
The Charmingly Goofy jTBC Drama Clean With Passion For Now Premieres to Cable High 4.0% Ratings — 101 Comments

      • So?
        Did missjb say tvN isn’t good at picking their actresses?
        She just listed her own preferences.
        Has shit gone to your brain to assume otherwise?

      • And what’s your point?
        Did missjb mention the word superior in any way?
        Are you so triggered by others’ personal preference because they didn’t mention your bias ?

      • I guess some fans are trigerred that one shade that they’ve thrown at her about her success attributable to others, that they doing everything to shot down Clean’s result. For what purpose, maybe to hold yj back and dampen her spotlight. ironically that shade is attributable more to them. They wanted to say their bias was not able to achieve good ratings coz she was paired with idols, but still when paired with a hot actor-still below the expectation. So, now coming out to dampen yj’s results.

    • Her star power to not have a single article trend in the top 5 despite a 2 year hiatus? You know cable gets ratings easily right? Even the videos have very low views so I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Almost all the comments on My DramaList website are also negative. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

      • Her fandom is known to overplay pointless things but in reality their ‘success’ is hollow just like them.

      • Not a single article trend? Are you blind?
        Cable gets ratings easily? Really? Have you looked at the previous drama’s premiere ratings?
        Videos have low views? Again, where are you getting your info from? Your pea-brain?
        DRAMALIST? LOL. You mean that website full of bias international fans like you?

        Overplay pointless things? Not so much as another fandom who likes to overplay their bias’ success and looks.

    • Watched it last night, it’s really good! I see some people say she overacted, but it’s a romcom adapted from a webtoon, you need to exaggerate some actions to be funny. The scene where she lamented about her struggles to YKS touches me a lot, it reminded me of my past struggles to find work after graduation.

      And I see someone is commenting with multiple names below, they all have the same style of names LOL

    • i mean it was more int-netizens rather than knetz. this was hugely anticipated in korea. int-netz boycotting doesn’t affect the ratings

      • Thought those i-nets claimed that their korean counterparts were angry about the age difference, intended to boycott?

      • Nielsen rating is only in 3% range Koala has lied about the ratings. They are not very high. LFG had 4.4% ratings for late night 11 pm slot when tvn was still not popular and MOTW had 2.6% for fri-sat slot when jtbc was still new. The ratings are not a success at this point.

      • @Exaggeration For a non-fan, you really took time to research that the drama’s ratings are not a success???? Wonder for what purpose?????? To disprove that now she’s able to hard-carry a drama despite her age. If you’re rooting for someone else, just be happy that Yoojung is raising the bar for all child actors.

      • She’s hardly raising the bar. Its more like she has to meet the bar that her peers have set. You’re obsession with her is funny. She’s not a pioneer in anything. Girl is even behind on her education. Saeron went to college before her.

      • Joke is on you.
        Peers? What peers? If you are talking about actresses her own age, which one of them has ever set the bar for high ratings? She’s indeed the first one of her age to have a huge hit drama
        And don’t even try to bring Saeron in this. They are good friends. KYJ has her own plans for education.

      • Since @Joke wants box office and ratings specifics, here goes:

        For films way back: Kim Yoo Jung (chaser) and kim sae ron (ajusshi)
        Films now: Kim Hyang gi hands down
        Drama: kim yoo jung (moonlight)

        So, those young actresses from their age group were the ones who raised the bar.

    • The ratings are actually just 3.2 and 3.3 and knets are not really watching it because its not trending on Naver anymore. I think koala has greatly exaggerated the so called ‘star power’ and ‘success’ of the drama. It has lower ratings than Hammurabi for first episode which has the less than popular Go Ahra.

      • hugely anticipated is that why it only trended at no 9 last night while even mama fairy trended above it? even misty had higher premier ratings than this what rubbish. the drama is severely over aggerated on the comedy and the age gap is super obvious and awkward. getting high ratings on cable is the easiest thing especially with this genre. she knew this kind of drama would flop immediatedly on public channel and her true status would become visible. she never has the star power to do well on terrestrial without an oppa.

