, due to his disorder, unless Cho Rim says something.

  5. em, is it going to be another exasperating episode tonight? tonight’s preview: cho rim is safe from jae her (as usual) and doesn’t want to get back together with mu gak…seriously i wish they should cut from 16 episode to 12 episode to maintain a good momentum of this drama…now its all DRAG DRAG DRAG

    • Hahaha. Agree. All we need is one episode to catch the killer & hold a wedding for MG & CR. Episode 12 Finale… Even though I want to see more chunfaces…

      • yes!!! the only bright spark is chunfaces! and even that cannot hold this saggy middle part of the show together. PYC is seriously under-used here. loved him most in RT Prince with Han ji Min.

  6. Thanks for the recap. Something just occurred to me that one of the reasons for the early reveals is to push forward the fight between both Jae Hee & Moo Gak. In the sense that Jae Hee was found to be a suspect more or less 3 times (1) girlfriend: guilty but it was a 1st meet & no one suspected per se just had a scent to go by & their relationship (2) wrong place/wrong time – innocent but got arrested all the same (3) right place/right time a situation which he manipulated to his benefit. At least 3 of those times require a warrant from the prosecution and making him innocent as there has been no substantive proof. Jae Hee is excellent at manipulating the situation to suit his key purpose and playing the power/mind games with the police etc “players” is fun for hum. It is going to be extremely difficult to get him arrested the 3rd time due to the precedence of being innocent. Jae Hee is setting up his board to win should he be prosecuted with this “proof”, he will have a strong defense. In addition he warned Moo Gak that he will not be so nice the next time the police comes to him.

    We now have Cho Rim as a key chess piece/player for both men – one to kill the other to love & protect. So it is going to be interesting to see how this plays out hopefully its done with some shred of common sense and intelligence because we are aware that k-dramas do lack that in their writing. The next victim we believe is the father who clearly has lost his cop instincts where protection & suspicions lies with people & Cho Rim.

  7. I stopped watching this drama. Maybe I will watch later. But I’m not convinced by the characters and the story. And when I watched Yoochun I always have the impression to watch the same character but differents dramas.

  8. I don’t really bother much about the killer vs police dept. plot lol but still it’s too bad this part is taking the fun in the drama. Anyway, I’ve always been invested with the main characters, Choi Moogak and Oh Cho rim and the scent seeing ability. I’m so invested with them individually and as an OTP. For me, they are the type of people that I want to explore, understand and root for in life hahah and they are genuinely meant for each other. They are such an interesting couple and there’s so much fun when they are together and I feel for them when they are going through tough times like in this ep.

    Okay I would just trust our dear PD and Writer-nim that they will do the best for the couple, they owe us a lot with OTP moments and I hope they will invest in our OTP in the last remaining 4 eps.

  9. the review was well written. The story makes sense to me. Some scenes were unexpected but it still portrays how human usually reacts in several situations. the Pace is also fine, Moogak and the rest of the policemen knows that they need to go after Chef Kwon and is only trying to find that piece of evidence to lock him behind bars. Even policemen in real life can’t just detain a suspect even if they are certain he’s the culprit without evidence. I just need to chillax and not let my imagination ruin how the writer wants to present the next series of events. This drama is still far better than the rest of the recent K-dramas I’ve watched.

  10. I stop watching this drama after episode 5. The story line keep repeating and the fact that I could predict it easily makes me lost my interest. However, sometimes I still reading the recaps.

    • you have practically missed a lot. I suggest you continue watching. Visuals are better than plain texts most of the times.

    • Why do people complain and brag how they don’t watch something, but yet they’re still here every episode? Just don’t watch if you don’t like it, simple as that.

  11. ” Frankly speaking, this drama didn’t exactly have secrets that people were intentionally keeping”

    Not true. There was one character who very definitely was intentionally keeping secrets – the cop-turned kidnapper who basically stole Choi Eun Seol to replace the daughter he lost. A large part of me thinkjs that if he was the latest dish in Chef’s menu, it could be considered karma for his callous selfishness, and the self-delusion of pretending it was all for her.

