
Love Like the Galaxy Premieres to Critical Dumping from Critics and Viewer Complaints About Wu Lei Being Too Skinny and Zhao Lu Si’s Terrible Own Voice Dialogue Reading — 92 Comments

  1. The episode count of the drama is 56 episodes and it has been split into 2 parts to get around the episode count limit (like what The Blue Whisper did).

    Part 1 has 27 episodes and Part 2 has 29 episodes.

    • Yes I don’t think it was cut. Just split into 2 parts.
      The first four episodes were indeed draggy with too much focus on FL’s family but that’s the author’s style like in the Story of Minglan….in this case no interaction between the leads until episide 6. Hopefully things will pick up in episode 7 onwards…..

      Ancient Love Poetry was panned by the critics but it still did well… hopefully Love Like A Galaxy can survive till the end of airing…

      • Personally, even in story of minglan is more fovused on fl’s family story, but it still interesting n intense though. Her background family story didnt make me get bored even it takes long episodes until she meets with ml. I hope fl on love like a galaxy have interesting family story too, like minglan.

      • I am never one to comment on anything but I feel I had to, ok so the ML may not be ideal but I think he fit the part perfectly. If the director, producer and writers thought he wasn’t a good fit then he wouldn’t have gotten the part. People focus 2much on looks and criticism and not paying attention to the fact they both are doing a great job. FL have her own acting style that make her unique and funny. ML and FL we in America are enjoying your drama keep up the good work and I look forward in your more drama.

      • Maoyan, Vlinkage, etc …all list Love Like The Galaxy on 1rst position, while Leo and Lusi characters are hot trends on Weibo !..and the season 2 just started ..
        Great job, WuLu team, congratulation Director Fei !

    • I never do comments. Ever…but come on people if the poor guy troubles you that bad and the series is that awful don’t watch!!! Just giving insults to be cruel get a life. I don’t seeing that bad. I am wanting to watch.

    • This is is one of the most intense and well acted drama that I have seen in years. BOTH LEADS and secondary actors are simply amazing. Koala here complaining about asthetics instead of looking at the nuanced microexpressions of the characters. Everyone fits their character.

  2. Wu Lei isn’t getting praise for his delivery. He’s just not getting criticised on virtue of being better than Zhao Lusi who isn’t professionally trained. For someone who started out as a child actor and is pretty well liked as an actor, Wu Lei’s dialogue delivery is terrible.

    • This @kitai is always a nega critique! 🤐🤐🤐 I hv not read any of your post here without criticism and yet you yourself is worst. Hmppp!

      • Indeed, I noticed the reviews here are biased, and they attack actors for personal reasons, not performance.The actors are playing their roles according to the script, which is really original,and I like to hear the actors own voices. Already on ep 8, and looking forward to the next ! They tried to discredit as well Who Rules The World, and the drama is the first ever Chinese series to rank in the top Netflix ! So, haters, give up and get a life, stop trying to destroy young actors’ life and careers !

      • Wu Lei is doing an excellent job portraying his role as Ling Buyi. He’s the best choice for this role. I can’t think of any other actor who can do better. As of him being stiff, It’s part of his character to be cold and emotionless. Honestly, I like his acting more in LLTG than in the Long Ballad. It’s more intense and showcase his acting ability even more. I find the Long Ballad fighting scene a total joke using a cartoon animated. I was kinda what the hell…🤣🤣🤣🤣

      • At first I also thought that,and I was surprised cos I know Wu Lei can act well…but it’s just the character (as you will see when the drama on ep11).
        Ling buyi is supposed to be sinister, intimidating and off putting.Wu Lei is actually doing a good job with him.
        it’s just that Zhao Lusi’s dialogue delivery isn’t that enunciated and clear as Wu lei’s (cos maybe she wasn’t formally trained) so he appears more theatrical sometimes.
        ZLS mumbling dialogue delivery strangely works for this drama as she’s supposed to be very young and careless.It makes her adorable and relatable.
        Im enjoying the drama so far.It defines slow burn but the chemistry is 🔥🔥🔥

