
Junho’s Fan Meeting Has Surprise Guest in Good Friend Fellow Top Star Song Joong Ki — 38 Comments

  1. I didn’t know they were acquainted, I have a big smile on my face scrolling down the pictures. For someone who has been following Junho since the Just Between Lovers days, I feel like a proud father seeing the success he’s gone on to achieve and how improved he is. I am praying for more success for him and for him to please for heaven’s sake stay away from any career ending scandal.

  2. SJK totally surprised JH.
    JH was confused when Vincenzo music went on and had like 10 seconds of buffering time at seeing SJK walking to stage, then was pleasantly unbelieving then happy seeing SJK. It was hilariously adorable.

    SJK came straight to FM feom his drama filming schedule. He States that he adores LJH 105 out of 100.
    SJK told a story about LJH’s first car which was identical to his (Color, Model, brand). And was asked one day for a practice drive, he mentioned how LJH seem to not know the accelarator and brake (or just drove fast)
    SJK that he contacted LJH so that he can book his first drama project with cameo for Vincenzo but I think he said the schedule could not be worked out.
    SJK also mentioned he wants to work in a drama together as brothers.
    LJH thinks of SJK as a role model.
    Here is a snippet of the vid from last night’s FM

  3. I adore their friendship. They have the same project With writers Park Jae Bum and has the same director with Kim Jin Won PD. is this a coincidence or Am I overthinking? lol. Maru’s hair in the the first hald is the same curly hair with Lee Kang Doo. lol

  4. If only they could be in a drama together.. it would be awesome… But I guess it’s too expensive to cast both of them tgt now.. a variety show tgt would be good too… Haha

    • Being good friends and supporting each other is cool but I don’t see their compatibility on screen yet. Not now at least, maybe later on their late 40s or 50s. ? (But who knows, good project may come along.)

      I’d rather see Lee Junho in a movie with a title “Thirty” with Kim Woo-bin and Kang Hanuel. I saw the movie Twenty few days ago, and it was good and hilarious. Also, A comedy movie with Oh Dae-hwan would also be good.

      In the fan meet, Junho answered some fan questions. One of them was about his basis of choosing a project.
      a. Timing (e.g. Song Joong-ki story during the fan meet. He said be had reached out Junho sometime end of 2020 to cameo in Vincenzo but Junho schedule won’t allow it.)
      b. Script – if his interest on the story keeps building up while reading it, then it could potentially be a good project to take on
      c. Character – related to number 2, if his interested in the story then he’ll do his best to give justice to the character or it’s important that he should be able to give justice to the character

      • A comedy with Oh Dae Hwan will be nice. I’m not so sure about Thirty movie. I know he is good friends with Kang Haneul and Kim Woo Bin from Twenty, but that movie ended with Junho’s character dating his friend’s sister.. so there doesn’t seem to be much room for development to be made there.. unless they kill off the sister character.. I think Twenty movie is nice and ended beautifully, so I will be glad not to revisit it and make a mess out of it.. haha.

        Thanks for sharing info about the fan meet. Glad he is consistent about which script he chose to do, and not swayed by popularity. I think he has better potential in acting more than singing.. he sings well, just not distinctive enough to stand out, as compared to so many singers.. but his acting is good and he has the chameleon-like look which is an asset to be a good actor, to be able to change up / down your looks, get in character and believable. Most of all, I like his diction, crisp & clear. Hope to see him in more dramas rather than movies actually.

      • @Cassy Omg! Your stuff on him is awesome btw! He looks a bit older & mature than SJK does ha. I don’t see compatibility on screen, they both give off different vibes.

        @Bfp09 KHN said the cast still talk, & he would be up for 30. It was received & did well. His solo music is ok. His acting is way better. But his solos are successful in Japan, & that’s where the big $$ is. He loves both acting & music, so he can’t do many projects as he’ll have to turn down some parts that work with his schedule.

      • @Annon I don’t know if Lee Junho looks mature than Song Joongki. The way I am seeing, SJK is obviously the more mature looking one but it does not matter because both of them look younger than their actual ages.

