
Hyun Bin Wholesome and Cheerful at MediHeal CF Event in Seoul — 13 Comments

  1. OMG I really miss him, his smile, and his fantastic acting so much. My Dazzling Ahjussi. You’re my euphoria. ? Will wait for your new project.

  2. His Asia fan meeting tours is coming up soon. I can’t wait to see him. My reason to watching Korean dramas is Hyun Bin. Gosh I miss his cute smile on my screen so much. Please pick up a production soon.

  3. Hyun Bin is so handsome and adorable. I hope he pair up with my beautiful Shin Hye unnie again. I still can’t let go of Memories of Alhambra. Their great chemistry is undeniably cute. I really love how he make her shy girly and laugh everytime she’s with him.

  4. Who wouldn’t be immersed to his cute dimples. Those Korean fans are so lucky to meet him. Wish he is popular enough to hold a fan meeting here in the state. I’ll be the first one to attend his fan signing. I seriously love his performances and him.

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