    • Wu Lei is doing an excellent job portraying his role as Ling Buyi. He’s the best choice for this role. I can’t think of any other actor who can do better. As of him being stiff, It’s part of his character to be cold and emotionless. Honestly, I like his acting more in LLTG than in the Long Ballad. It’s more intense and showcase his acting ability even more. I find the Long Ballad fighting scene a total joke using a cartoon animated. I was kinda what the hell…🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • Zhao Lusi is a lousy actress for a long time which a smart audience would noticed. I’ve watched so many of her C drama and despite she plays different C historical drama roles, her acting and facial expressions are the same. I don’t know what these executive producers see in her and continue to give her many many opportunities as leading actress but she’s god damn awful. I don’t even bother to watch any C drama that she’s stars in bc her voice is squeaky and she acts all the same with annoying expression. Why waste my time

      • ZL is NOT a terrible actress. If you don’t like her acting and voice don’t waste your time on her. Give the girl a break. You’re being too personal. Can you do a better job than her? I personally think she’s a good actress and if you don’t see that check your standards. She’s famous internationally and her dramas are on the top lists. Don’t tell me the whole international community are dumb? And I’m disappointed with koalasplayground for posting a very biased article.

      • that’s funny, i love everything with her in it. i think she has a lot of charisma and is very cute. i consider myself part of the brilliant audience. so~ to each his own. you can hate her but please don’t group people who dislike her into a “smart” group.

  3. Thanks koala for covering this show’s news. Anyway I will still watch the series as both Leo Wu Lei and Zhao Lu Si are my favorite actors. Despite its issues or lack, I will still watch it 👍

  4. Don’t focus on something that is not irrelevant to the story,to early to judge how they act the drama. Just watch it and enjoy until the last episodes.

  5. Don’t focus on something that is not irrelevant to the story,to early to judge how they act the drama. Just watch it and enjoy until the last episodes.

  6. The one who post this article is indeed a hater😆😄 The first time I’ve heard and seen that Zhao lusi acting is terrible. I believed that you haven’t watched her other dramas’s and the ongoing drama right now. She has always shows her diversity and skills through her different roles. She’s one of the most promising young actress in China right now.

      • I didn’t see koala post any positive reviews on WRTW. When she saw negative reviews on this show, she immediately posted an article.😂

      • I didn’t see koala post any positive reviews on WRTW. When she saw negative reviews on this show, she immediately posted an article.😂

      • I didn’t see koala post any positive reviews on WRTW. When she saw negative reviews on this show, she immediately posted an article.😂

    • I love Zhao Lu Si but her roles aren’t particularly diverse. She has a standard genre she usually does which is usually romantic comedy. I’ve watched her for a while and the first time I noticed a shift was in The Longest Ballad with Dilraba and Wu Lei.

    • Totally agree! She is just acting as her role want her to be.. why putting blame on her? Must be a hater.. I think..

    • I absolutely agree. In my opinion Zhao Lusi has high skill on acting and her charisma is undeniable. Her performance in Love like the galaxy is fine enough. For the voice, I don’t understand Chinese, so I couldn’t make fairly criticism. However, so far I have enjoyed watching this drama.

      By the way, Wu Lai was a bit skinny in this drama as showed in his sunken check.

    • Agree. ZL is indeed a promising actress which is probably why she’s getting a lot of hate. This article is very biased. LLTG has a million viewers worldwide and they’re praising the CP for their acting. I’m one of them. This pairing is phenomenal. So many jealous people here! If you have nothing good to say better not say or write it. If you want to criticize do it constructively. Don’t be unreasonable and blind b***es!

  7. The one who post this article is indeed a hater😆😄 The first time I’ve heard and seen that Zhao lusi acting is terrible. I believed that you haven’t watched her other dramas’s and the ongoing drama right now. She has always shows her diversity and skills through her different roles. She’s one of the most promising young actress in China right now.

  8. I think the reviews will get better. I’ve noticed comments are already better today compared to when the first 4 episodes aired.

    IMO the worst part so far is the directing. This director makes every actor look bad with his weird camera angles and lighting. Even Zeng Li, who is usually gorgeous, looks so aged and ill in this drama. Wu Lei is definitely too skinny in the face but the director isn’t doing him any favors with some of the camera angles lol he has a very weak side profile because of his nose yet they keep showing his character from a side angle. Zhao Lusi is ok so far, I think her line reading is kind of modern but she’s more .. vibrant (if that’s the right word) compared to the ML.

  9. These criticism are so UNTRUE! These two ML and FL are slaying their roles to perfection. This is actually more interesting than WRTW. The 8 eps dont have any boring scenes. The plot is gearing towards excellence. All the cast are good.

