
Encounter with Song Hye Kyo and Park Bo Gum Sets tvN Wed-Thurs Premiere Ratings Record — 46 Comments

  1. It actually crossed 11% in Seoul which is higher than what mr.sunshine achieved in Seoul making it the highest premiere rating in Seoul.

  2. Not a fan of both actors but I checked out the first episode for the hype.

    My opinion for this episode is strictly neutral. The pacing is slow which is expected since they wanted to create the melancholy vibe but some part of the plot is kinda stupid. Why would a woman who took a sleeping pill, knowing that she felt drowsy would sat at a dangerous place like that instead of finding a tree or a bench to rest her back on? So, she risked her life and thankfully a doe-eyed young guy managed to pull her in time and save her from falling to her death or else this drama would be over in less than one episode. And the constant reminding about “finding love” by the local in every possible scene is annoying.

    Nothing against SHK but I don’t like her acting here. I know that she tries to pass off the ice princess vibe but the expression is monotonous. And Park Bo Gum’s acting is all over the place. Perhaps, episode two will get better, I hope.

    • Nodding to comments.

      Some parts like the getting lost/sleeping pill incident was entirely stupid. Plus, if you had nothing (no wallet, no money, no phone)in an unfamiliar place – would you still be sitting drowsiy atop a wall, to enjoy sunsets…. so you can start problem solving about your situation, only when it gets dark?!! THIS, coming from a decisive CEO?

      1) Easy eye candy from both leads, though I don’t see what the huge hype over how gorgoues he is in the office. OK good looking but not OTT so much so life stands still

      2) Is it the new trend to do the first episode in an exotic location – vibe was kinda reminiscent of Devilish Joy (in Hainan).

      3) And yes, the ‘finding love’ in every scene was annoying. Tad too much.

  3. remarkable achievement considering it’s a weekday drama to weekend drama of Mr sunshine.congrats to my love SHK and the entire team of encounter.

    the third episode ratings of this drama will make or break it since by then word of mouth may have been factored into it.

  4. Episode 1 is good great cinematography. Pbg character is ripe as a green grape check
    Shk character is cold, reserved with her character nicknamed as ice princess check so waiting for episode 2.

  5. I really like TVN! They have a good choice of female leads. From Jung So Min and now Song Hye Kyo. My fave actress. Congrat for the higest Cable TV ratings this week!

  6. I think it can’t be compared to Mr Sunshine. The stories are so different. I liked the first episode but the fact that the story was in Cuba helped a lot. The cinematography and the places they chose were beautiful.

      • I know but the dramas are so different, you can’t compare the ratings. Mr Sunshine showed a pretty dark period of Korea.

      • Ahm, at least based on how the ratings are being compared, it is not necessarily the story that is used as basis but the star power of the actors. Meaning whatever story you throw at the audience, it is the actors who draw ratings.

    • The last drama of Hyun Bin Hyde, Jekyll, Me or Big with Gong Yoo had bad ratings and the actors are famous. So no, I don’t think it’s only the names but the story, the PD, the writer too.

  7. Not surprised, both actors are so popular and pretty. And at least PBG is great at acting…SHK, I can’t connect with her so well.
    Anyway, I’ll watch this to see if they can sell me the romance, haha!!

  8. 1st episode was sooo good!!! PBG and his megawatt smile absolutely just make my day.
    My husband and I went to Cuba and visited that same beach when we were dating, so it definitely brought back some beautiful memories for me. 🙂

  9. Tbh honest I didn’t I really like it but I hope it pick up and I hope they can maintain the rating because the reviews on this was quite divided.anyways will still watch because am a huge shk fan.

  10. maybe the good ratings has something to do with the popularity of the lead stars, especially, PBG is really popular in SK, they even has this “theParkBoGumEffect”…

    • Couldn’t have agreed more since i have high hope for this drama and Song Hye Kyo’s comeback to the small screen. I can’t agreed to the high rating for this first episode. If the drama continue to generate like this first episode and still receiving top rating then it’s clearly more toward their popularity. I’ll be very disappointed because I’m not buying neither’s performance. but hopefully episode 2 is good.

  11. I have just finish watching episode 1 and don’t like it. The cinematographic is very beautiful but the actors is somewhat off. Song Hye Kyo fail to portray the ice cold princess because she comes off very monotones and one dimensional character. Park Bo Gum is not selling his character either so hopefully episode 2 will be more enjoyable.

  12. I’m going to watch both episodes tonight to get the sense of how this is going to fare for me on a emotional level so I’m very open minded and nervous because I do like both actors and am intrigued by the whole premise. Also I do like PBG more as I’ve only seen SHK in DOTS. That said I’m pretty excited though to find out more.

  13. I really like the first episode, especially SHK’s subtle acting, the cinematography (colour) and dialogue. Ms Koala, will you consider recapping this drama?

      • Fongers crossed but personally i think next week viewers will tune in eagerly waiting to know what happened after that scandal broke out.
        Encounter, SHK and PBG are all trending on Naver which shows that people are intirested in the drama and the main leads.

      • I just hope the evil annoying mom will shut up… feel like “Something in the Rain” all happening again… I could not get past ep 10 with that mom screaming and nagging… BTW, Encounter is a melodrama, the good times will end soon… sad!

  14. Good to see SHKs drama doing well after marriage. It’s a positive reinforcement for female actors that it’s not the end of the world after marriage. As long as there’s good PR, good marketing… everything will be all right.

  15. Well am back after episode two and am glad it picked up because episode one was meh.and wow the rating already hit double digit I thought it will go down because of some reviews from episode one but knetz seem to enjoy episode two. So happy for shk

    • I think ep 2 is much better than ep 1 🙂 I like the faster pace, just don’t like the evil mom. Why is Korean culture like this? Sigh!

  16. after ep 2, I get why ep 1 is rather slow, it’s about them as an individual without all the corporate relationship.
    The 2nd ep ending just too fast cause I want them to be happy way longer but now I am eager to see the next ep asap.

    I think the mom and family conflict is understandable here, she is a politician daughter who was always in the spotlight and her father will probably run for a president,
    she married a chaebol, get cheated on but the guy hasn’t remarried and she keeps attending her ex MIL birthday, talk about a weird relationship,
    her hotel is booming at the moment.

  17. This drama is so lovely, the visual, acting, editing, everything is perfect. I cant imagine if b list actors take this drama, they will totally ruined it. They need good actors to potray the character. And SHK and PBG did a great job. I felt weird actually because I skip Dots and love in moonlight, but I’m sold with this one. (my only problem with this drama is PBG’s age, he is 29 in here, but actually he looks like 23 for me lol)
    btw about the rating, idk if this drama deserve it, I mean its not easy to reach 10% with just 2 episode (Its even higher than WWWSK and Another miss oh). but I hope the rating keep raising lol lets beat kim eunsook’s drama

  18. Episode 2 has even higher rate but sadly I’m still not sold. Don’t know something is still missing. IDK but the acting still look unnatural. Song Hye Kyo and Park Bo Gum are a beautiful pair but I just can’t connect. With for episode 3 and 4to see if it’ll pick up the pace.

  19. SHK and PBG look good together but im not feeling the acting and the story. im a bit disappointed since both leads seem forced in some scenes. The first and second episode is too cliche. Nowadays drama is too predictable and doesn’t have the memorable factor anymore.

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