C-drama Lost You Forever Releases New Stills to Celebrate 1 Million Reservations on Tencent Streaming

Well the interest is definitely there for the upcoming C-drama adaptation of Tong Hua xianxia romance novel Lost You Forever. Unlike the C-drama version of the prequel Once Promised which was soooooo bad and thankfully no one watched it, this one is high profile thanks to Yang Zi as the female lead and a bevy of fast rising male leads and suitably cast supporting roles. The drama hit 1 million reservations (which gauges interest level) on Tencent streaming this week and to celebrate the production released new stills. Yang Zi looks lovely in this shade of green and of course the very important red phoenix flowers make an appearance to complete the look. This time I feel like Zhang Wan Yi looks like a petulant boy as Qiang Xuan (Zhuan Xu) whereas Deng Wei is selling massive Jing as the smartest man on the planet and Xiao Yao’s bedrock vibes. Tan Jian Ci continues to internally emo beautifully as Xiang Liu and Dai Lu Wa as Ah Nian looks adorable as our resident harmless brat.

Is this a sign for me to reread the book :”
Xiao Yao is a complex character to act as. Hope this drama will be good.