
Episode 8 of A Business Proposal Goes Back Up to 10.8% as the Sweet Relationship of the OTP Fully Heats Up — 20 Comments

  1. The bridge kiss then breakaway where the couple gave each other a little smile before kissing again was the sweet cherry on top of the cake for me. Ahn Hyo Seop is really handsome. If I didn’t recognise it before… i fully admit it now and embrace it 100%. But this episode belonged to Kim Se Jeong. She really is the heart and soul of this episode for me. Her acting blows. From stoic resolve to put Minwoo in his place for meddling, to pulling a Do Hana (uncanny counters) trying to dissuade any other females from a private dinner with her man, down to her regret when she found out hes gone for another blind date, her red eyes looking just about to cry when she called him, to tapping into the chemistry on the ending bridge scene, under the hands of a less competent actress, I dun think the magic could have worked. Kim Jong Kook once commented that there’s nothing Kim Se Jeong cannot do and will always deliver. With this drama, those words from 6 years ago rang through again. I seriously cannot imagine another actress doing this role. In my mind, Kim Se Jeong owned it successfully and definitely over delivered. X

  2. Seol in ah is such an adorable actress. She stole full spotlight in this show. I even didn’t think about main OTP when she and Kim min kyu were together on screen. They are totally carrying the show for me

  3. Episode 8 seems to lost that directorial magic I love for the first 4 episode for me. I don’t know, I find this episode seems like all over the place. a filler before a big obstacle. I hope the obstacle it’s not too dramatic though.

    • Its actually mirroring the comic. The obstacle is grandpa for lead couple and for the second leads its the bust up between the cousins. Minor issues probably yet again resolved within same ep. Moving at lightning pace thats ehy its good.

    • Same overall I think it’s an enjoyable show but episodes 8 was dull. Also grandpa needed more screen time. Next week’s preview looks more fun though hopefully it’s a funny one.

  4. This rom-com by far is the most heart fluttering drama in 2022. I have no complain with the plot, the development of the characters and the cast are all doing great. The main leads, the supporting leads have enough screen time or shall I say enough charisma for their particular scenes. The SWs woven their scripts perfectly so no bad comparisons. I really enjoy watching this. Thumbs up to thw creator and to all the cast particular Sejeong, Hyoesop, Inah, and MinKyu. Haraboshi, the office cast and Hari’s family are also added laughters. I love the plot and no characters are very hateful. I hope more increase in double digit ratings. Btw, Sejeong and Inah are so pretty here. I love to watch their faces.

  5. Whoever cast Seol In Ah and Kim Min Kyu as the second couple deserves a raise.
    They are such natural fit in their roles.
    Hoping to see more future projects for them.
    Seol In Ah is such an adorable actress.

  6. I still don’t like AHS’s acting but in this kind of drama, it doesn’t bother too much, the story is not as deep.

    It’s really a good rom-com. A nice and light story, easy to enjoy.

    The second couple is great!

  7. I love the 2nd lead plot line so much. The main leads not so much, the chemistry isn’t strong. I really like KSJ but AHS is only good at being handsome, which he is. Will continue watching for the 2nd lead and grandpa.

  8. This episode kind of lost the magic for me. There was a lot of focus on romance and less silly antics. AHS had to actually act in this episode, so it made it much harder to watch. KSJ’s acting is so much more nuanced compared to him. She’s really hard carrying this show in its serious and comedic moments for the main lead couple. All AHS can deliver is a tall handsome face, and perfect English. I’ll give him that his dead pan and confused looks are somewhat funny. I know his character is supposed to be cold/stoic on the surface, but even when he told the story about his parents and the corn dog, I felt nothing for him. At least he’s lovely on the eyes.

    • There are times when his acting falls through that I actually imagine Seo Kang Joon in the role instead. I think he would have rocked it. Cos when it comes to perfect looks, simply no actor comes close enough to it for me than him. But I do think AHS is very very good looking and I am giving him a pass for his not great acting since I do feel the chemistry between him and KSJ.

      • I can Imagine Seo Kang Joon in it. He has that arrogant look on him, might be I imagine Human Nam Shin type of acting, LOL.

        BUt I’m very surprise of how improve AHS has become since Abyss. In Abyss, He is so very awkward, and wondering why he choose career become an actor. LOL.. But here, His facial expression is getting better. And despite he is so stiff and awkward at times, He Oozed charisma that I didn’t find in Abyss or any o of his previous work and I actually can see him as young CEO.

      • Seo Kang Joon would’ve been perfect as well! I think there’s a few actors that could slay this role. I’m still having a hard time envisioning Ahn Hyoseob as a domineering CEO. He really doesn’t exude the commanding “aura” that I’d expect. However, I do agree his acting has gotten much better since Abyss. Abyss was abysmal (pun intended).

        The other thing that disappointed me about these last two episodes was grandpa was missing for so much of it! I thought I was going to see him watching his drama, and him commenting about the fake boyfriend trope to mimic Hari’s situation. Hopefully next week picks back up with the funny antics!

  9. I support what others said about the lack of magic in episode 8. I think the writer’s downfall is speeding up the consummation of the second OTP relationship. Once they have slept together, the push-pull tension of will they or won’t they is sadly gone. Now they’re like a regular couple navigating their differences in character, hobbies and conflict resolution style. The scene where YS forced SH to taste all her badly cooked dishes and forced out a confession from him is not that funny. Could have been done differently and cut short by her asking him “how come you’re not swallowing the food?” when he lied the first time. Better still, the next scene could be them ordering and hungrily slurping on jajangmyeon with all the cooked dishes shunted aside. Full acknowledgement from both sides that her cooking needs vast improvement and not a point of argument later on. That’s just my personal opinion though. Lol. Please don’t shoot me.

    • Its not the scriptwriter’s downfall. Its what the manhwa was all about. The second leads have a very sexual relationship and got together in lightning speed whereby the lead couple is a slow burn. Even the actors in their interviews likened the relationship by mains as grade school romance compared to adult fiction by the second leads. When you get together this fast, its more about just the sex and the aftermath is needing to learn more about each other to adapt into a regular life together. She’s been a princess all her life whereas he is from a very realistic background. The clash is meant to highlight this difference and if they still choose each other after all that petty fighting, breakup and make-up sex, its still love but a more tiring one. Thats why I never swayed in my preference for the main romance. The slow burn is more my type of cool jam.

  10. There are times when his acting falls through that I actually imagine Seo Kang Joon in the role instead. I think he would have rocked it. Cos when it comes to perfect looks, simply no actor comes close enough to it for me than him. But I do think AHS is very very good looking and I am giving him a pass for his not great acting since I do feel the chemistry between him and KSJ.

  11. i didnt know i like this drama that much…it silly n heart fluttering at same time. KSJ definitely killed this role which i doubt she could pull-off at beginning based on her previous role. AHS did not much tho, he clearly still lacking but it kinda passible since it didnt require much emotion so it okay for me. and the ost is so good

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