
Drama Adaption of Beauty Inside Finalizes Cast of Seo Hyun Jin, Lee Min Ki, Ahn Jae Hyun, and Lee Da Hee — 5 Comments

  1. lee min ki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok so I actually haven’t seen the movie, I know what its about but can someone spoil it for me and tell me what happens so I can get an idea of what the show might be like.

    • ***SPOILER***

      I saw the movie on Netflix and can give you a general idea. In the film, the main character was born a male, and lived with the same face/body for 18 yrs. On his 18th birthday, he woke up as someone else and from then on each day he wakes up as a different person for that day. He is a furniture designer and one day he goes to a furniture store and sees main female lead played by Han Hyo Joo and falls in love at first sight. He approaches her and they begin a relationship after he tells her about his “issue”. The film explores the various questions/issues/problems that come with loving someone who is different every day. The main characters go through ups and downs,break up and then get back together, so it is a happy ending.

  2. “a person who changes forms anytime a trigger event happens” sounds like a Werewolf to me… hahaha… I enjoy the movie very much and this drama does not sound comparable just from reading its description.

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