      • Ni the rating is 4.1 for first ep and 4.2 for 2nd ep. Where did you get those “actual rating” numbers?

      • I agree with the numbers the 4 % number are from TNS I saw the ones from Nielsen is the accepted ones.

      • Lol who told you Go Ara is not popular. Inets hate on her because she can’t act but girl has been in the industry for a decade and has huge hits like Sharp, Reply etc.
        But we are honored you compare Kim Yoojung to industry veterans like Go Ara and the great Kim Namjoo. Her star power will surely grow in the years to come ^^

        And fyi, everyone knows cable channel is known for more quality productions and A-listers are all flocking to this channel. But let’s just pretend KYJ took on a cable channel drama because she is afraid. Oh, the oppa excuse is just old. People used this excuse to hate on Park Shinhye for years saying she is popular because of “oppas”, but look where she is now.

  1. I’m not the biggest fan of the lead pairing but even I’m giving it a chance because of her. To me, she’s honestly one of the most likable (and one of the prettiest) teen actresses in any entertainment industry in the world right now. She’s so easy to root for and I’m not surprised it got a very good premier rating. Most of the netizen comments for the drama were even about her haha.

    I’ve not been interested in many recent dramas so hopefully this is an entertaining watch.

  2. Also I have to say in the past we had many press conferences which were rather boring, dull and so on. But while watching this press conference I could feel the happiness and energy. Also how the cast gets along.

    And the drama conveys the same energy and wicked humor. 🙂

    • I think her easy-going personality works well in establishing cast chemistry. That was fully evident with YKS’s statements, as well as their goofy press con. That is another strong point for her.

  3. Kim Yoo Jung has grown up well. I watched the clips of episode 1&2, just love her acting. She is gifted and talented. She is very pretty and that pair of beautiful eyes is acting along the story line. I am Never tired to watch her. Waiting to see the Episode 3 next week.

  4. I love it although some scenes are a little too much for me lol well I’m sure I’ll love it more once it delves on the more human/relatable scenes in the upcoming eps.

  5. Not also dissing the two male leads but can you consider them even YKS as an A lister? I sort of believe that Kim Yoo Jung is actually well loved in Korea, at her age and bringing in 4.1/4.2% ratings with a non a lister, male leads, she has her own star power. So I wonder where are the inets whingers here now? Lmao

      • Yup, they’ve come. Spouting toxicity on comments that are just centered on thr drama and kim yoo jung. None of the comments were disparaging or comparing. But they were so triggered with the praise on kim yoo jung.

    • THEY ARE ABVIOUSLY JEALOUS OF KIM YOO JUNG HAHAAHAHAHA i don’t blame them tho she’s super pretty and going to the top star actress route lol

  6. It’s KYJ eyes! OMG they literally sparkle. I know its a mass exaggeration but she is like visually perfect and absolutely riveting. Such a natural actress with impeccable comedic timing. I loved the first ep that was so hilarious when she was swooning over her crush. YSK was great as the OCD CEO.

  7. she is really good to make you understand her character, she isn’t naive two goody shoes but also not boy-like.
    She just likeable with her perfect imperfectness and her performance just reach you.
    It’s sad when I saw her getting so dejected in the screen

    and I do like the male character. he is a clean freak that needs help, he is more than the usual “I like clean and tidy” cool man but he is a troubled man that also suffer because his own inability to stand something he saw as dirty

    • True. The phobia (or is it OCD?) of Yoon Kyunsang’s character looked like a mental disorder, not some simple character trait. I also give props to the actor for really conveying the physical aspect of the phobia.

      • I think it’s more OCD and then his germphobia as he’s obsessed with being in a sterile environment 24/7. Episode 2 was a reveal as to why he’s got n such a crux. AND to all those who popped up on the post to share their doom and gloom oh sorry self entitled opinion about how wrong Koala got the ratings and that’s it’s fake news and KYJ is not trending OMG could you not allow us that are following the drama a moments peace and joy to celebrate in her return? We get it and I’m sorry that she’s aggrieved you majorly but she fought to get back from a serious health condition and backlash from that press conference debacle so have a bit like a 0.001 microgram of compassion; like please?

