
Screenwriter Park Ji Eun’s Upcoming Crash Landing on You Official Poster Criticized for Looking Too Much Like Her You From Another Star — 12 Comments

  1. They are acting a little desperate to recreate the hype and buzz from her most popular work. It makes me fearful that they may not have a solid product so they have to resort to gimmicks to draw viewers. I hope I’m wrong. Hotel del Luna posters were so unoriginal but I loved the drama to bits so I hope it’s the same here. So far none of the teasers or promos have enticed me to watch this, it’s only the cast that draws me but even they are looking too stiff and unnatural in the teasers :/

  2. Just seen their press conference news and photos. Questions were brought up again of their past dating rumours. I predicted this would happen back in January. Both laughed about it. Not exactly deny or confirm but lots of heart eyes, cute couple shots and selfies. Great way to draw in fans to see what will actually happen in drama and real life. To quote of them “It’s rare for actors to meet again in another project, so I think this is fate.” Anyways will watch drama for the star power and the hype.

  3. Eh, the poster layout is pretty unimaginative, but I think the four leads elevate it with their attitudes. They really feel in-character, more so than with the YFAS poster where I just see the actors posing. I especially love Binnie’s military bearing and that solemn soldier aura he’s sending out. I mean, I’m no military expert, but his posture and facial expression are really selling his job description for someone of my noob level. The contrast between him and Kim Jung Hyun even though they inhabit the same basic pose (simple standing upright, with the arms down, framing the body) is pretty amazing. Kim Soo-hyun and Park Hae‑jin, in the YFAS poster, don’t look as different as the guys in the Crash-landing poster do. (The ladies all look amazing and sassy in ways that are individually flavored.)

    • Binnie actually served in the marines corp for 2 years (2011-2013), the toughest unit in the Korean military and got outstanding results. This was during the compulsory military enlistment for all Korean males. So his soldier role was made all the real coz he did went through real army training. Kudos to him.

  4. Quietly and curiously optimistic please be good! However at least this time SYJ scored well with that sleek red dress and strappy stilettos. I trust the writer to deliver on the story since I’ve thoroughly enjoyed her last two. The talent is there no concerns with that it’s the script that will make or break this. Good luck Crash Landing cast and crew on your season. ❤️

  5. At first I thought the poster doesn’t relate much to the storyline too, however, after watching their press conference, the director pointed out that the he wanted the story to be “fantasy-like romantic comedy drama” instead of a “realistic” romantic drama. In comparison to the melo-dramatic first poster of SYJ and HB next to the bonfire, I think this poster shows the “fantasy” or “unrealistic” side of the story, and also presents the individual features or personality of each main characters. Looking forward to their acting skills and the drama storyline! Hope it will have a good start!!

  6. low budget poster. difficult to recreate YFAS hype. LotBS was meh and I could not even finish it. Of coz the premises of CLoY will be fantasy, how will a parachute be allowed to land in NK without getting shot dead for goodness sake in the next million years? the storyline is so unrealistic. maybe the acting will save it? i prefer an alien story than a political NK/SK saga.

  7. For me, her best drama so far still You Who Rolled in Unexpectedly aka My Husband Got a Family. It’s a big disappoinment that she’s stll stuck in YFAS, just because it’s her best commercial success..

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