      • @Bbp09 I really do feel that Actor Lee Junho & Singer/Idol Lee Junho are two different persons. Junho in the music industry is an idol/dancer/singer/songwriter/lyricist/producer.

        As singer, he is an amazing and skilled vocalist with wide vocal range from baritone to tenor. His baritone is amazing, though he rarely publicly performs with this voice but Youtube algorithm can lead you to Junho’s ballads. He released 11 solo albums. As a performer, he is one of the best performers out there. He is the kind of a solo artist who have performed 3 consecutive nights in Tokyo Bodukan and 2 consecutive nights in Olympic Hall in Seoul on his last concert tour prior to his military service. Tokyo Bodukan and Olympic Hall are arenas with a capacity of 15,000 seats.

        In total prior to his military enlistment, he had 96 concerts shows prior to enlistment. If you add fan meetings then more than 100. He is huge yet low profile.

        I’ll say about 2pm in summary, 2pm was the bread winner of JYPE up to 2017, the year when members started enlisting for military service. As a group, they had more concert tours and bigger stages than Junho solo stages. They are huge but low profile.

        P.s Junho has been called an acting genius by media since Cold Eyes and fans every time he comes out with a movie or a drama. During the recent fan meeting, once again he was called a genius in one of the fan questions but he debunked it right away and said he not a genius but he works so hard.

        To me, for sure, he is a talented human being.

      • @cassy

        I’m not saying Junho is not a good singer or performer. I totally agree he sings well, stable on stage, dance perfectly as well, and overall an extremely talented person. The only part is his singing voice is very generic. It’s very good, but not unique. Not the type of voice when ppl hears it, they are able to recognize right away. His voice is even often mixed up by the fans with Wooyoung’s voice. That shows how un-identifiable his voice is. Even JunK’s voice, there is that unique tone that is distinguishable, whenever he sings.

        As you said, he is huge yet low profile. Other than Japan market, he is not very prominent. He had many solo concerts, yes, but it’s still a very niche market. At this point now, concerts and mass performance is a thing of the past.. we don’t know yet when these can be resumed safely around the world. That is why I feel at this point, focusing on his acting could be a safer and more productive route for the moment.

      • @Cassy Koreans use to ask him what happened to 2pm which made him sad. JYPE could’ve promoted his solo work better, and with proper marketing he would’ve been successful. But Japan pays very well, & its an easier market to go into as well as very loyal.

        @Bbp09 He’s very different on stage vs. acting. His lyrics he writes for his solos are rather racy. A harsh article a few years ago called him multi talented, but it didn’t relay to anything major. It would be frustrating seeing someone who has the chops/charisma to be a top star squander the chance. But even I wonder if he’ll even top TRS ratings wise. Its hard to say as I’ve to see what he’ll choose next. If he chooses poorly, it could stunt his momentum.

      • @annon I don’t think he’s after superficial popularity though. I see him as a real artist and I think he’ll choose work from an artistic stand point.

        If you have Japan as your market, that’s more than enough. Beside he gets to do what he likes and he’s in full control. 97 concert shows as a solo artist. I wonder if there’s any Korean solo artists who have done the same. I’d like to know who else.

        He’s at the top right now. Who else got to be number 1 in brand value both as an actor and as an idol?

        I think he’s a man of gratitude.

    • @Bbp09 Yes I agree. His solo career is in niche stable market and I believe he intended that way. Most of the songs the he wrote and produce for himself are very unique and the vocals on the songs are also unique that requires specific vocal training and technique which is totally different from his vocals in 2pm.

      I believe as a Singer, his main priority is 2pm. His solo is for certain market and 2pm is for mainstream.

      I love JunK voice and he can make those amazing runs but Junho has the vocal range, versatility and stability.

    • The impression I get off of his career choices is: Free Spirit. Both his music and acting choices were never mainstream. After TRS, I started searching his name and learned what I could about him. He has uniqueness to him and he is not afraid to show it. At the start of his career, this individuality and character did not bring him mainstream popularity, but it built him a strong foundation to become the man he is today, loved by many who finally discover the gem that he is. I do not believe he will change for anyone regardless of the outcome. This man will do what he loves to do till the end and I’m totally on board with him. Therefore my expectation is that he will choose his next project because that project will strike a chord with him, not because it will bring him popularity. He will choose quality work as always.