    Those critics SHUT UP! 🤐🤐🤐

    • Way to Go! JUMI!!! These critic are something else. Do they understand the whole theatrical engineering of making a drama???? Wow, to the haters who has no clue but to scratch their buts and dig there nose without understanding the passion and dedications all these production put in time and effort. Kudos to the live dialog. Those who fears so much on reality but dare to venture and explore the possibility to progress. I say get your thumb sucking out of your mouth and grow up. Love like the Galaxy is a great story and I can relate to the reality of family life, challenges, love endurance and fighting for true happiness. Beautiful work!!!!

      • Totally agree! A beautiful drama with a great storyline will draw me to tears, feel angry, smile, laugh and reminisce. Love like the galaxy, is serving this viewer well and is unfolding to be a beautiful drama. Critics will criticise, haters will hate we can’t do without them because they move us to become better people in our professional and personal lives. Keep up the good work production team and acting cast enjoying your work. The Cheng grandmother though I love her character she reminds me of our family matriarchs, my dad’s sisters…too funny.

  10. I disagree with this. I actually like that the plot currently focuses on her family dynamics. It’s the political stuff that’s causing me to fast forward through.
    And rather than nitpicking their dubbing..I’m just happy they are using their own voices lol

  11. Echoing the above comments, I am so far enjoying the drama, esp. the family banter with solid veteran actors/actresses.

    • @Karin

      I love the drama. Like you I enjoyed the family matriarch acting and the way the sons are knowing how to negate it because those situations are really happening irl. Those scenes made me rofl, I really love it and opposite of the other said here that those scenes were boring, it is not for me.

      I love Lusi and Leo. I have not seen any stiff acting or any flaw in them. Maybe I am that biased but these actor/actress are making my days this July month happy,I always looking forward to the broadcast of the drama.

      Btw, I like that the drama used the original voice of the artists because that dubbing makes me hate the drama because the authenticity is gone.

  12. I love this drama so far. For me, the acting by the leads, including support cast is spot on. I like the camera angles and how the director and his team use music, transitions, and other techniques to relay the story. This has made the entire story hilarious and engaging. For me, this is the best drama this year so far. Thumbs up to the team.

  13. As a C drama costume lover, I am trying so hard to finish the first episode. I don’t feel enough motivation to continue it..ZLS is not shining as in WRTW..I don’t if it is slow burned drama..but yes they don’t make the viewer interested since beginning..Maybe I will try to skip many parts and just begin from ep 6 lol

    • It’s true that the first 4 episodes dragged, but eventually you’ll warm up to the family dynamics and the story picks up after episode’s definitely a slow burn( has 50+ EPs!) but even the few scenes WL and ZLS were in so far you can see the chemistry🔥 🔥
      I actually like ZLS acting more than WL in this drama.( Although I’m WL fan than ZLS)WL seems to be a bit dramatic in his acting, but maybe the character calls for it cos I know he can act well.SO I suggest you hold on a bit and see..I’m enjoying it so far after ep 5☺️

  14. I don’t know what you guys are talking about but I liked it. I waited all year for the show to finally air. Everyone’s a critic and it’s fine to voice your opinion but sometimes don’t you guys ever think that no one really gives a DAMN about your opinion. If you don’t have anything good to say just don’t say it. Keep it to yourself!

  15. I will say…

    Though I hate how Zhao Lusi voiced her lines, I am glad she was actually afforded the opportunity. Her acting is FANTASTIC, but there’s no way to say she emoted well in these first four episodes. Hopefully as she continues voicing, she’ll get stronger. Voice acting and acting do seem to be two different practices/talents, so… if China is about dubbing, they gotta give actors a chance to actually practice it…

    It would be cool to see/hear their natural acting voices in the actual scenes. Based on the acting, I feel like they do deliver in the scenes. It’s too bad they are often/always dubbed.

  16. I will still watch and don’t mind voices as I have to read subs so as long as story line is good then I happy – Scotland

  17. Please enjoy the drama without any negative remarks. Don’t compared Love like the Galaxy to A Dream of Splendor. Everyone has their own acting skills and roam for improvement. They have been doing so great. All the best to Leo Wu and Zhao Lu Si.

