Squid Game Grandpa O Yeong Su Charged by Seoul Prosecutors for Sexual Misconduct Stemming From Inappropriate Touching

Welp, grandpa better be ready to retire from acting because age and circumstances for a return are not on his side. K-actor O Yeong Su, best known as the grandpa/player 001 in Squid Game and recently won a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor, has been charged by the Seoul authorities for sexual misconduct. It stems from a woman claiming he inappropriately touched her in mid-2017. She went to the police in December 2021, it was investigated but did not move towards charging him. In April 2022 she went back to re-open the case and another investigation happened and from there O Yeong Su was referred to prosecution to be charged. He denies it, saying he held her hand to guide her around the lake during a walk, nothing inappropriate happened. Regardless he’s since lost his CF endorsements and it’s unclear if he’s got a future left in K-ent especially since he”s already 78-years old.
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Yikes X.X
Men just never fail to disappoint, do they? even at old age SMH

Lol at the excuses men make
Sure grandpa, you’re just holding her hands during a walk in the lake, just totally wHoLeSoMe stuff 
Waiting for the pick-mes and their victim-blaming comments “wHy DiD sHe OnLy CoMe FoRwArD nOw?” “ShE oNlY wAnTs MoNeY fRoM hIm” STFU Karen (you know who the pick-me commenters are here lol)
Exactly. Why did she only came forward now? Let me guess, repressed memory?
The timing is right during the height of Squid Game.
Why are the victims always blamed ? No empathy.
Because these days, so easy for women to play victim. She said, he said.
I don’t choose to believe women, I choose to believe evidence and the truth.