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Tabloids Say the Song Joong Ki-Song Hye Kyo Split Happened Last Year When He Moved Out of Shared Home in September 2018, Divorce was a Long Time Coming

Now that the cat is out of the bag, everyone can pick their jaws off the ground on the shocking Song-Song couple divorce. Song Joong Ki filed for divorce and asked for court mediation, likely to resolve any open issues, and Song Hye Kyo is claiming personality differences led to the end of their 1 year 8 month marriage. Now the tabloids are on an open season and here’s what is likely true: Song Joong Ki reportedly moved out of the marital last year in September 2018 so the marriage didn’t even last a full year, both have been spotted frequently without their wedding ring since Jan 2019, and around that time Song Hye Kyo deleted all pictures of them from when they were dating from her Instagram.

Here a couple of rumors floating around: the reason for the split is due to Song Joong Ki wanting kids and Song Hye Kyo wanting to focus on her career and not taking time off to have kids, Song Joong Ki cheated on Song Hye Kyo with her coordi assistant, Song Hye Kyo cheated on Song Joong Ki with her Boyfriend costar Park Bo Gum, and Song Joong Ki is now dating his Arthdal Chronicles second female lead Kim Ok Bin. Process these tidbits how you will, and the timing if the couple really split last September would make either dating this year whatevers if you ask me. But overall I’m still so sad about it, silly I know, but I really wanted these two to have their happily ever after. Oh, and reportedly Park Bo Gum is going to take legal action against the rumors that he broke up the marriage.


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  • Well, its clear that these two had a whirlwind romance and when the rainbow colored filters were off and reality kicked in, things went downhill. Love is a starting point but marriages don't purely last due to love, in fact two people who love each other less but care enough to understand and respect one another have better shot at a lasting marriage and it takes way more effort and consideration for your partner. Good luck to both. Hope they can find their happiness again. Shit happens, that's life for you.

  • I have read so many rumors about them not knowing what to believe and what not. I think none of them are involved in cheating. We don't even knew who wanted child and who didn't. I guess they couldn't overcome the difference. Marriage is all about trust, determination, patience and compromise. Seems like both were too headstrong to put the foot down leading to divorce. I hope best for both of them. They both are receiving backlash for their this news. Knetz are roasting shk whereas inetz are critizing sjk. Hope they end this amicably without any mudsling.

  • Park bogum is the real victim, hope this scandal wont ruined his reputation. That guy has many cfs and too young.

    • Meh, shk now will hunting male actors going to eating. Crazy people still support her after sleeping with so many male actor, thats bitch can separate work and real life. Fucking bitch. I thought they enjoyed honeymoon in Kuba lol.

      • Your second last sentence reflects your character. So you think SJK was a virgin before he met SHK? Why direct so much bitterness at SHK? She dated 2 celebs before SJK and you are shaming her for that? Are you only like this to women? Your double standards are appalling. It's not uncommon for people (including celebs) to date different people to try to find the right person for themselves, you can't just expect them to just settle with the first one that comes along just for the sake of saving face and please people like you.

      • So what if she slept with all the guys she wanted? It's none of your business. To measure a person's value by the number of people they have dated is so petty-minded. We are all much more than the people we date and everyone has different circumstances and go through difficulties that no one else knows. You are insulting someone you don't know, but I bet you have things for which you could also be judged and condemned, saints do not spend their time insulting in internet forums, they are out there doing good to others.

      • Stop being a troll. Your comments past and present show you're crazy obsessed with them. You need mental help seriously.

      • Lol you have mental health issues to be so mad at a person who doesn't even know or care that you exist! LMAO

        What's wrong with sleeping around? Are you mad she hugged and kissed your oppars while you live a poor life?

      • I agree with Marie. Who cares who you dated in the past. As long as you’re faithful when you get married. Things happen in life. I’m not going to judge anyone. I’m not perfect so who am I to judge.

    • But i still think it was a stupid move for him to took a project that put him and his close friend’s wife as lovers with all those emotionally and physically intimate scenes. Like,bro,no. It’s gross.

      • Its just acting dude, even Lee boyoung boasting lee Jong suk to Ji-Sung, and they're still ok. And I'm sure PBG already asked permission to SjK. He said it in encounter's presscon.

  • The rumor said that both leave their matrimonial home not just one person but both.. This marriage crash was not surprising they both rushed into the marriage,am not trying to side one person but I feel that sjk was into this relationship than shk..the thing about love is the one who loves the most do stupid things when it over,am sure sjk father will tell him I told you he opposed the wedding from the onset

    • Really? I remember those song song obsessed fans used to brags on how happy his parents were to get the goddess shk as their daughter in law that they prepared some kind of sacred room for her in their house? Lol. But then, not surprising since it all came from those fans though

  • I don't think either of themcheated but whatever it is I am team Song Hye Kyo. I will continue to support her. I don't think I can continue to watch arthdal right now I just don't have the same good will for him but I am sure I will get over it soon.

  • I don't think they split because either or both of them cheating. It's likely because of each selfishness (she wants this, he wants that) and since they married based on momentary feeling, the love just happened to outgrow. Now that they can't stand each other, they just hope to end things up, hopefully amicably and move on with life which is, IMO a fair thing to do.