  8. Finally the wait for KYJ is over and it’s definitely a wait so worthwhile:) I thoroughly enjoyed the first 2 episodes! Look forward to the next episode (s).

    And thanks Koala for being unbiased and giving credits to YJ who without doubt truly deserves. Hopefully the other cast members will win you over soon:)

  9. I loved the first episodes! KYJ is a great actress. She has so much energy. She looks great completely messy or well-dressed. And she was convincing as a young adult looking for a job.

    YKS was funny with his phobia 😀

    The BTS scenes are funny. They looked like they have a good moment to film the scene with the horse head 😀

  10. I’m glad that the ratings are good, more as a gift of goodwill to the staff and casts. It is also noteworthy that despite having no idols or male star with massice online following, the drama and Kim Yoo Jung were trending on portal sites and surprisingly with comments from diverse age groups. I’m glad that Kim yoo jung is proving that she can translate to tangible results (acting, ratings, buzz and even ads-one comment wss saying that there were alot of ads interruption, which means jtbc oversold their ads).

    • The comments were basically from 40 year old ahjumma’s who I am sure do not watch romcoms. Those were purely fan comments and the comments were just between 100-200 so very very low to be honest. One would think a successful comeback would have a larger number of comments on the articles but they were very low. Let’s see how many Encounter will get and then you’ll know what a successful comeback looks like.

      • Why so bitter? Kim Yoo Jung is only 18 year old, a female, and is carrying her own show.Would you prefer 1000 comments but flop ratings? or 200 comments but with solid ratings? Encounter is a Park bogum x Song hye kyo comeback with big budget. Wait till Yoojung get to her early to mid 20s, work with an equally A list male lead plus big budget then lets compare.You are fking retarded

      • I’m coming from them getting the ratings lead amongst cable shows and even 2 of the main broadcast station dramas, so yeah, that’s considered. Them, having 1 of the top ratings for premiere amongst jtbc, is also a good indicator. The fact that people in their 40s (even if they are “fans”) are commenting and watching the show is good for them, since they are reaching beyong their targets. As for your comparison to Encounter, I honestly don’t see why. Encounter is expected to have ratings and buzz on the same level as Goblin. We are looking at 2 anticipated top actors. My comment was just giving Clean and Kim Yoo Jung their due recognition without dampening on others.

      • “Among viewers in their 40s, average rating was 4.5%, and among viewers in their 50s, average rating was 3.2%”

        Who on earth tells you that ahjummas don’t watch rom coms? If they don’t, why would rom-coms like Sega, MLFTS, Heirs, DOTs etc be so popular? Also, don’t try to drag another drama in. Like what Namu said, we are only giving KYJ her due success here.

    • Oversold because no international broadcasting outlet wanted the drama. Only Viu picked it up but they pick up dailies as well so that’s not a big deal. Even Viki didn’t want the drama they would rather have My Strange Hero. The buzz is less than any of the dramas airing in the same time slot just so you know. Kyungsang has a very good fan following and is the only reason his last drama managed to pull decent ratings. She isn’t the biggest factor for the drama.

      • awww that’s bitter.What is the ratings of the last drama of the actress that you are rooting for?

      • Hah you are telling me Yoon Kyunsang has good following when the last drama he led has only 5% ratings for first episode.
        I don’t deny he is a good actor but using him to downplay KYJ’s impact is hilarious af.

  11. God the 1st 2 episodes were so awful I can’t with how bad this was. But then again knets liked that god awful romcom that was Beauty Inside which had an absolutely disjointed storyline.

  12. I don’t get the hype. This is drama is literally not even popular. I never se it trending so why is Koala pretending like it was a HUGE success? These are such ordinary ratings for cable. Didn’t Gagnam ID get even higher ratings? It had a cast of nobodies so why all the hype for this one. It reeks of partiality.