    • @Cassy He’s matured not in looks but also mind, compared to a comment he said when he was younger that gave me pause. He wants the Daesang. Even if he doesn’t chase it, he’ll probably do something that’s popular to cement his status for more quality works. He should try to work in films again, as he said he wants to work in Hollywood!

      Any projects you want him to do next? Who should he work with?

      @Nano He has more recognition & bigger anticipation for his next work. He turned down some roles during TRS, so I wonder what’s going to grab him since his fee is much pricier. He could’ve done idol & romance shows, but he chose dramatic work which helped people take him seriously. Wonder how his career will unfold, & how he’ll balance his acting & singing side & if’ll succeed in doing so. Rooting for him to get the Baeksang nomination, which would be a huge honor.

      • At yest’s bday vlive, he mentioned he is reading some scripts, though nothing confirmed / decided as yet. Guess he is looking at more acting opportunity at the moment given the uncertainty of opening up due to covid. I hope it’s a good drama he will pick next.. movies are not doing well at the moment too, due to some restrictions at cinema. Anyway, guess we will just trust his choices and see what’s revealed next. While I’m apprehensive about the ratings as well, but I guess like TRS, so long as it has a good well written story, it can definitely attract the viewers’ love and good ratings will follow…

        As for 2pm activities, he also mentioned he wished for it, but nothing planned at the moment. It seems to me 2pm will be on hold for awhile, as the maknae CS is getting married and preparing for the birth of his firstborn. I’m sure the members are all supportive of him, so they wouldn’t have anything busy planned for the moment.

      • @Bbp09 Thank you for the update! Any other tidbits that stood out?
        He could do a Netflix film, and get more of a global audience. If he’s smart, he’ll take full advantage of his success & do a few acting projects. Hopefully his agency allows him to do so. He did seem to miss performing on stage a lot, so he might return to it later.

        Any actresses that you think he would work well with?

        His previous dramas are well received but ratings are average. As long as he keeps on upping himself & diversifying his projects he’ll do fine. He’s now A List with a higher fee, so he has more expectations. Great romance with a known FL would expand his opportunities and solidify his status post TRS.

        Wouldn’t be shocked if they perform less as they age. They’ll might re-unite next year for their 15th anniversary. There great at keeping their dating private, wonder if JH also has one. On your prior comment, he’s talented but his solo work in Korea is ok & not well promoted. If they marketed him better like in Japan, it would’ve hit. In Japan, his image is more on the sexy side & his solo stages surprise me with his confidence. Idols tend to be seen as lesser than actors, so I hope as he gets in his 30s that he can act more.

        This was a great convo! Both of you guys have made it interesting to talk about his career & choices with!

      • @annon I don’t think he’s be reckless to do anything to maximise his full potential. In what aspect though? He is not a rookie that he has to strike while the iron is hot as if it’s his last opportunity. He has been reaping the fruits of his works since 2013, what else he could ask for? He is at the top right now. I believe the smartest choice for him is to enjoy the moment. Just like he said in the fan meet, “every moment is his moment because the fans are always with him or his fans made every moment is his moment.”

        Regarding Hollywood and Netflix, the reality is Hollywood and US is no longer the centre of entertainment. Time have changed. Global recognition is no longer coming from that region. Thus, the influx of american investments in Korean entertainment industry. And, global recognition could start from any parts of the world because of the internet. There are so many productions that you think are from Hollywood but in fact are not actually from there e.g. Nicole Kidman productions— she has shifted her productions in Australia.

      • By the way, Lee Junho to me is more like an inspiration to me even though I am alot older than him.

        Just like what the PD of The Red Sleeve has said about Lee Junho that he’s an actor who made her go back to the editing room and check whether she missed something.

        Just like what one of the Korea’s veteran composers has said about his interpretation of Rain and You in The King Of Mask Singer, he said Lee Junho interpretation of the song made him reflect on his capabilities as a composer.

        Just like those instances when I decided to view one of his instalive videos, he quoted JYP’s advice to them “even if you don’t have the motivation at the moment, make you are still productive and don’t waste time.” That hits me big time and made me ponder about my life. It sounds cringy but that’s what it is. So from then I’ll support whatever projects he’ll do.

