
Park Seo Joon Returns to Korea Trading Gambler Formal for Loan Shark Casual — 28 Comments

  1. funny how he looked different and very well put in the same clothes during the prayer ceremony for his upcoming movie.
    shirt tucked in completely, slippers changed into white shoes and hair brushed up nicely minus that folio and glasses.

    he always nail the looks during events but casual is always hmmm.

    • LMAO! That’s how I look like when I’m in the office where everybody knows me vs when I’m out meeting clients. The same outfit can look really different depending on how you fix it.

  2. His clothing is a huge turn off tbh. He emanates “look at me, I’m wearing brand clothing and I’m stylish” -vibe, which is so nouveau riche and tacky.

  3. “he is on his way back to South Korea leaving Incheon Airport” . I am confused as heck.

    But yah I agree his fashion is hideous in many ocassions.

    • I have to read twice and I think it means “he is back in South Korea exiting Incheon Airport”? hahaha… His style looks ugly! Too much BB cream and stop putting the pink lipstick on (even though this time the color is a bit paler). He acts like he is a big star now… LOL.

  4. Hi koala why you not write article about park shi hoo new drama? I happy that drama was flop only get 5% rating.

  5. I liked him a lot in Youn’s Kitchen 2, he was charming and seemed humble. But now the more I see him, I’m this close to becoming allergic towards him lol must be the overhype and the dating mess. His personal fashion is tragic and looks like a try-hard. I don’t follow him but it seems popularity got to his head.

  6. WHY is this a fashion troll?

    Looks fine to me too – and even the chain is subtle.
    The thick LA rapper sort would be something else.

    Resort Dressing, complete with floaty white pants. And really LOVING those sandals!( I love toe flip flops and toe sandals. Yes very SEAsian-fashion loving, even after 30 yrs in NAmerica!).

    It’s edgy 80s style and also very Bali style (except for the way he tucks in his shirt – so now it’s one in and one out … not just tucked in front, and back left untucked?:P ) …and with those Gucci shades.

    • Resort Dressing! That’s exactly what I was thinking! But Loan Shark resort dressing. I think I might have seen this style in a drama! LMAO

  7. He likes to flaunt designer, down to his bracelets.

    Looks fine to me too – and even the chain is subtle.
    The thick LA rapper sort would be something else.

    Resort Dressing, complete with floaty white pants. And really LOVING those sandals!( I love toe flip flops and toe sandals. Yes very SEAsian-fashion loving, even after 30 yrs in NAmerica!).

    It’s edgy 80s style and also very Bali style (except for the way he tucks in his shirt – so now it’s one in and one out … not just tucked in front, and back left untucked?:P ) …and with those Gucci shades.

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