Allegiances and Partnerships Shift in the Babel Battle and Gold Search in Episode 12 of Vincenzo with 10.736% Ratings

Episode 12 on a twenty episode drama is always a bit of placeholder, keeping the story going on pace while starting to set up for the final arc to come. Vincenzo slowed down the comedy from LOL moments in episode 11 but didn’t dawdle on anything, continuing the strong sure hand in reveals and action without resorting to keeping things a secret as the momentum builder. Joon Woo’s real identity as Chairman Jang Han Seok is out with not just Vincenzo and Cha Young, who slapped him hard twice and that was that cuz that girl isn’t going to waste anymore time on him, but now also out to the world as well. It happened after younger brother Han Seo tried to kill him but wasn’t a proper psychopath murderer enough to get it done, and Joon Woo realized that his secret identity was on the brink of becoming a weakness to be exploited. Similarly, the gold is becoming Vincenzo’s weakness even though he’s no longer as eager to get it out, but Director Cho is and we all know what tactics people who are greedy and tired of waiting can resort to. The two Wusang partners have split up their allegiances with older and younger Han bros and it’s clear which side is going to win that lopsided tussle. I’m glad there is a new McGuffin introduced in the form of the Guillotine Files, great name and lots of room to play with what power the knowledge therein may give those who find it.

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why i keep having feelings that joon woo likes cha young?
Just my take – Taecyeon’s characterization of Han Seok is just not that scary enough of an adversary, although he does try. The actor who plays Director Cho would have been a better match for SJK as Han Seok, acting-wise. I saw him on FoE and he’s good. He’s older though, so he could have been the evil uncle Han Seok lol. I think KYJ’s characterization of the ruthless female lawyer in Wusang is scarier. Lastly, I am a big fan of the comedic timing of SJK’s fanboy Mr Ahn, can’t stop laughing whenever it’s his moment to shine lol.
Sexism perhaps? As in its more interesting having a more interesting and cunning villainess that’s behind the curtain. I suspect she’ll uproot Taecyeon soon. She seems like the true villain in the show imo.
The FoE actor guy has this James Bond esque look to him. He has a distinct look to him. Dude is hot lol, I can see him in a mature Melo down the line. The previews shown that SJK does come out alive, so dunno what happened there? Don’t think FoE actor dude died lol?
Yeah, same, I think the FoE guy/Mr Cho’s face is unique among his peers in SKorea and has a lot of character. I hope he will have meatier roles in his next dramas, he can join the cast of Penthouse 3, 4, 5 next time lol (although I haven’t watched a single episode of Penthouse)
@eleven Oops just saw this reply! IA. Mr. Cho’s face has character and is distinct. I can see go the Start Up father who died in Ep 1’s path. As in actors who have a more grizzly type of look that’s distinguished but parlay that to 2nd MLs in the future. Who knows? I do admire that Vincenzo is giving every actor big or small some emotional/good scenes for them. That helps them w/ K-drama Pds/writers in casting them down the line.
Agree Kim Yeo Jin is giving a scary performance . Her character is a total psycho . Why didn’t they think of a woman as the chairman ? It would have been great . But Taecyeon is doing well .
So many people knows about the gold lol. I dunno how that gold is gonna be split up. ?