  18. So far I love this drama so much I’m not feel boring shao lusi character was so funny and for Leo Wu wow he’s like a real brave man the story was really good I don’t see any negative reaction as long as I love them both I still watch it and I love it so much fighting Leo Wu and shao lusi

  19. Why people love to criticize those actor’s and actress it’s non of our business as long as they act normal. Skinny?he is not the role fits him that’s why he looks skinny it’s the visual effect of the camera. And to my dearest zhao lusi your the best your so versatile. Keep it up

  20. Slow simmer from the start but I’ve been addicted since epi 1. I usually would pass forward but haven’t done so so much since watching this show. I love the actors esp Zhao Lu Si. but i love a strong character female lead. I dunno where the rest the of the story will be going, but for now I’ll enjoy the ride. People should just disregard the reviews or criticism and start to watch the show for your own entertainment and judge it after. my two cents.

  21. Excited
    to the next episode 😀 I cannot wait more days ❤️❤️❤️ I really like them both….GOD BLESS…more drama and movies to come..

  22. I absolutely love this drama so far I have no complaints at all and eagerly await the next episodes each day I’m in the US so maybe I look at things differently but I like both their voices and the clothing are beautiful the cinematic feel of the show is fantastic to

  23. Just recently finished The Blue Whisper then Who rules the world, which I marathoned in 4days (because its that good and kept me on the edge of my seat esp the latter episodes with all the battle scenes) and now ready to dive into this. Love WL and ZLS.
    Wish Koala would cover more of Cdramas (and actors/actresses) too, they’re mostly what I watch these days.

  24. This blogpost is so biased lmao. At least watch a couple of episodes before posting an article criticizing the acting/storyline using comments you read on weibo/whatever other sources.

    I honestly think this drama is better compared to Dream of Splendor, which is an extremely overrated drama imo. The plot starts out pretty slow but the pace definitely picks up. It also follows the plot of the novel which it’s based on pretty closely, and coming from the same writer as the Legend of Minglan (apparently she’s also the consultant for the drama), that’s quality guarantee.

    The directing/sets/costumes etc are also pretty well executed. You can tell how much effort they put in this drama just from the Lantern festival scene in episode 6. The set the drama team built is truly beautiful.

    • Now that you mention it…I did drop Dream of Splendor after watching the first few episodes. I got tired of the female lead getting into trouble too much. As for Love Like the Galaxy, I am still hooked.

  25. I actually like the drama…even the first few epis before the leads actually met. I’m still waiting for the episodes daily so I can’t really say it’s a bust. I have not been disappointed so far by any epis.

  26. OMG ep 10 is on fire. The interaction of Niao2 and Buyi while taking out the arrow is making my heart palpitating too much. I love this drama. I love Zhao Lusi and Leo Wu. Beautiful and powerful couple. Looking firward fir more eps. More fire!!!

  27. I think koala internet is no place for personal venting for those “who write review article based on audience preference ”
    Idk what You are watching but her (Zhao’s) acting is on point
    She is behaving just like a teen( as her char. Shows) who has not had particularly happy or even peaceful kind of childhood ..she had to fight for even smallest of things but still had maintained a child’s innocence and ALSO dramas big as this show character development as episodes progress…
    Same goes for Wu lei …he also acts as stiff because his character is very much suspicious about his surrounding as expected of a young, honoured and intelligent general….
    And personally I’m enjoying this drama very much
    All of the cast knows the character they are given very well
    Because i can literally understand and feel every situation and scene
    ,For instance, I kind of cried when niaoniao’s mother hugged her cousin yangyang even though she had never even once hugged her own daughter…
    So we all audience know what we are watching and u need not spread malice
    Because IT WON’T WORKING
    Also a piece of advice for you – be honest or NO ONE is going to read your article at all

  28. Netizens are cray cray. Wu Leo was criticized for being too big in The Long Ballad so y’all need to just stop. He looks good!! Skeletor be damned! Folks need to concentrate on the characters and these actors are doing a good job portraying them. If the script calls for a young girl to mumble words and speak under her breath then that’s what Zhao does. If the character has to be stoned faced and and assertive then that’s what Wu does. I’m not super crazy about the script for the first several episodes but that has nothing to do with the actors who are hired to play a part and deliver said dialogue. I will definitely continue watching!

