
Recently Married K-couple Gu Hye Sun and Ahn Jae Hyun Join Cast of tvN Reality Show Newlywed Diary — 18 Comments

  1. Just my opinion. i don’t watch realities shows . For me it’s for former stars who wants at all cost regain popularity . So i may say that i’m disapointed with Ghs decision because i allways saw her as a private person with an artistic sense. The same goes for the couples with their children…no comment ! Unless she does that for a charity cause.

  2. For some reason I agree with your views on this, Koala. However, I also think whilst this couple is on their honeymoon period it might be a good time to earn the most money and interest from audiences. What happens in the future is the future.

  3. These two generally can’t act. I guess they must have resorted to this as their last option to make money since i doubt that they both are making decent money out of acting. It’s weird how they insisted on low key wedding earlier this year and now all ready to be on camera almost 24/7. It’s totally.contrasting action. And i never undetstand people’s fascination with reality tv shows like “Return of Superman” etc. What’s so interesting about peeking into other people lives?

    • Whoa life is half empty isn’t it for you?

      If Na PD thinks they are tv worthy there must be something to it. Besides, Return of Superman is cute to watch and it’s nothing like watching American tv reality. It’s clean and actually amusing. Plus touching. Like they have an episodes where the dad relieved the moms for one random family each. The American reality shows- are all about ” me me me “.

      • The only reality tv show that I watch is the competition format. I just don’t find it interesting to peek into other people daily lives. Probably because I know that the camera is on almost all the time and everything feel pretentious.

      • Every thing is pretentious….your dishing out judgement right, left and center on a show that has babies and toddlers as main stars. Some them can barely walk when join and grow with the show, how do kids fake it, please enlighten me. Have you watched even one episode featuring any of the kids ever?? I am not saying its a perfect show but it doesn’t deserve the criticism you’ve chosen to bestow on it. These are little kids with their parents not Hollywood variety fame hungry bunch.

      • I know the kids did not fake it but I felt the set up was pretentious. Like they need to squeeze something out to show on tv. And I was done watching after only 1 episode since like I said, I have absolute no interest in other people’s lives. And as I mentioned earlier, I don’t get the fascination on this kind of format be it Korean or American or whatever versions. When the camera is on, I could hardly feel anything is genuine esp when it is meant to be marketed for tv. Having said that, I meant no ill-thinking on the kids.

  4. I generally like this couple but this news kind of gives me Jessica Simpson’s Newlyweds flashbacks from way back when and that didn’t end well, so idk.
    But this is Na PD, so this shouldn’t be a straight out reality show, right? His shows are always ‘we go somewhere and spend the night’, or ‘we go somewhere and cook’ or ‘we go somewhere and play games’. So this show should something like ‘we go somewhere and act newlywed’, right?

    • Off of topic, Koala i’m waiting for your comments on the red carpet and winners of MBC Drama Awards.Every year i like to read yours articles about the end year ceremonies.

      • I expected so that Lee Jong Suk will take the Daesang since there was no stiff competition and he is super popular compared with Jin Se Yeon (undeserving) and Kim So Yeon. I love love love Lee Sung Kyung. She was so beautiful last night and she has proven her potential with Weighlifting Fairy KBJ. Baek Ah may need to pass over his gf to Wang So for next project. Lol.

  5. I somewhat feel the same and it kinda doesn’t feel like something GHS would do…. BUT we need to remember this is Na Young Seok PD and he is one of the best variety PDs there are currently! This will definitely not be a straight forward reality show. I have faith in Na PD, he has discovered some of the best variety personalities!

  6. its Na PD, it was probably hard to decline! I think a lot of k-reality shows are quite positive compared to its American counterparts, where drama takes president, take superman is back for example, it’s normal for Korean dads to not get involve with their kids daily needs, because they are busy providing for the family and they somewhat get disconnected with their children. The show though, emphasises the importance of getting involved with the children and making them realise what hardships their wives are going through! We most likely won’t see any of those drama in k-reality shows, because culturally both are so different.

  7. As much as I too share to some degree the same concerns as you guys I also think of this factors and think they should be fine.

    A) Although both of them are consider “bad” actors they are professional who are familiar with been around camaras all the time.

    B) Unlike american realiety shows the Korean realiety shows seems to shoot on a specific schedule not 24/7. I notice that the camaras seem to be rolling constantly in American realiety shows which I think is really invasive ends up causing frictions. I’m sure that’s the case here because at least Ahn Jae Hyun has to shoot for 2D1N and that right there tells you he wouldn’t be available to do 24/7 shooting for this.

    C) This show is going to transmitted in TVN a pay cable channel which means is not going to be view by as many people as if this show was been transmitted by one of the big 3 broadcasting network in SK. Sounds like a compromised between the production and Gu Hye Sun who is a much private person.

    D) PD Na is know for his successful and family oriented variety/reality shows. He wo

    • I don’t know why my post was cut off at the end but anyways. I was going to said that PD Na wouldn’t be creating drama for drama sake unlike the American reality shows. So I trust that they should be fine.

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