  • I'm not sure to understand SHK. She was the one who said she wanted to marry so if she didn't want to have a family, the wedding was not useful. They could date longer like Ji Sung and Lee Bo Young.

    Family, cheating...It's just they were not meant to be together and they did bad choice with the marriage.

  • I honestly believe that many of these celebrities lack the life skills and maturity to make a go of marriage. Once it happens and the reality sets in and life is no longer just about them egos are threatned and problems start.They are so segregated from normality the expectations and the illusion of how things should be simply have no place in the reality of marriage which is meant to be about loyality, compromise, and giving and putting yourself often behind someone else. If thats difficult for most how difficult is that for them..Thats why most dont work in my opinion. No grounding or empathy for the skills required.

    • And they are constantly surrounded by attractive people and thus have no incentive to work on a relationship beyond the financial.

    • ‘Lack the life skill and maturity’ - wow! what a statement. It’s easy to say something if we are not in the situation. Have you been married or in serious relationship at least, if I may ask? Or Have you experienced being a celebrity and felt the daily pressure they encounter?

      • Its a realistic opinion and fact thats not derived or influenced from a fan point of view. Marriage is not fantasy but reality and reiterate that some celebrities simply dont have the lifeskills or maturity that often requires a selfless commitment for marriage.

    • agree with @Bianca. @MistyEyes - Why do you need to know if other commenters have been married or in a serious relationship? Tell us about yourself first!! This is an open forum. You can agree to disagree. But asking personal questions is inappropriate, intimidating and very rude.

      • Opinion? Is that an opinion? lol.. Btw, I didn’t literally mean to know who and what you are. Sounds like you know nothing about life yet. Ok continue to express your ‘opinion’.. lol.

      • @MistyEyes - Sounds like you wanted to reply to @Bianca. We are different persons you know. You do not even know how to click a reply. Geez. Literally I believe that's @Bianca legit opinion. Everyone has a life whether you consider it's knowing or not. You should preach somewhere else instead.

      • It goes to both of you. Preach your “opinion” you say if that makes you happy. See what good you can get out of it. ?

      • What GOOD do YOU get out of it @MistyEyes?? It’s time for YOU to answer your own questions!!! Stop asking as long as you let others talk. LOL!

      • FYI I did not ask questions that require answer. Rhetorics yes... in case you didn’t get them. ?

      • Your rhetorics are rather dumb. No one asks any personal questions FYI here. U better remember ?

      • Sounds like I am talking to a wall. You probably don’t understand why you have butt in the comment and tagging me.

      • @MistyEyes - you are such a hypocrite. On one hand you said “never publicize personal matters”, on the other hand you ask others if they have been married (excusing it as rhetoric). Pointing you out is the least I can do to let others see how pathetic you are.

  • If the issue was kids - then shame on them cause that’s a conversation any sensible couple should have long before they decided to get married. No one held a gun to their heads forcing them to tie the knot after all. If it’s cheating rumors, then the timing suggests that they were already living separately long before each decided to hook up with someone else. Marriage takes a lot of compromise and sacrifice. If he moved out of their marital home in September, how the heck does he expect them to work out their differences, if they don’t even see each other? Seems like a case of ‘my way or the highway’ to me. And before anyone questions my right to judge the situation. All I can say is that I’m disappointed, that’s all. Yes, it’s their private life and at the end of the day they don’t owe anyone but their close friends and family any explanation about their life choices. But personally, it’s crap like this that made me become quite disgusted with Hollywood, to the point that I stopped following their news or watching American TV shows and movies almost a decade ago. I turned to Korea entertainment because it was supposedly ‘cleaner’ and more scandal free. Now it seems like Korea entertainment is not only becoming more Westernized in their dramas and movies, even their personal lives are following the Hollywood standard of whirlwind marriages and quickie divorces! Who am I kidding? At the end of the day people are people no matter where they are located, after all. I’m just put off by the string of bad news coming from Korean Entertainment, these last two years.

    • You brought up excellent points. Timing is everything. They could've been compatible for each other, but they're probably at different stages in their lives that require contrasting needs and goals. If SJK really did voluntarily move out, it seems like he gave up on saving the marriage. People think this tarnishes SHK's reputation and future projects. I honestly doubt it.

    • @Adal, i agree with you, a few years ago i began to Watch asian dramas because people seem to be more "cleaner" but i realize that behind social codes, ... humans are all the same all over the world . In every culture , country, there are good and bad things. Now i just Watch a drama or a movie if i like it . i Watch a fiction, not the real life of the actors, pd's ,..

      • That park bo gum is d issue I have . No matter what he shouldn’t have taken a drama dat put him as lovers with his best friends wife...totally uncalled for

      • That is weird that you would think the Entertainment business in any country is clean and pure and everyone is nice. Asian culture definitely have a very conservative view, at least in public and for a network channel it has to be family friendly. Pretty sure most people in Korea or not living in large houses with a room and tv for every person. They probably have one TV in the living room and everyone's family time is probably spending time watching T.V after dinner. So the program tends to be more family friendly and does not have any Rated R stuff, unless the drama was on a cable channel. Not like in the US where there are always jokes aimed at the adults, such as Family Guy or crazy reality shows shown during prime time.

  • People should stop spreading lies.. They are going through tough times.. As an avid fan.... I can only wish them well on their separate lives..

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