
Taecyeon Completes Military Service and Wins Lifetime Pass from K-netizens for His Civic Duty — 4 Comments

  1. Its such a relief to see there are still celebs like Taecyeon in K-entertainment.
    Waiting for your comeback drama.

  2. Proud of him. He wants to make a comeback with a drama, not in variety, and although I love him in both I think it’s a great plan.

    I hope the shield protects him or that comments are less harsh when he is announced for a drama because he hasn’t always had the best responses as an acting-dol.

  3. an action drama with SJS (same agency) will be great. anything to show off his nice physique and muscles will be excellent. his acting still needs improvement but his big body will certainly gain lots of points depending on the genre (e.g action, thriller, or even comedy?) 🙂

    • I would like to see him in a comedy. Iirc, he was always the tough guy in his previous dramas. It would be nice to see him in a comedic role. I remember liking him on variety shows. He seems very nice.

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