        By the way, let’s support this hardworking guy. Looks like he is serious with his Youtube vlog. He even run a survey asking his viewers what kind of content you want to see from his channel. Hopefully, Ockoala will allow me to post the link of Lee Junho’s YT channel.

      • @Anon. Thanks. I enjoy discourse about Junho too, since I can’t yet let go of Red Sleeve. It has been awhile to see such a perfect drama from all angles.. whatever he do next, I hope it will be equally great. It should be one with messages that resonates with him, since he is such a thoughtful person. As for who he will work with, of course I hope for the best.. not just famous actresses who looks pretty but cannot act.. but someone who can match his acting depth and have both of them shine together.. much like LSY. Difficult to put any names at the moment.. but hopefully no idol actresses. No doubt, whoever he ends up with, he will always be gracious and kind. But it will put more pressure on him to carry the acting, which I don’t hope for him, not because I think he can’t do it, but more I hope it won’t be too strenuous on him. He is just too hardworking.. haha. Not that I’m complaining..

        Indeed Netflix is growing in popularity, but I don’t think it needs to be only Netflix for good production, as RSC has proven.

        End of the day, it will be better for him to build up a portfolio he can be proud of, which he has been doing since beginning, from the looks of it. So I’m glad to read Cassy’s sharing of how he selects his next project. So long as he stays true to that, it shouldn’t be too bad.. as his prior experience has proven.

        I also agree with Cassy that American Hollywood industry has deteriorated. Now, the major/future entertainment source is YouTube! Haha. I guess that’s why he ran a survey of what content ppl wants from his channel. Too bad I missed to join the survey!

        Whatever he does next, he is definitely one actor to watch out for. And of course I hope he gets the Baeksang award!

        By the way, there’s likely going to be another Red Sleeve online fan meeting or something on Taiwan channel. Apparently Red Sleeve is #1 in Taiwan, and Junho, LSY and Kang Hoon will do a special online fan meeting appearance sometime in Feb.

        And of course, we have the Lunar New Year special with cast of RS as well as Radio Star talk show 2eps. Great way to spend the Lunar New Year! Happy Lunar New Year to all!

      • @Cassy I was talking about how he dreamed of working in Hollywood lol, so I was rooting for him! The industry has gone global, & now with Squid Game how Korean projects can disrupt the foreign industry. He also talked about watching Netflix, so he’s clearly a big fan. Hirokazu Koreeda is doing his K-film debut with big names, so something like that would be nice.

        He’s at his most visible now, so I hope he can reap that into getting more quality works. Regardless of one’s status, it helps a lot to keep the momentum going. He’s not a rookie actor & he has lots of experience so he’ll manage the fame well.

        Junho is a workaholic & very tenacious. He’s worked since he was a teen, so that’s ingrained in him. He said he had to sacrifice his personal life for it, so it’s not easy & I like that he admits that. He’s more open doing vlogs, variety, & etc. He gained more confidence after military compared to when he was younger. Hope he can stay healthy, knowing he has 6 holes in his shoulder made me nervous.

        @Bbp09 RSC team is doing many promos, which is nice since MBC don’t promote their shows much. Anyone talented, charming, & nice to work with! Don’t have to be female, as he worked well with NGM. He’s considerate & if you saw Radio Star he made sure everyone felt comfortable, & helped LSY by complimenting her to ease her nerves. Once he settles he might slow down, so might as well enjoy this! RSC was quite popular with older people. If it was on Netflix it would’ve gotten a bigger global audience, since their Insta followers didn’t go up that much but that’s ok.

        Hope he’s on the casting list for well known PDs/writers now! They release actors who they want to cast annually, hope he makes the list! He’s strict about his scripts since he reads a lot of books. We’ll know how much his offers changed by his next works. LJJ will likely win Best Actor, but getting that nomination would be great acknowledgement as an actor. Joining Youtube & posting more on Instagram was a smart move, as it gives him more reach & visibility.

      • @Anon. Yes, Radio Star was a blast. I lol-ed so much throughout the ep. And the ratings increase for yest’s Radio Star ep shows how popular and fun the ep was.

