
Former KAT-TUN Member Taguchi Junnosuke Prostrates Himself After Marijuana Arrest — 9 Comments

  1. I read that as he castrates himself. I’m like, “huh? Why would he do that for drugs?”

    Anywho, good luck to him.

  2. Different countries different cultures…if only the Korean stars would admit to their mistakes and own up to them and apologise..

  3. Whilst in England, even MPs have taken cocaine. It’s the norm……..Just as long as it’s not opium………

  4. All this seems so fake to me. They apologize because they get caught. Different cultures. Buying drugs is illegal but in France a lot of stars admit to have taking it and trying to stop by going into desintox. The same goes for depression,…I find it more natural . It’s life nobody is perfect they can make mistakes

  5. It’s japanese thing. People (especially his fans) may not think that he really regret or reflecting on his mistake seriously if he didn’t do “dogeza”. I guess if he only bow (even while crying), his fans will not forgive him, but dogeza will do.

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