  12. I think Cho Rim will evade Jae Hee for a second time. He has his facial identity disorder and the name in dad’s phone for Cho Rim was just “Daughter” so he technically doesn’t know who she is. If Cho Rim just makes up an excuse like showing up to discuss work matters then Jae Hee will think nothing of her just showing up in the middle of the night.

    There are definitely a lot of flaws to the story that are starting to show. Like why Cho Rim wasn’t suspicious about getting called to Jae Hee’s house by her dad, all the detectives who know (or suspect) Jae Hee to be the killer but are not putting surveillance on him, and Cho Rim now knowing Jae Hee is a suspect but not giving up all the info she has on him like his facial disorder which would explain to the cops about Moo Gak’s Choi Eun Seul’s murder.

    • If you’re talking about when Moo Gak got stabbed, that is because Moo Gak got a phone call while looking for the correct storage crate and I believe he stated his name when he answered the call. So Jae Hee probably figured Moo Gak was on his tail.

  13. Ugh this episode was disappointing. fast forwarded it a few times. I’m glad Moo Gak was perfectly rational and willing to talk things through, but Cho-Rim’s noble idiocy was not very well handled. I don’t think it added any tension for the viewers.

    Another disappointing thing, is that there’s less and less of the “scent” CGI that was used at the beginning of the series. I absolutely loved how she could see smells, I wish they could put that more to use in this bar code murder!!!

  14. I just want to express how GLAD and impressed I am with this drama. I appreciate that they really do away with all the dragginess that could have triggered some useless angst from the viewers. I initially dreaded the obvious break up and misunderstanding that would ensue upon knowing the truth, but the drama thankfully just put reasonable emphasis on it. Now that is over. They try to up the ante in every episode, not shying away from the inevitable like the OTP discovering their connection and even Moo Gak figuring out the Spy app to rid Jae Hee of his edge. Now it makes you wonder how this drama will be able to sustain its exciting storyline until episode 16. Definitely worth looking forward to!

  15. This drama is getting boring.
    I’m not sold on both leads acting esp shin se kyung but i love the lightness of the story…
    Now it starts to get a bit repetitive and silly
    With noble idiocy too

  16. Blah, I hate it when the plot makes no sense whatsoever. Totally agree with all you said, koala.
    My favorite part was when Cho Rim looks totally surprised and terrified at the same time when Jae Hee puts his hand on her shoulder and she turns around to find herself face to face with him….errrrrr, you deliberately walked into HIS house by yourself and now he’s there…WOW, BIG Freakin surprise: he is in his own house!!!! Who would’ve thunk!
    That scene just made me wanna face palm myself.

  17. totally agree with the comments. Show is getting boring and rather repetitive as witness, police and all manner of people waltz in and out of the killer’s house , yet nary one of them is able to obtain a shred of evidence against the owner. The main plot of the Barcode Serial killer is seriously derailing the entire show! the minor crimes which were solved within each ep is proving to be more intriguing than diabolical barcode serial killer. even the toilet smoking pervert was proving more interesting than chef kwon (who just looks creepy). And please everyone, just stop getting into the elevator to the library already! nothing good ever comes out of entering unknown elevators leading to dungeons! also, can Cho Rim please grow some backbone and pause to think before running straight into the killer’s lair,place of work and arms! no wonder Moo Gak seems to have lost weight from the stress of saving you yet again and running around in his trainers.Why are the scenes between Cho Rim and her father so stiff and awkward ? the love and warmth is nowhere to be seen. Sorry but Se Khyung really needs to up her acting skills … esp when PYC is really pulling his weight here and displaying his wide range.

  18. i sense no chemistry between the leads. Whereas in Rooftop prince, HJM and PYC were really able to emit sparks on screen and she is noona to PYC! seriously mismatched couple here! only sense a one way thing from moo gak while cho rim is only good at pouting and collapsing all over the place. sigh. the police may as well camp outside JH’s house considering that they are staking out or breaking in almost everyday …. the police have never looked so incompetent….

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