
Seo Kang Joon Slides into the Role of a Country Bookshop Owner in First Stills for I’ll Come Find You When the Weather is Good — 16 Comments

  1. He always has the same vibre, Its boring. He has visual but didnt hit big yet, because his acting is so average and he’s not that charismatic either. Hope PMY can help him this time, Noona power always work.

    • His acting is actually very good in The Third Charm. Not sure about what you meant by “PMY can help him”? When has PMY helped ANYONE in all her previous dramas?

      • Watch his “are you human too”…. You will love and hate him same time…. Such a awesome acting he did in this drama…. Don’t know why this type of negative comments people send him….

      • Agree that PMY required her male costars (LMH, YSH, JCW, PSJ, KJW) to gain mm
        presence as she had been rather forgettable in most of her past roles.

      • This Peroro obviously just wants to bash. Although PMY is older than SKJ, she cannot carry a drama on her own. She is a noona with no power. LOL.

  2. I don’t understand why people keep commenting negatively on SKJ acting skill, he is natural. If he keeps himself grounded, he is someone who will stay in the industry because of acting skill.

  3. I’m very excited to see this drama! I love both actors! I like dramas that don’t take place in Seoul, there is romantic side.

  4. SKJ is one of the few actors that can really indulge you in the scenes. I am really looking forward to it. Since I have watched almost all of his dramas, I am definitely going to watch this one as well.

  5. Watch his “are you human too”…. You will love and hate him same time…. Such a awesome acting he did in this drama…. Don’t know why this type of negative comments people send him….

  6. PSY is a great actor. He portrays a character well. He can be emotional, wicked, and charming. Are You Human is where you can see all of his undeniable talents.

  7. SKJ is gorgeous and was excellent in The Third Charm. He seems really dedicated to his craft. PMY is the boring bland one and I almost don’t want to watch the drama because of her but I am going to give it a shot for SKJ.

  8. I really amazed of SKJ acting ability… he should be in more dramas, especially thriller one. Even though i think this drama will be a typical romance kdrama,i hope i can like it because SKJ in it!

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