
Shin Se Kyung Radiant for Cosmopolitan Korea and Readies to be Bride of the Water God — 15 Comments

  1. She actually makes a good model..though if only she would be consistent in giving good acting performances *sigh*

  2. Even now, esp in a place like dramabeans, people are starting to attack the poor girl for her so called ‘poor’ acting and judged it based from a BTS clip released by tvN. And of course, no body criticized NJH for his flaws 🙂

    • Says who? People on db as well as knets have been very critical of Nam Joo Hyuk ever since he was announced as casting.

      People were actually hoping Moon Chae Won wouldn’t take the role because they didn’t think he was worthy of being her male lead, and I’ve seen comments even saying Shin Se Kyung is the most talented of the cast.

      • Im Joo Hwan is the most talented of the cast!… SSK’s acting has not been consistent, so people are not convinced… She looks nothing like the manhwa’s character, I wish her hair can be long and flowy… hope she will deliver a good performance to prove people wrong…

      • I think they said it before it was announced Im Joo Hwan would be joining the cast lol.

    • When did you read the comments? Let’s not talk about what people wrote months ago over there. But instead, check some of the latest entries to see *winks*

      • I looked at the most recent post. It’s still got people saying he’s not right for this role/they are apprehensive about the setting change, though others are won over by the pretty.

  3. It’s ridiculous that Nam Joo Hyuk got to move to lead roles so fast despite really not showing the kind of ability one would expect of a male lead. He and Seo Kang Joon are the same – pretty faces with questionable talent (they’re only good at one type of role/acting) who only get lead roles because of their agencies.

    It’s ridiculous that these boys keep getting lead role opportunities while far better actors languish in second and third lead roles. And don’t even get me started on the fact that Nam Joo Hyuk books lead roles in full length dramas while Kim Seul Gi (his first costar and far more talented than him) is stuck in supporting roles.

    Don’t get me wrong, he seems nice and likable in Weightlifting Fairy. But he’s nowhere near the earlier generation of model-actors (Lee Jong Seok, Kim Woo Bin, Lee Soo Hyuk et al) for talent.

    • You can add Sung Joon and Kim Young Kwang.Tall and handsome but a hit or miss in dramas and acting is mediocre.They say KYK has improved in lookout but still for the amount of roles he has taken in his career..”improved” is not good enough he has to be good.At least Ahn Jae Hyun acknowledged the criticisms he got after ‘blood’ and went back to doing supporting roles.Also Hong Jong Hyun is also humble enough to build his experience in supporting roles.His next drama will star with Yoona but as second lead.

    • Lol their ancestor model of bad acting is Song Seung Heon.Very good looking,started out as a model,quickly started grabbing lead roles and appearing everywhere in sitcom, drama, movies etc..Has limited range Consistently bad.He has acknowledged it several times himself.He has only recently graduated from worst to bad with his role in saimdang.

      • Lol I really think Lee Jong Seok and Kim Woo Bin etc are much better actors than Song Seung Hun.

        Hong Jong Hyun was really enjoyable as a villain in Moon Lovers, he and his eyeliner were fun to hate. Same with Lee Soo Hyuk in Scholar Who Walks the Night, that was a great fun performance.

    • Nam Joo Hyuk had some awesome scenes with the therapist in Weightlifting fairy, like when his eyes went from empty to full of tears in one second, when the psychologist pointed out that he should be hurt by what happened with his mother. I was surprised to see such a realistic response, this is something you need to be good to be able to do it. I saw him in Scarlet heart and WF and I think he has potential. Of course I might be wrong but I don’t understand why people are so negative about him and suspect they are blinded by his beauty and are not able to see through it. It’s well known that pretty actors need to go ugly to get recognition, like Charlize Theron or Matthew Mcconaughey.

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