
Vagabond Producers Admit Drama Ending Planned in Advance for a Second Season, Which is Currently Not Confirmed — 12 Comments

  1. Both actors is weak in this drama. They cant nailed their role. LSG just good in action scene, beside that he is so meh. Suzy still average like always. The only great about this drama just the PD, and the writer eventho there’s many plot holes, we still get plot twist.

    • @Royal We – Yep it was a hit on my brain cells so much so I got KO’d. I was down with the 15 episodes all was fine until the last episode…best left unsaid but that producer should be exiled. ?

  2. Are they delusional? They burned so much money only to peak at 13% and average 9.4%. Decent numbers, but it doesn’t seem that worth it compared to the budget.

  3. Koreans would willingly watch a 50+ episodes family weekend drama. If they love a certain drama they would even ask for season 2. Or if the drama netted high ratings producers would be more than happy to make another season. But making another season is problematic because sometimes the leads are not available or do not want to do another season.

    So if the producers had planned a second season then they should have not used that particular scene as the opening scene for the drama.By showing that scene the viewers are expecting to see how that scene came about. So I feel that the producers saying that a second season was in the planning stage but never confirmed is all bs to me.

  4. The PD already give a clue about season 2 even before the drama aired. But looks like it will be difficult because their rating not that good.

    Btw JJH confirmed for kingdom! Omg cant wait!

  5. Marie n other arrogant woozie fans were saying she is ahead of everyone. how big flop this drama is and a useless role in lee byung hun movie. She has lost her cfs too. Not the top in cfs as well. Kim tae ri kim go eun iy yoona and now new girl kim so hyun al are ahead of woozie/ flop

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