
MBC Fri-Sat Drama Big Mouth Close to 10% Ratings as Good Reviews Pour in For Lee Jong Seok and the Gripping Story — 16 Comments

  1. CW: shallow

    Don’t hate me, but I do have issues with LJS appearance since I first saw him back in the days of Secret Garden. He is one of the actors that takes me a lot of work to see the character and not be distracted by the plastic look of his face (just personal taste!).
    I did watch a lot of his work and he is a good actor. However, there is always this effort I have to put in to see his talent and get absorbed into the story.

    So, Big Mouse sounds intriguing and I’m considering watching it. Positive reviews for the story are a good motivator.
    It would be sad to miss out well done dramas, just because of a minor issue on my part.

    • Same. It is hard for me to watch his dramas. His plastic surgery is so glaring that I can’t take him seriously. Sorry- my experience & my opinion. No hatred for him either.

    • Big fan of LJS. I have watched all his series till date. Was waiting long till he finished his community service. He is back with a bang. What a series. Suspense is awesome

    • For a record almost all Korean actors have gone under the knife. Accept the fact and try to focus on storyline and performance

      • I’m a long-term Kdrama watcher. So, I know! And I don’t have anything against plastic surgery. Some are better done than others. For me, the outcome is better not overdone or obviously fake looking. Again personal taste.

        Even if he is (for me) an example of not done right to the extent of distraction, like I said, he is a good actor and I watch his dramas. But every time it’s hurdle to get past it. Over the years I still didn’t get used to it.

        He isn’t the only one. Im Soo Hyang is the same for me (since I live watched “I do, I do”).

      • I believe most k celebs have at least some minor work done on their face. But when it screams botched nose job such as Lee Jong Seok’s, that’s when I can’t watch their work. Was interested in checking this drama out for Yoona, but I just can’t get past LJS’s nose.

  2. That’s good to hear that’s it’s a gripping watch so far. Personally, I’ll be waiting to see how the story fares for the length of the drama and if it sticks its landing before watching. Almost every time I watch a drama live these days, I get burned.

  3. Why only LJS? He is great but Yoona has been getting praise for her performance aswell and honestly Miho is the most engaging character to follow in the story. I have problem with these type of articles where male lead is singled out over female lead, when they are both doing great job of carrying the drama. It reeks of misogyny.

    • Koala is a BIG fan of LJS, whenever he’s in a show, the entire rest of the cast might as well be cardboard cutouts for all te notice she takes of them. You get used to it after a few years. I am pleased to hear (at last) that Yoona is doing well, I have this on watch list for her, not for him.

    • I agree, but watch out, Rina the pick-me commenter who always defend dudes will fight you 😂

    • That grossed the fvk out me,
      they thrive also with the help of yoona buff,and the cast, and then try to discredit her let alone the rest of the cast.

  4. I don’t find him hits that sincere feeling into character inner depth.. he is strying hard though. wish kwak dong yeon is the one who carrried the leading man. Yoona is improving alot than i last saw her. more ease into the character. Might be her experience in a movie help her alot To improve.

  5. It may be a great drama , but for some reason i’m not enthusiastic about it . I like LJS as an actor , he always delivers good performances . About his PS ,he was already good looking , he didn’t need it but it’s his body, his choice . I was watching Adamas but it’s a little too slow so i dropped . Perhaps due to the scorching summer we are having ( i live in south west of France ) I’m still left with the good detective 2 . The team is great and for once Jang Seung Jo is the one to calm down Son Hyun Joo . The 1st season was heartbreaking but this one is more refreshing .

  6. Drama is intriguing but some of the plot twists are prediictable. I can alrdy foresee who big mouse is and my guess is Mayor Choi.
    Drama is lucky because no real heavyweight drama to compete with. Also, best deciision not to wait for tvn schedule and go for public tv telecast which is MBC.
    LJS is trying his best and I acknowledge it but he doesn’t have the gravitas and talent to make his character compelling. I can imagine it in the hands of a capable actor and result will for sure be much better. But ofc, I have to applaud him for trying to go out of his comfort zone. For me, what made me stay watching is bec of the performances of the support casts. In fairness to most of them, they are good.
    Yoona is improving also and she made me empathize for her character.

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