  29. I think he looks amazing and I love his bone structure. It is so domineering and sexy. The long ballad was awesome and he killed it and he will fucken awesome in this one also. I am already invested and it is so crazy they fall deeply in love without saying it. I think their kissing scenes need to be worked on, I think it’s cultural thing so I just ignore it lol.

  30. It sounds like fans have specific beauty standards and they can nit-pick and be overly critical of looks and aesthetics. I mean, sure, there are facial shots of Leo Wu where his cheeks look a little hollow but there are also shots in brighter lighting where he looks perfectly full in the face. Personally, I didn’t think anything negative, merely that the male lead had impressive facial structures. In fact, the handsomeness of his character, especially during his intro scene, really impressed me. Overall, I still find him to be attractive and I don’t see it as a huge enough deal to be getting worked up about. If anything, the personality of his character is quite commanding, chilling, very aloof, and a bit mysterious so I think some sinister-like shots of his face would only add more to his air of intrigue.

    As for Zhao Lusi, her character starts off as childish, innocent, and a bit naive to the realities of war and life beyond the drama within her own family. If that’s how her character is supposed to be then the mumbling she sometimes does fits right in.

    The first 4 episodes were a little slow but I’m enjoying this drama so far and I often find myself looking forward to the next episode each time I finish one. That’s not always the case for me with dramas and I’m not one who’ll hesitate to drop it if I find it lacking. There’s good chemistry between the two leads and the story is personal, relatable in some aspects, and intriguing enough that I don’t see myself not finishing it.

  31. Such a foolish article, based on writers own view and not from viewer’s point. Had you seen the drama you would have never posted this kind of baseless article. Stop calling yourself writer first.

    Zhao lusi and wu lei talent is far better than your entire writing skills. Plus, this drama writer’s “LLTG” is far better than your entire career.

    Zhao lusi has nailed this role like a pro. She is living cheng shao shang character and wu lei is totally savage as ling buyi plus entire supporting cast till now has done a fab job.

    I don’t know on which planet your so called netizens resides who have really no good eye to see what actual talent is.

    Hahah !! You should apply in mars for articles, may be martians will someday like your posts.

    With love from India.

    We love “love like the galaxy “ and your article won’t stop us from praising the drama, casts, director, sets, amazing performances, brilliant execution of novel.

  32. I think you haven’t seen this drama yet. Based on the people I don’t know who? What netizens, when everyone praises zhao lusi internationally overseas these kind of articles becomes so minute in front of her talent. Wu lei is a brilliant actor, who are these people?, who lacks eye for a good talent. Director fei is an amazing director if you have seen this drama you must have seen his brilliant shots. How can your netizens say these things about this drama. I can laugh off !! On these kind of articles which is non existent in front of a giant LLTG. In the coming days, you yourself will regret posting this, because LLTG will reach on top. You cannot stop a good artist from being praised and received so much of recognition which is long overdue and so much of love and support from netizens. (We are the netizens)

    • Your right! Oh I loved her Z luci in her series Who Rules the world. How I wish I can watch this on Netflix. The only problem is the English subtitles.

  33. Omg!!! People are so easy to criticize Zhao Lusi and Wu Lei. Everyone have their own favorite actors and actresses… pls!! Pls!! Don’t take it so personal. As forvmy own opinion the main leads did justice to the roles they portrayed. I congratulate the whole production crew and regardless of the negative personal criticism is really enjoying the storyline. C’mon people can we just appreciate instead of being so critical … life is too short not to appreciate😀. Goodluck to this beautiful drama Love like a Galaxy❤️❤️❤️

  34. Maybe because I’m not an actress nor a critic but I absolutely love this show so it’s very disheartening to hear about the episode split and hopefully it’ll be be the exact same actors because they love to change actors. And regarding the ML’s appearance…he looks damn good to me. Humans are really never satisfied with a person’s appearance. Imagine how tiring that must be for thousands or however many people criticize his appearance but still be in the spotlight because he loves(hopefully) what he does, yes it comes with it but it’s about empathy. Well I hope he doesn’t change himself and the studio doesn’t tell him to and maybe the FL needs to study some more (according to critics). It’s crazy because I just got home from work looking forward to watching the few episodes the are out now. Hopefully they’ll change their mind so part 2 doesn’t come out so late and I pray doesn’t get cancelled, because they also love to do that a lot. Well good luck to everyone 🍀

  35. I see nothing wrong with the actors, zhao lusi character here is supposed to be like that, n lei is amazing for his role. Honestly this is the first time am even willing to pay to watch the rest of the episodes cuz the wait is killing. Tho i do hope ml n fl hv more screen time together

  36. what nonsense? love like the galaxy is handsdown the best c drama this year and a dream of splendor was overrated lmao

  37. I’m watching the series and can’t wait until they come out. wish i could see it all at once Love the stars, the English sub titles, the twist and turns keep it interesting. Zou is a great actress and keeps it interesting.