        I think he has worked with too many male stars. Namgoong Min, Lee Sung Min, Yoo Jae Myung, Kim Woo Bin, Kang Haneul, Jang Hyuk, Lee Byung Hun, the list is endless! In an older Radio Star appearance with 2pm members, he was called ‘top male actors killer’. To the extend, Hong Seok Cheon once even ‘confessed’ to Junho, and got rejected of course. Hahaha. They made jokes on Junho’s sexuality because he is friends with so many top male stars. With his increased sexy charm now, I think more female co-stars will be nice, to showcase more of the sexy image.. although I enjoyed his male co-stars just as much of course.. but I think sexy image on him now will be more appropriate to gain him more fans and outreach. And sexy image doesn’t have to be just cheesy kiss scenes.. action scenes would be sexy and manly as well.. and I think that would suit him.. esp with his acrobatic and dance skills.

        I feel, the thing about Red Sleeve is, it is very much a Korean historical, so alot of it is difficult to digest for ppl who are not at least a little well-versed in Korean history. They did make it very beautiful of course.. so for ppl with absolutely zero knowledge of Korean culture and history, when they watch this, at the least they could enjoy the beautiful screenshots.. but alot of how the story unfold may remain baffling for them, unless they took the effort to research on it. But many may not take the effort, and will probably miss out on the minute details in Red Sleeve which made it perfect. Ppl usually watch with their own perception and interpretation only… That I feel is where it is a miss.. Im not a big follower of Baeksang award.. but I hope it will give Red Sleeve the recognition it deserves. The elderly Korean ppl who love it so much definitely have a very strong reason. The more I delved into the minute details of Red Sleeve, the more I’m amazed. Do you know, one of King Jeongjo’s hobbies are drinking? He used to make his courtmen drink until they are drunk before they can leave him. Some said this was after Uibin’s death, and he used alcohol to numb his pain maybe. And the drama had a scene of drunk King San. King Jeongjo also is well-known to be great in archery, and because they follow Confucius, to be humble, he always purposely miss his last arrow when practicing. This was also briefly portrayed and mentioned in Red Sleeve. Another tidbit was on the bathtub. King Jeongjo is known to have taken many baths.. even baths with UiBin. Apparently when UiBin was sick, he personally tended to her bath and took care of her. That’s why bath scenes were added in Red Sleeve.. because bath was a prominent part of the real King Jeongjo’s life. Also, King Jeongjo is known to have read alot of medical books. When his grandfather King Yeongjo was sick with dementia, he trusted no one, and San was the only one who attended to him the most.. staying by his side, which led him to study a lot of medical books so he could tend to his grandfather. This was briefly mentioned in the funny scene in Red Sleeve when Deok Im pretended to be sick because she thinks she may be pregnant and trying to put off telling San. The details are actually endless. Even DeokIm’s friends, BokYeon, GyeongHui, YeongHui, were actual real life friends of DeokIm, and all 4 of them, together with San’s sisters, the 2 princesses, actually worked on transcribing some books in the past. Their names were indeed recorded in history, as was shown at beginning of the drama.

        Given the richness of Red Sleeve, I think it deserves a lot of recognition and definitely as much popularity as it can get to. Will be hoping the best for them at Baeksang and beyond..

      • @Bbp09 I wish we could discuss this in private! Great conversation! Both got family & sister zoned. Think he’s a bit high high maintenance in dating. Male actor killer yes! He has great chemistry with them! As for Hong, didn’t he reject their friendship? That same episode which was a few years later when that came out, he said he’s close friends with him. I wondered if he rejected him because of his sexuality? Since they’re friends, I hope he changed his views.

        A lot of people have noticed that he’s gotten sexier since he came back. I wonder what changed? It’s not like he wasn’t attractive before. For his last Japan promo, he has a scene shooting a gun & he looks great! A spy/military leader role with hot romance on the side like Iris please!

        How about Shin Hye Sun? Her acting is great, can do romance, & nice to work with. He should work with a mature & sexy woman. I notice for his bed scenes, he’s never shirtless. I wonder if he’s nervous to do so? But they did say RSC had a 19+ bed scene ha. His kiss scenes go viral, so they really should offer him more. His next FL is going to feel the wrath of the RSC shippers jk, but she has big shoes to fill.

