
So Ji Sub Makes a Sexy Casual Appearance in Warm and Cozy — 12 Comments

  1. I think SJA appearance of reminding me how I would much rather see him in a drama right now than this drama. As likable as YYS is, the charisma difference between the two is great

    • Oh, I know, right? Putting So Ji Sub here for a cameo is just going to make us miss him more! YYS has some huge shoes to fill, so he better deliver!

  2. He looks so damn good! Yeesh!

    I will wait till i watch more than a few episodes to make sweeping judgements lol. I hope the show is good!

  3. My face literally just lit up when I saw these pictures on my computer. Ahhhh sexy ajusshi never fails to make me smile hehe. Well I think just the difference in levels of the main leads in Warm & Cozy compared to Masters Sun is already a sign of the differences in skill. But who’s to say the drama won’t be good? I don’t think anything can top GHJ & SJS, but I’m also really looking forward to seeing Kang Sora & YYS.

    I hope Kang Sora will do well as the female lead here, and wash away my terrible memories of her as the lead in Dream High 2.

  4. WE viewers misses SO JI SUBS on screen. He was such a good actor to always look forward too most especially if it’s a comedy romance drama. FIGHTING!

  5. Koala you are not exactly accurate about the Hong sisters ratings track record, out of 9 dramas they wrote only 3 failed to hit 20%.

    And out of those three You’re Beautiful was a mania drama with high online ratings and sold out concerts and merchandise/lots of cfs for its stars aftwewards, so really 2 out of 9 not succeeding is really a good record. Anyway let’s see if Warm & Cozy will succeed too.

  6. SJS on my screen is always great. now let’s hope it’ll give him the appetite to make a drama on his own. i miss him so much in a good drama..can’t wait to watch his cameo and the drama..warm and cozy fighting!

  7. Already watched the first episode.
    I thought I could instantly fall in love with this drama. But It failed me in various way. I Love you Kang So Ra. That’s why I will watch the second episode tonight to give this drama a second chance.

  8. Seeing SJS brings up lots of fond memories of my Joo Jong Won days…

    But what i really want to say is.. LOL at your Jisung revolving header, Koala!

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