  13. Okay, all of this discussion about star power, ratings, and even comparation to Encounter (hul they don’t even have the same genre ? they’ll attract different kind of viewers)

    I’ll just enjoy the drama as it is and I loove~ it ?❤

  14. Tbh, I just don’t get it, what so hard to appreciate others. Just bcoz it’s not Ur bias doesn’t mean u have to be salty….
    Well CWPFN is CWPFN, Encounter is Encounter no need to compare it to each other moreover the scale of others production is totally in different level ofc the expectation is totally different too
    Fyi, CWPFN is trending on and off for the whole night when it’s premier, it’s even trending again this morning so please anyone b4 u demeaned others please at least check the fact just bcoz u didn’t know it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen
    (Hufth….sorry for my rantings)

  15. Idk, Its awful for me, even yoojung acting felt wrong,the only thing I like is kyunsang, his acting felt real. But still he’s too big for yoojung. Sorry I will pass this drama, totally not into it.

    • She’s a very dull actress but damn does she overact throughout the episodes. I saw all the comments on Dramabeans beanie walls saying the drama was really bad and I have to agree with them. This blog is just full of Youjung lovers who love to praise her to death and even lie about ratings and popularity and anticipation. Such losers telling lies to sell their bias. Koala is all about the fake praise these days. The ratings are mediocre for someone of her so called star power but her fans will act like its the best ratings ever.

      • Hmmmmmm, how are we losers? Is there a competition I’m not aware of? If you don’t like the drama then don’t watch it lol no one is forcing you. Thank you for taking time to come in here though

      • Losers are the ones who are triggered by another person’s success and starts to accuse others and drag in irrelevant stuff.
        And anyway, KYJ fans never said she is the most successful or the best but its losers like you who keep insisting we say so.

      • How is this blog full of YJ lovers when there are multiple posters like you who can’t stop bashing everything she does?

        4.1 for pilot episode is not mediocre and no one acts like it’s the best ratings EVER. Where’s the evidence of YJ fans saying something like that? Stop pulling sh*t out of your ass.

      • ikr? i saw in wikipedia the rating doest even reach 4%..since when tmns rating was used for indicator? i think this article should alter the rating and give the proper one, which is by using nielson. Afterall, nielson rating was used for indicator for all this time

      • ikr? i saw in wikipedia the rating doest even reach 4%..since when tmns rating was used for indicator? i think this article should alter the rating and give the proper one, which is by using nielson. Afterall, nielson rating was used for indicator for all this time

      • Nielson ratings wasn’t out because the building caught on fire so Koala used TNMS at the time of the post. Yeah Koala you should probably update your post so that certain fans wouldn’t claim that you or KYJ fans are lying.

  16. The first two eps are better than I expected. There are some slapstick comedies, but there also are genuinely heartfelt moments where you feel for the main girl. KYJ and YKS surprisingly have great chemistry together without making it awkward. Looking forward to next episode.

  17. The show is gross the otp is gross and all the fake praise is gross. Give it a rest with the ratings. Waikiki will pull in the same ratings for the second season even with Ahn Sohee for the lead. Hard pass on the fanaticism.

  18. I’ve always mentioned this and still believe in it….previous article by koala and also dramabeans before on article blatantly comparing and disparaging Yoojung with other teen actress, has led to whoever coming out of the woodwork spouting toxicity coated with fake concern and objectivity. It may not be due to one fandom, but can’t deny that majority can be traced back to that. And yes if this is fanaticism, then almost the same people following her articles just to spread their “objective” negativity, then that is also closet fanaticism.

    • Don’t you think that runs both ways. Don’t pretend to play victim when the comparison is what keeps her relevant because clearly no one would bat an eyelid to her without the competition. She’s a scandal queen after all and from a young age only.

      • the “she is a scandal queen” only shows who you are lmao.just next time pray that the actress you are rooting for will finally have good ratings and not a 5% pilot ratings for a non cable tv.oppps

      • Healthy competition creates hype.
        But then these type of comparison only is useful for the less successful ones, and KYJ surely isn’t the one who needs it right now.
        Even if you look at comments section, KYJ fans don’t go around downplaying or commenting on her “rivals”‘ articles; its them who come to us.
        So who is the one who needs comparisons to keep her relevant?