        TRS biggest demo were older people. It’s gotten some buzz online, but biggest in Korea. In the RSC novel, Yi San wasn’t as charming. Liked seeing Deok Im’s inner struggle, & the life of court maids. Think Baeksang has a rule against books turned dramas being nominated for Best Drama. Best chance is director & ML, would like to see LSY but FL category is stacked. Nominations come out in April. Yoo Ah In won when SJK’s show was huge, so it’s possible he could win despite Squid Game’s dominance.

      • @annon If Lee Jungjae wins Best Actor over Lee Junho, that mean he is again ripped off an award that he should greatly entitled to deserve, just like MBC Daesang.

        I am really curious at what criteria do you think Lee Jungjae should win Best Actor. Squid Games is just too Americanised. To be honest, I never understood why it’s so popular. The quality of the drama was nowhere near The Red Sleeve. Btw, did LJJ’s performance receive any positive critical review in Korea?

        I believe Koreans have seen how outstanding Lee Junho performance in TRS and how authentic is interpretation and have give the character true justice. Greatness comes with hardwork. I am sure he has done so much efforts and lots of preparation & continues practice to deliver such amazing performance. The vocal pitch itself that he used in The Red Sleeve was actually risky to take because that could have affected his singing pitch. Though I am not bothered about it as I know Junho is a pro in that area and vocal training is probably part of his daily activities. I hope he’ll get the Best Award at the Baeksang. His performance was so far the one that received the most positive critical review in Korea.

        Fingers crossed the The Baeksang would actually give the Best Actor award based on performance and would not give in to lobbying of Foreign or American investors.

      • My apology for my incoherence. I find it difficult to review my comment in such a small screen. Hope you were still able to understand what I was trying to convey. ?

      • @Cassy No worries! P.S, liked how you wrote my name, will use that for less confusion! I was the same @Anon that was on his A List post! Also, I wrote a good/long comment to @Bbp09 more than a hour ago, & its not appearing!? It better not be gone!

        All three of us should create a group chat about him going by the rate we’re going lol! I said LLJ because if Squid Game not getting the Daesang, they’ll award him instead since he’s a big star & veteran. Unfortunately, it’s not all about acting but other aspects. There’s politics, $$, favoritism, & hierarchy involved in awards. So a nomination is a win, as it’s more competitive.

        In the comment that didn’t appear yet to @Bbp09, I said Yoo Ah In won for 6 Flying Dragons at the Baeksangs vs. SJK in DOTSun. The more acclaimed performance won over the more popular one, which mirrors LLJ & LJH. He should’ve gotten the Daesang, given how the show revived MBC. But that might’ve given him big pressure, since some netizens looked down on him because of his Idol background. Due to strong competition, he didn’t get Best New Actor nom & his FL in Rain or Shine got it instead. Hope that this time, they don’t ignore him.

        I said to @Bbp09 was that I believe there’s a rule that adaptations of books & web-toons can’t be nominated for Best Drama. Usually shows with Best Drama nominations/wins, their actor has a higher chance of winning like Kang Ha Neul. But Kim So Yeon did win despite her show not being nominated. Nominations are out April & there’s not much competition yet. It would be a well deserved nomination or win! If he won, there might be some tears for finally getting recognized by his peers & the industry for his acting.

      • @Bbp09 The same episode, they both family zoned each other ha. There really trying to shush the shippers. Do feel he might be a bit high maintenance for her. But their chemistry on/off is great! Also can’t deny his strong chemistry with men lol, not commenting on his sexuality just saying he has good chemistry with anyone. I remember that story. Wasn’t it because he denied their friendship? I hope it wasn’t because of his sexuality. He did say in that episode that he’s good friends with Hong, so I hope he’s changed his views since then. He was complimenting Won Bin/Lee Byung Hyun’s aura/looks like he had a man crush, it was cute.

