
Japanese Actors Suda Masaki and Komatsu Nana Tie the Knot After Falling in Love When Doing Three Movies Together — 18 Comments

  1. She was the one who dated GDragon?

    I’m happy for them. I like how Japanese celibrities are pretty casual with their love life 🙂

      • But i do remember seeing bunch of photos nana & gd.
        Seems like a rebound on gd side, and nana seems starstruck by gd on the magazine interview they did together before they’re dating.
        It’s a win win dating situation ?

  2. It is so tough. I mean my cousin is tv actress here and she said working 14 hours with male co star, really created tension lol and most onscreen pairs atleast hookup, if not falling in love.

  3. I’m very happy for them but also sad as this probably means Nana will “retire” and disappear to become a good little housewife like most Japanese actresses do once they get married.

  4. I understand ur point, but ecvn hollywood isn’t immune from that. Cameron diaz was earning 20 million paychecks even in 2014 when she left. Some women just want to retire after making good money and children really change our priroties. Man barely compromises. And look at female celebs who married low income men. They r mocked for marrying top women stars. Society needs to change

    • It wouldn’t find it so sad if it was truly out of choice or they left to pursue other ventures or careers but vast majority of these woman have to give up their careers because it’s what is expected of them by society once they marry: stay home and look after the house/inlaws/husband and eventually kids. Japan is a notoriously sexist, misogynistic and patriarchal society. It is one of the lowest ranked countries for gender equality out of the “developed” nations.

      I see what you are saying but you can’t really compare Nana to Cameron. Nana is only 25. Cameron Diaz made a choice to retire at the age of 40 after 20 years of acting.

      • @Adyadoresherself: I just saw the comment from another poster below that Nana has said she intends to keep on working so that’s good to hear 🙂

      • Oh sunny u r right. I assumed her to be senior actress on par with shk age wise . My bad. Yes so young. I hope she never stops working. If she does, should be her own choice and decision
        But marriage definitely hits women career and so many times, we have to let go of opportunities when kids get involved. The very thought of that has scared me to even think about it. A man will never face such situations especially in asian societies.. But at same time, dont wanna die alone?

  5. Congratulations to them! As a fan, it feels like a fanfic come to life ever since their dating news but obviously they’re real people, I wish them all happiness in their married life.

    Also it’s nice to hear in their announcement that they both intend to keep working ie Nana won’t have to retire in her 20s when she’s so promising.

    • @Royal We: That’s good to hear 🙂 Would be very sad if Nana disappeared into retirement at 25 when she is doing so well and has so much promise. Good to know Masaki is a supportive husband

      • i don’t know much about j-media but shocking to hear actresses retiring after marriage is the norm. that doesn’t happen in k-media or even bollywood.

  6. I am not a fan but I love happy news. Congrats to both. Baby boom coming soon. Chen of EXO announcing having second baby with wifey while still in the military. All the fans go huh?! So fast! Lol.

  7. Way to go Japan. So refreshing to see 20 something J-celebs marrying or dating openly. Hope this will spark a new trend in SK normalizing dating, marriage and having kids early on. Don’t wait till 40. Chen and his wife having bub #2 just make actors like KSH look worse for getting rid of his. Gambatte J-actors.

  8. What happy news.

    Since I’m to busy,and I totally want to check some joyned project of them out, can some please recommend with movie or dorama I should start with. Thanks.

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