
First Mood Setting Snippet Teaser for tvN Drama Start-Up with Suzy, Nam Joo Hyuk, Kim Sun Ho, and Kang Hana — 12 Comments

  1. This… does not look good. I hope to be proven wrong- but for now it looks like a hard pass for me. I don’t need to watch people do boring office jobs; I get 40 hours of that a week already.

  2. I am wary of this drama, i adore kim sunho but his drama picks are hit and miss for me. Nam Joohyuk has recently been improving greatly while as much as I stay away from anything with Suzy, the dramas that i liked her in was written by this script writer.
    And this writer does know hot to tweak fluffy dramas that kinda gets me. So maybe ill stay with wary and hopeful expectation

  3. I will watch the first episode by curiosity but I’m not super interested by the story and neither the main actors. The writter always uses the same trope : a genius male lead and castes the same kind of actor : Lee Jong Suk and now Nam Joo Hyuk, both looking like model. Suzy is not a good actress, she always plays her characters the same way.

  4. Both the main leads cant act. I watched vagabond and suzys acting was on intern level and she was boring to watch. lol. While Nam Joo hyuk acting was very wooden, very stiff, very bad in the bride of the water God. why do these people getting acting jobs? why not cast those with acting skills.

    • look at yourself at a mirror. Ah, no, you need a really big mirror. Go to a big river near you, and see yourself into it. Tell me if you see an idiot monster, and I will tell you, it’s you!

  5. I like the writer and director since they team up on while you are sleeping – beautiful directing and story on justice.
    Her other works – superpower – i can hear your voice, work ethics – Pinocchio.
    These dramas reinforce good values which i like.
    I enjoy seon ho’s acting – very natural and good.

  6. Since It’s only a teaser, I won’t make any judgement yet.
    But this teaser give me a Rich Man, Poor Woman feeling.
    And although the teaser looks plain, I honestly waiting to watch this because i do think that suzy best work is with this writer.

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