
Song Hye Kyo Transforms into Melancholy Politician Chaebol Wife in First Stills for K-drama Encounter — 21 Comments

    • You mean 180º, right? 360º take it to the same exact spot or level. BTW, opinions are just opinions. And those before even airing, to me, have 0 importance. I can only understand if I am interested, first, if I have time to watch it, second if the first episodes are appealing to me. Opinions are just opinions. I’ve already dropped dramas with big names, and positive fans “opinions”, because I the story and the acting weren’t appealing to me, other with same fantastic opinions that I loved it, and others with lot of criticism that I thought that were quite good.

      So, we are all unique, and what is great for me, can be awful for you. Let’s just wait and see. Big names without a great plot, don’t turn out as great dramas. 🙂

      • Well what am trying to say is that they seem more accepting of the drama than b4. Of course let wait for drama to air b4 judging

  1. I don’t care for the hairstyle at all but it works for the description of the character. It’ll probably start to change as she’s changed and healed by the ~power of love~

    • Her character is older and far more jaded than him, so its alright if she gives that vibe. However, an auntie? Lets see when they are in one frame and showing their chemistry, to really know that.

  2. so pretty even with short hair…so excited for her comeback with this drama…my entire family always watch her dramas..

  3. This drama looks like it’s going to be a hit! I have a feeling those of us who were sceptical will tune in just to have a tease but will become hooked. I’m keen to watch.

  4. Feel even more excited after looking at all these stills! Imo her hairstyle and outfits are on point here since CSH is supposed to be older and more matured than KJH. They’re not trying to make SHK look younger for PBG or vice versa.

  5. She looks great (but I think she is one of the most beautiful women I have seen) and I love the dark blue ensemble. I’m all for this one since it sounds interesting and I like the older women/younger man pairings if only because we had seen the reverse soooooooo much it makes a nice change.

    • Not a fling more an ‘emotional’ ‘mutual’ connection whereby they bond and become companions and that will be their journey I guess throughout the drama; ultimately leading to love towards the end. That’s my 2 cents worth.

  6. My only complaint about this drama is Bogum’s haircut lol I hope the first 2 episodes are good because melodrama is usually a tough watch for me can’t wait for this drama to surprise me

    • Either you’ve got cataracts or you’re dim witted or just plain both because how the hell do you make an assumption out from her looking old because she’s got saggy tits? Seriously you’re so rude and that comment was uncalled for. If you don’t like her just be honest about it rather then attacking her appearance.

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