Kim So Hyun is Sophisticated in Fall Fashion After Successful Guest Starring Turn in While You Were Sleeping
It was an added treat for me to watch Kim So Hyun‘s multi-episode guest starring turn in SBS Wed-Thurs K-drama While You Were Sleeping. I worried that female lead Suzy would be so weak that Kim So Hyun might be the highlight of the drama and happily that’s not the case. Suzy will never be as technically natural and proficient at acting at preternaturally talented Kim So Hyun but in While You Were Sleeping she’s holding her own with a fun presence that’s perfect for the role. Kim So Hyun seemed to have fun with yet another high profile guest drama turn after Goblin late last year, and frankly I’ve liked both better than her own leading lady drama role in Ruler: Master of the Mask. With the winter dramas all lined up it’ll have to be 2018 before she’s back on the small screen, in hopefully another leading lady role that does her justice. She’s stepping into more mature fashion looks for this November Ceci Magazine pictorial but I would prefer her to have more fun with her age appropriate projects without a rush to grow up too fast.
Kim So Hyun is so beautiful!!! Her cameo was my favorite part of While You Were Sleeping! They need to give her and Shin Jae Ha a drama together as leads! They were cuteness personified in the drama!
My bae!! The girl is a natural! Ruler was a waste of her time and talents but thank goodness for PHR giving her that fabulous cameo! Can’t wait for her comeback!
oh wow! girl got curves! ksh has a killer figure for an 18 year old! totally wanna steal those clothes esp the coat! she’s damn gorgeous in this!
She’s just perfect. Not flat like most Korean actresses. Kim So Hyun has curves and long limbs. She’ll be even more in demand with her features and figure in the future.
I’m in agreement. Nice to know she’s not one of those stick thin types. Her upper body is nicely curved and her legs are long and shapely. She grown up beautifully.
Kim So Hyun is one hell of a talented actress. It was sad to see the writer of RULER delegate her to an unimportant character in a drama she’s supposed to be a lead in. Still she did very well with a horrible character. Park Hye Ryun on the other hand clearly knows not to waste her talents and wrote her short but impactful cameo really well. She’s got a great future in store for her with her talents. Look forward to her next role.
I didn’t watch the final episode but I saw gifs of her scene not only did her natural aura and innate sesuality and expressions beat Suzy’s, her visuals are the real “actress visuals”.
Just see the last 5-6 mins of the drama. She’s so good in that brief appearance!
She’s a real scene scene stealer!
Her aura is just no joke. She’s got that ‘it factor’ through and through.
Absolute truth. Her screen presence & aura are WOW! How does she do it? Only 18? For real?
Oops typo, I meant to say *innate sensuality. and Melanie and Momin, her aura is really no joke. Her brief appearances in this drama were actually the only truly interesting bits. She is indeed a scene stealer and her aura is no joke.
I agree with all of you. Her aura is very impressive.
Yeah this girl certainly has IT.
Her vs Suzy is a non-contest, she is five years younger than Suzy but her presence and aura can smoke a hole in the wall with the ‘nation’s first love’. But then I guess that’s the difference between being built up through talent and being built up through media play.
That’s true KSH has been built on talent alone but I would give Suzy credit for creating good chemistry in their bickering sisterly relationship which was one the the highlights for me in the early episodes.
Sohyunnie! Thank you for posting about her Koala! Her visuals are so daebak! Her natural beauty shines through in every shoot! Congratulations on Hanyang my girl! Such a smart girl getting into one of the absolute top colleges in South Korea! Study hard and look forward to your comeback!
Wow, Hanyang? That’s like the top 5 just under SKY. That’s a HUGE deal. Wasn’t she home schooled? Her grades must have been really really good plus she has an impressive resume. Then again I read she was on honor role in elementary and middle school and had very good grades even then. Hardworking & smart, that’s great.
Can’t believe she’s already in her 10th official year of acting. Feels like just yesterday she was a scene stealing evil crown princess. KSH has to be one of the most talented actor in South Korea. Sh really knows how to get into the skin of her character. Makes sense for to be called a chameleon actress. Waiting to hear some news about a new drama for her. Would be nice to see her in lighter roles again.
Love her! Miss Her! When is she back?
Goddess visuals this girl! How does she look so good in every pictorial!
She’s apparently in talks for a new drama in the first half of 2018 but no details yet. Miss her a lot. Wishing her new drama to be brilliant and not a waste of her talents.
Really? Now I really need to know the details! What about male lead? My vote is for Woo Do Han!