      • You need to go back from the start and know that it was never yoojung who benefitted from the comparison. Yoojung was already a well-known figure even way back, in the era were internet was just starting, hence anti-fans where at their strongest, she together with khg, ssa became the target of hate, rumors and antifans (just ask boa and other known figures). So yeah, i have a soft spot for her and really know the timeline, and unlike your bias, YJ not only takes the glory of the child actress tag but also took the responsibility, hate and pain associated with the tag. Just read their interviews and you’ll know the difference between them. As for the scandal, she’s prone to that coz she’ really easy going, but unsolicited opinions of those she’s worked with will point to her her kindness ans easy going nature. Just because one is quiet and reserve, it doesnt make her a kinder person. And honestly, i’m assuming that your bias and her people of course really wants the fame and all (hence all the bts machinations), hence she’ll know how to act the part.

  19. Gosh love how our admiration of a drama and KYJ here quickly turned hostile. The need to gloat and diss to garner attention is hilarious! Just reading the posts and the vehemence and angry Pandas going off was to be expected and the funniest one having dramabeans mentioned as to how they disliked the drama. Do you honestly think any of us here care what they say over there? Keep churning your so called opinion because iits obvious KYJ is nailing it and the only nailing you can manage is hot bitter words.

    • Nailing what exactly? Nobody said her acting was bad. The lies about ratings and buzz is the only thing I see being contented over here and that is nailing you bitter ass clearly.

      • Ohhh Moss criticise the buzz; rating ultimately is part n parcel of criticising KJY overall. Angry Panda motives you and everyone else in this thread throwing shade at the drama but really a pathetic attempt to mask your intense dislike of KYJ. Anything to undermine the fact that the drama is doing well for a cable tv station is becoming a chore to discredit it. I like how you referenced my rear end cos that’s where the KYJ drama sun is shining brightly back at ya!

    • If she’s getting this amount of hate it means she must be ruffling someone’s feathers with her successful comeback. It makes all these haters’ comments seem hilarious in comparison, because yeah they cannot do anything about her success and can only spew bitter Swords.

  20. Kim Yoojung fans unable to accept criticism but always quick to criticize others. All the hate for other child actors has always come from Kim Yoojung fans and their fake ‘concerns’. You’re bias is mediocre at best and her acting is the lowest among child actors in her age range. Kim Hanyangi proved that in Elegant lies when she out acted her despite not having much screen time. Her fans very conveniently ignoring the comments that called Kyungsang fat and crticized them for not having chemistry in some of the articles. Nobondy said she was a bad actress but literally every child actor is a good. Nam Dareum, Lee Ree, Shin Rin Ah or Kal Sowon. Name one bad child actor but no one praises them for star power and other fake bullshit.

    • Where is the hate for other child actors? I only see praise.
      KYJ is the one getting the most hate right now.

      Y’know, let’s wait for those child actresses/actors to start leading a drama on their own and get popular. When they do, you’ll see the comments about star power and hate start piling up on them like it did to KYJ.

    • I swear YJ antis really love talking out of their ass. All I see is stans of other child actors/actresses flock into YJ’s articles bashing her and her fans, making a big fuss out of nothing, whereas articles about other child actors are overabundant of praises.

      And lol @you for acting like you have the absolute authority on evaluating actors’ performance. You are so mad that YJ is praised for her acting by the general public, not just her fans, and you can’t accept the fact that people have different opinions to yours. Grow up.

    • but knetz are praising her and mentioning her more than the male leads on most articles that you and the commenters hate and bitterness here are such a waste and negligible hihihi

  21. I think people don’t understand that the drama is inspired fro a webtoon. It’s like Secretary Kim. There are a lot of scenes that play the comedy card with a zoom on the face’s expression. It’s a style not overacting. It’s the same for KYJ and YKS. But the both of them already showed that they’re great in subtil and emotional scenes before.