        As for female stars, I like to see him work with a mature, sexy, & talented actress. He had good chemistry with an older lady in Wok of Love, & it would be nice to see him work with an older lady again. Some I like are Cho Yeo Jeong, Esom, and Shin Hye Sun. Shin Hye Sun would be my best pick here, she’s talented, charming, & known to be nice to work with. Plus, she can kiss! His kiss scenes go viral, like he needs to get more romance offers to put his newly found sexiness to use! Put him in a spy action thriller genre that has romance like IRIS! I do worry a bit since he injured his shoulder, & it’s not what it used to be.

        Good context on RSC! Novel version of his role wasn’t as fleshed out & was more harsh. Really liked LSY’s portrayal of Deok Im, & her parts in Ep 16/17 were amazing. The writer surely did a lot of research as she wrote this for a few years. The show was very popular with older folks. It was more popular in Korea, given how the casts followers didn’t go up much, but its ok. As for awards, I’m rooting for them! It would be a full circle moment if he won.

        One question to @Bbp09 and @Cassy, its not like he wasn’t attractive before he came back. But what is it about him now, that makes him sexier than before? Can’t just be body/looks right lol? I think it’s his newfound confidence, maturity, & style of hair/clothing.

        Also, I wrote a reply that contains similarities in this response that didn’t get posted! So I would probably ignore it if it does get posted.

      • @annon He may have experienced prejudices because he’s an idol but on positive note he won Excellence – Best Actor award for Chief Kim considering that was his first main role. Then he was nominated Top Excellence Actor for Wok of Love. He was also nominated for Best New Actor in film for his role in Cold Eyes, his debut acting project.

        With his Rain or Shine, he should have been nominated for Best Actor if we look at his performance alone. But it was a JTBC drama and the rating was unfortunately low. He would have had a better chance for Best New Actor if he qualified but he already had Chief Kim prior to Rain or Shine. However, I would say he was definitely snubbed at the Baeksang for Best New Actor nomination for his role in Chief Kim.

        I am currently watching Confession right now. His character is a subtle one and he is really good in it. I checked the drama garnered decent rating and audience at that time but I think it’s for specific audience, so I could understand why it didn’t get any nominations.

        For TRS, a Best Actor at the Baeksang would be a well-deserved award for his outstanding performance and on top of that, he’s been getting many positive reviews and appreciation for his performance from different places. To be honest, I don’t understand Daesang Award. It’s quite vague and sounds too political due to it’s vagueness.

        Regarding Lee Junho looks, it’s kind of difficult to tell by his characters appearance. Ex. how come his character in Confession looks so much mature than his really young looking character in Homme Fatale when these two projects were shoot in the same year. His character in Chief Kim was probably the most mature looking so far since he was a Finance Director ex Prosecutor in that drama. Thanks to the internet, we have youtube, JYP channels & 2pm channels so we get to see the real him. It’s amazing we still get to see him from Superstar Survival at age 16 to now at 32 and counting. He was definitely a good looking young man from the start but his confidence and maturity now is what making him alot more attractive and oozing with strong sex appeal. His charisma is just exuding to the roof and in all directions. ?

      • @Cassy When he was up for the Daesang, there were comments that said NGM should get it, and he’s not ready for it due to his idol background. Who ever gave their best should/the show did really well. MBC is giving us all this promo to make up for it.

        Him being snubbed for Chief Kim was odd. He should’ve gotten Best New Actor. I guess industry folks didn’t consider him for it. His best performance is still Rain or Shine, his rawest and saddest.Confession did well in ratings, and had great actors in it. It’s strange even with good ratings/good story, the show went under the radar?

        He has a face that looks different every time you see him. Directors love that, and he knows it’s a plus for him. Even on stage, he becomes this totally different guy. Even acting, I see the role not him. Who is the real Junho? He’s a man of mystery. He’s at his peak career rise, and his sexiness is more apparent now. I hope his next project/role showcase that.

    • It was nice to see them supporting each other. But personally I was more anticipating to see 2pm guys on the second day of the show when it was simultaneously streamed online. It would have been a huge treat.

      • I was actually hoping he would invite Lee Se Young. Haha. Surely there are many fans of Red Sleeve drama streaming that day, or in attendance.. so it would be a treat to the drama fans if he invited LSY.. lol

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