What is this I’m reading, a new drama…when will the confirmation come? My bad day just became brighter because of this tidbit if information.
Aside from that this is a a really well done photoshoot. She’s a natural in front of the camera always.
My love for this young actress is out of this world…. Anticipating her next project, gonna hate the writer of Ruler till the very end of time for wasting such an amazing talent.
Same! Worst writer ever & poor Sohyun had to suffer because of her incompetent! Wishing her next project to be a fun romcom. Miss her happy virus forever.
I hope she never ever works with that awful team ever again. The writer has no remorse for butchering her character. They are really lucky they got KSH who tried to make the character work and had perfect expressions but she can only do so much with a horribly written character. Can’t wait for her to take on an awesome new project to completely wipe off the stench of Ruler.
Kim So Hyun is so so good in the finale. The finale was perfect with her in it. Couldn’t have asked for a better ending.
Her parody was hilarious and that blue dress, she looked like a goddess. Beautiful and talented, what a winning combination.
Agree. And I believe her experience in Ruler will make her more cautious and careful on picking a project. Went through that kind of hardship when she hasn’t been an adult yet is awful, but at the same time, once she gets over it, she’ll be a more precocious actress! You’ve struggled alot Sohyunah, please comeback stronger! Miss you so much 🙂
Little Son Hye Jin.She has a bright future ahead of her.Fighting!!
Kim So Hyun is the next generation of Song Hye Kyo.
She is a good actress with visual and still very young. Bright future.
Do you means in terms of visual? Because in acting she is more Son Ye Jin me thinks. Very talented indeed.
visual, acting, aura.Kim So Hyun is said to be more of a Son Hye Jin.I can see her doing great in Chungmuro too just like Son Hye Jin.You should watch the movie “The last princess” where they were the young/older versions of each other.
By saying this doesnt mean she doesnt have her own individual flavour.Its just acknowledging how great she is.Because Son Hye Jin is a well respected senior actress and is the one who os exhibiting those great qualities like her.
KSH wins in terms of acting 🙂 They are both very pretty, and KSH is taller I think…
How tall is Song Hye Kyo? Kim So Hyun is 166 cm me thinks. Both have amazing visuals, pure and ethereal.
from google, 161cm
Kim So Hyun already has a very mature aura and great visuals. She will have no trouble in transitioning to adult roles. She should definitely build up her repertoire in films. Good arthouse films and occasionally dramas would be the path I can imagine seeing her taking. She is not the next Son Ye Jin or next anyone, she is Kim So Hyun. A one of a kind actress. But I agree that I see so much Son Ye Jin like aura in her.
Her aura changes with each role or character she takes on. All her shoots have very different feels never similar. Its amazing how she can do that at such an young age. It shows the depths of her talents. Ooh, arthouse cinema sounds fab but she may be too young right now. In 4-5 years she might though. Right now would love to see her in more rom-coms and action roles.
Of all the young stars I anticipate her future the most. She’ll do very well in everything she does. Her screen presence is very strong.
She is absolutely gorgeous! I have loved watching her grow up to be a beautiful young woman! I also love that she has grown out her iconic bangs! She looks so much more mature and beautiful without the bangs!
She’s my favorite child turned adult actress. KSH is a one of a kind in acting or personality, it’s hard to find anyone with that much talent and kindness. So down to earth and humble despite the number of years spent in the competitive world of entertainment. She’s a true enigma. Wish her the best always and hope to see Koala write more wonderful articles about her.
KSH, I really like her! There’s this mysterious quality about her that draws you in. She’s seems sweet and is very talented. She’s shown a lot of range for such a young person. Her future is very bright, will look forward to it.
sohyun-chan so kawaii! can’t wait to see you for mama japan! fighting!
This is is so pretty
She has it all : talented and beauty
She will be the next generation Of A lister actress
I only watched her in the moon embracing the sun and Goblin And she did really leave a big impression on me
Keep up the good work girl
**She has it all : talent and beauty
She’s already an A Lister and has Hallyu stardom but you’re right she’s going to get even bigger in the future. The world is your oyster sohyunah. Hwaiting!
KSH is my favourite young actress. She always leave a great impact whenever she appear on the small screen. Not only that, she have the skill and is so kind and humble along with a killer visual. Looking forward to her future works now that she is turning into a young adult.
This drama failed miserably in chemistry department just like W2. It is boring and forgettable.
What you referring to? WYWS? It’s the wrong article you’re on. This one about Kim Sohyun.