  22. It seems that the comments here sounds really bitter and triggered by the fact that a 3% or 4% drama of an 18 year old actress carrying it (yes because Kyunsang & Jaerim arent considered A listers nor idols) is a lot better than a 5% pilot epi from a non cable drama/free tv drama? Lmao.I mean if you are a neutral international fan and you will read this article, you will just ignore it and just give a pass on it. But of course if you are a fans of Kim Yoo Jung’s rival actresses (that actually is getting lots of international hype but couldnt even score 7% ratings in free tv, opppsss), you will really feel triggered and annoyed and will have a lot of energy to type here type there to demean this drama & this actress. lol

    CWPFN has been trending in Naver for a long time, Kim Yoo Jung always trends in naver whenever she comes out. Isnt is that she also always win in Naver or any Korean portal whenever there is a poll about young actresses her age, and always followed by another actress? By that you will see that, Knetz actually loved her despite of her not so buzz in international fans, I believe she is Knetz top choice, yes no.1 choice in her age group as per polls, and endorsements and naver trends.

    She is actually a lot better in CWPFN than in Moonlight in terms of acting.And CWPFN is not bad, it has webtoon-ish comedy but I like the warmth being injected from time to time so im sure this will get better soon & ratings will rise up.

    If this happens then surely fans of KYJ rival will gear up here again calling her scandal queen lmao (just for not standing straight), overacting actress, etc just to drag her down because their bias has the same ratings even if her drama is in free tv hahahahhahahaa

  23. I really enjoy the first two episodes. Can’t wait till next week. KYJ is so pretty in this drama. Her cheerfulness and energy really lights up the screen. She have great chemistry with YSK.

  24. wow… one fan has commented 10+ times in an act of defense, is this really necessary? I have watched ep 1 & 2, the story is ok, a bit of overacting… but what bothers me most is the eyeshadow of the male lead.. yuck, who is the makeup artist? I much prefer rewatching My ID is Gangnam Beauty over this new drama, although I may continue for a few more episodes before calling it quit. No need to reply to me coz I don’t have a bias. I just like to choose the drama I enjoy 🙂

      • @Yunie – ahhh, you are the foul mouth fan of KYJ. I never use the sh__ word in my comments, but if this is how you want to describe her, be my guest, I don’t mind. hahaha… I told you no need to reply to me, obviously you did not listen. I don’t have a bias – this is the second time I said here.

  25. Ahhh as expected we’ve almost always managed to have more than 50 comments here lmao. The drama has just started, some comedic slapstick was not for my taste but that’s just me and it’s how the drama is made. Good thing the solemn and sincere moments are good. I love her family T.T Gil family hwaiting!

    I really can’t understand people insulting us for being fans like ??? I guess they make do of their promise to watch the drama to bash it so A+ for the effort guys. We appreciate you giving us some of your precious time :*

  26. I don’t understand why these child actors have such rival fandoms. I mean each have different vibes, each are good in their own way. Each have different feel while acting. I mean look at Jeon ji hyun and song hye kyo , both are popular and they have different vibes in acting. You won’t call them rivals and have such kind of comparison going on. Similarly in other actor/actresses cases. I don’t know why so much hate and Rivalry is going on for these child actors. Why do we always have to compare, why can’t we follow them like we follow other actors. There are so young and I’m pretty sure they are aware of this. I just hope it doesn’t affect their mental state. With so much depression cases going on lately, it’s scary.

  27. Disappointed but not surprised. KYJ’s haters came over here just to hate and talk bad about her. Why is it so hard for them to shut up and mind their own faves? Some people even compared CWPFN’s ratings to Let’s Fight Ghost which was from 2016 only to downgrading KYJ is seriously too much. -_-

    • Best not to mention her name. Her stans are gonna start flocking here and chanting about how their bias is superior (like I saw in all the previous posts about her).
      They even dug up some super old posts so they can take a dig at Yoojung.

  28. Damn these brainless people. Ugh.
    Fyi CWPFN is a mon-tues drama so idiots do not compare it to dramas that airs in different days. So irrelevant.

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