  38. Hi! Zhao Lusi and Wu Lei. If you are reading this. I would like to say you’re both doing a great job. We, in the Philippines love your acting and we are ecstatic to wait for the next episodes every week. 💗

  39. I like this C drama . Zhao Lusi and Wu Lie are execellent actors in this drama. Their portayal of the characters are alive and reflects the character’s personality. Zhao supposed to act as some one did not have not had a formal education- so her enunciations and fumbling is just acting trying to capture a person with no formal training and free to do anuthing as she fits… That is a skill of an excellent actress, I have seen her in other dramas. Her portayal in all different roles are totally different. So stop bashing her. You dont know what a good acting means…

  40. I like this C drama . Zhao Lusi and Wu Lie are excellent actors in this drama. Their portrayal of the characters are alive and reflects the character’s personality. Zhao supposed to act as some one did not have not had a formal education- so her enunciations and fumbling is just acting trying to capture a person with no formal training and free to do anything as she fits… That is a skill of an excellent actress, I have seen her in other dramas. Her portrayal in all different roles are totally different. So stop bashing her. You don’t know what a good acting means…

  41. i don’t think author truly watched the drama? (ffw, watching at dbl speed, and judging your opinions on others’ reviews don’t count) i am a fan of both zhao lusi and wu lei, i admit, but i can watch objectively and with a discerning eye, can see that they are doing very well.

    ZLS excels in a certain character archetype but you can see she tries different roles, as in long balled and love like the galaxy. as for always playing the same part, you can’t always blame it on the actress either. oftentimes, the producer or director will find someone who “fits” their character and ZLS has shown she can do that character well. the girl is 23 – she has a lot of time to grind her skills and improve. i don’t understand the haters.

    wu lei is always xiao fei liu to me but seeing him in LLTG, wowwwwww… he’s so grown. T_T baby boy is thin, yes, but have you seen China’s weight/beauty standards? it’s crazy. to them, he may be just fine. i remember seeing Dilraba in promo vids for you are my glory and lord I CRINGED at how thin she was – but China thinks she’s perfect. *insert confused face*

    so basically, we all have our own taste in looks and acting but it is really disingenuous to rate and write a review on a drama you’ve obviously not watched or watched with objectivity. especially since that’s what this website is all about. please do better

  42. This is a drama that is a must watch. IT pulls your heartstrings. Dont mind the critics. It already has billions of views, and CP has surpassed all CPs.

  43. Loving this Drama. Just finished episode 48 and will wait until Tuesday to get the last few episodes when they become available. Wu Lei is just ridiculous in how well he plays this role 🔥🔥🔥! Zhao Lusi holds her own too. Excellent cast, beautiful visuals, and the musical score is the cherry on top!

  44. Well….. before he become ling buyi, he was ashile sun…—— a barbarian leader!!! Meaning he has to have a great body to fit the role. So, how can you say that he is too skinny to play ling buyi when he pass and out stand to be ashile sun!!! You have a real problem with your eyes!!! Or you just want to be noticed by bashing this great actors. LLTG, try to watch this and after watching I bet you won’t help but watch over and over again.

  45. This article reeks of bias and jealousy as in the writer isn’t even pretending to be objective. Wow, such vitriol. These two very young actors who are only trying their best to bring joy to viewers shouldn’t be so vilified or attacked. I’ve watched LLTG twice and I absolutely loved not just the lead performances but also the supporting cast especially Bao Jianfeng (the funniest Emperor ever) and Cao Xiwen ( the most badass Consort I’ve seen in a C Drama). People like you are why the international community continues to side-eye the Chinese entertainment industry’s fandom. It’s a toxic environment where fans would rather ruin people’s lives than allow them to be human. Thankfully, most international viewers aren’t sheep and are able to recognise your brand of prejudice.

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