
Lee Seung Gi Happy and Settled into Army Life in First Snap Since Enlistment — 18 Comments

  1. I miss him so terrible awfully much :'( this dongsaeng here is proud to see him smiling. He sure looks good, he already is the type who puts on little make up, so his pics here look like still from a photoshoot or drama. Puppy is glowing <3

  2. He never fails to show his signature bright smile wherever he goes. <3/My love LSG, have a safe service we will all be waiting for you.:) Anyway, can't wait for his new single composed by psy soon and also his movie with Shim Eunkyung in the second half of 2016!^^

  3. Just need one smile from him and it assuring me that everything will be alright. Well, even though between my worries I’m always sure he’ll doing more than fine there. SeungGi is someone who sometimes miss an ordinary life. Of course military life is far from how ordinary life is, but from the day he enter the camp, I can see how excited he was to start this non-celebrity life. When he debuted, he was in all boys high school, I think he must be miss this all men’s life and I’m sure he’ll adjust well. He was student body president in both middle and high school, and after all he is the good natured SeungGi who can get along with even a stranger he meet in journey. He must be will make new best buddies from army. Please stay safe, healthy and happy SeungGi-ah.. I’ll wait for your return 🙂

    PS: I think SeungGi (and his squad colleague) make a V sign because they’re in 2nd Squad of 3rd Platoon. Army bromance feels.. ^^

    • When even paparazzi who following him around to his house, salon and restaurant till the last day didn’t found any.. how can you know he has new gf. from your so called insider? Lol I think that insider must be just inside your mind. XD
      Unless you mean the new gf was me, because I miss him a lot now. 😛
      Sigh.. What am I doing feeding a troll like these. Lol Should stop this. bye..

      • Wow! He’s just a singer. You react like he is your family or like someone you know personally. He’s just a human like us. You must be a real troll to get upset like this lol

      • shhht it’s me, I was disquised as Kang Ho Dong that day 😉 I scared him quite a lot especially when I hugged him till he couldn’t breath, he thought it was his Ho Dong hyung and almost broke up with me. Wish us a happy valentine days <3 I'll send him greetings from ya'all fans ^_^

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