
Glorious Shu Qi Marries HK-star Stephen Fung and Releases Adorable and Loving Wedding Pictorial — 32 Comments

  1. They are so so Gorgeous! Always thought Stephen is super handsome and shu qi looks so lovely! So very happy for them. Plus I love their photos – the mood captured is freaking awesome. Love that he was holding the roses… so cheeky. ??

  2. That is an awesomely simple concept for their wedding photos. And I love that there were so msny close up shots. Congratulations to the happy couple.

    Did any Korean couple get married? Cos’ it sure feels skewed.

  3. Koala, these are the most adorable wedding pics among all the celebrity celebrations you’ve posted so far. My personal taste. Love it!

    • So simple and yet so beautiful. Love it more than the luxurious weddings who were really too much ( angela baby, … Lee byung hun… Jang dong gun…)

      • And Michelle Chen/Chen Xiao. LOL…I can’t quite appreciate one particular tacky piece of MC’s wedding gowns.

  4. I am one of those who wrote in shu qi’s ig and said their relationship is goal hahaha…

    Congratulation, this jie looks really ‘blossoms’ with him by her side. But isnt stephen a director? Movie director?

  5. oh my gash, they are so cute. im so happy for her to finally meet the right one. i remember previously reading she is not the marriage type. i hope they have a blissful marriage life.

    My girl crush has met her right one and im super happy its stephen

  6. Aww i love their pictures! Both looks so lovely and gorgeous. All smiley ❤
    This is my favorite wedding picture so far. Looks simple but beautiful.

  7. Congrats to Shu Qi and Stephen Fung! I absolutely adore these photos! The concept is quite simple, yet it perfectly captures their love for each other.

  8. Congrats to the beautiful couple! Always thought Shu Qi was sexy even with clothes on. Very glad she found her own happiness after what happened with her and Leon Lai many years ago.

  9. They both look amazing n in love. Both still looks so youthful. The best type of marriage is the one celebrating love and not importance of a wedding g event. Their photoshoot oso shows their personality

  10. Awww, such cute and happy photos! I like these better than those over-the-top shoots many celebs like to go for. These two look genuinely happy together and it comes through in the photos.

  11. Those are the best wedding photos I’ve ever seen! It makes you smile and genuinely happy for both of them. Cute couple. GOALS! Haha

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