
Park Shin Hye Considering Next Role for K-drama Even with Mental Illness, It’s Okay — 22 Comments

  1. She’ll be fine as long as there are no crying scenes. She’s an okay actress, but her crying scenes need work. I’d rather see her in a role where she plays a strong kick ass woman… with no romance.

    • I personally think cry scenes are one of her strength, however i want to see her pushing herself in new directions. And based in the last 2 movies she pick and this drama right here, she may be heading in the right direction.

  2. True antisocial personality disorder is a scary thing to behold – they don’t have to learn how to be arrogant or to put themselves first. Let me guess, she has mild Asperger’s? Kdramas are shallow fluff with few redeeming qualities these days.

  3. I hope it’s really about antisocial personality disorder which is basically a psychopathy or sociopathy and not about someone who’s a loner and doesn’t not like to socialise.. if it’s true, it’s interesting to see her in a manipulative and law breaker character

  4. Actually sounds very similar to her role in the Flower Boy Next Door with Yoon Shi Yoon, the antisocial who refuse to interact with people. She was refreshing in that role, but I wonder if she can bring anything new here.

      • She was an introvert in FBND who was scared of people, scared of facing others can’t even make eye contact but antisocial disorder is way different. They hate the society they hate people and it will be very interesting if this focused on that

  5. Sounds a lot like Its okay that’s love and the antisocial personality bit sounds very interesting but the fact that it’s a kdrama gives me the feeling they’ll just turn the female character into a candy with quirks and call it antisocial which urgh.

  6. At first this drama sounds like something new that PSH is trying out but, once the word ‘healing’ is in it, I’ve got this negative feeling it’s similar to her previous dramas. I just hope this writer gives her a more dominant role and her acting has improved.

    Meanwhile, I’ve not found any Kdrama worth my time especially since world politics have been more interesting.

  7. Story does not sound very interesting. Unless it’s like Ji Sung’s role in Kill Me Heal Me, these so-called mental illness k-drama is just another meh healing drama full of fluff and cheese.

  8. Its weird I already can imagine how She will act. Another hopeless, scary cat type. Park Shin Hye acting always the same.
    I think doctor is her best role.

  9. i’m so excited if really PSH will approve of this drama role im so happy i relaly miss her in kdramaland heehehe fighting Shin hye 🙂

  10. Healing drama means this will be another introvert scared of the world who needs love to heal. So basically the same role she’s being doing for over 15 years?

  11. The title is horrible and the story sounds too risky for a fluffy kdrama , which often don’t depict mental illness well and use it more for plot points than truly exploring the depths of it. Basically, it sounds like they are using mental health as a gimmick which ugh no. ?

  12. Lose the title first and foremost. Zero romance too. I dunno is her character suppose to be suffering from a mental illness or is she just socially inept? Big huge difference and I feel that some Korean writers glorify the stigma of having a mental illness in a their story telling and if so -no it’s not cool and a no go.

    • @Anna Yayy! Glad PSH rejected that fluffy as drama especially with the off putting title. I feel Go Won Hee or Kim Seul Gi or even Go Ah Sung would suit this drama more. However PSH can sit back and wait for that OCN drama to arrive.

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