Reborn Rich Ends with Astonishingly High Cable Ratings of 26.948% But Doesn’t Overtake The World of the Married Coupled With Controversial Ending

I think even if Reborn Rich had the best ending in the history of K-drama land it would likely not beat The World of the Married, there is still s 2% differential between the two and in cable ratings that’s a big step. It’s still the second highest cable drama OF ALL TIME and really became the event drama of 2022 which is a feat considering there was already an event drama this year with Extraordinary Attorney Woo. RR ending this Sunday with the second highest ratings in cable land but viewers were more keen on discussing what happened in the finale episode. I don’t blame them, this is a love it or hate it type of ending. Hyun Woo went back to being Hyun Woo as Do Joon dies in the 2004 accident which Hyun Woo was inadvertently a part of and then covered up so that he could escape poverty. There were major McGuffins aplenty to orchestrate this ending including having Min Young track Hyun Woo hence rescue him from getting shot in the head and falling into the ocean. Hyun Woo gets the time line back on track but now knows how to take down the Soonyang family, including conveniently recording the incriminating phone call from 20 years ago where Big Uncle ordered Do Joon’s murder. But Big Uncle dies since he was already on death bed and everyone else in the Soonyang family FINALLY gives up the inheritance battle and Hyun Woo joins Miracle Investments and becomes Do Joon v. 2.0. I think the writer mapped this out since episode 1 hence I’m good with the ending, including how F*#%ked up Cousin Sung Joon was in the present explained by his father setting him up for lifetime blackmail. But it felt emotionally hollow since we viewers love Do Joon more than Hyun Woo having spent more time with him, All in all this was an excellent drama and the ending doesn’t mar it for me, just leaves more to mull over.

congrats to the team for ratings. Writer made us invested in dojoon only to kill him in end. Absolutely terrible ending.
Good. Trash ending. Grandfather is spinning in his grave so fast that he resolved the world’s energy crisis.
Hahaha well said. Grandpa definitely woke up from his grave. What a lame ending.
I wonder if it would have managed to break the record if grandpa was still onscreen. SJK was nominally the main character but the drama belonged to LSM.
It’s a massive disappointment, I think this didn’t leave a legacy because of the ending,
drama with bad ending is forgettable and only remember as the bad ending drama
The ending didn’t mar the overall drama for me either. Apart from what Koala already listed, it also explained why Minyoung was known as Soonyang’s grim reaper.Why the loveline story had happened as it did. I was curious why she was romantically involved and was part of few who thought, it wasn’t necessary. The relevance only made sense at the end.
At onset, Minyoung was already investigating Soonyang and him as person of interest, so her saving him is plausible. That’s why Hyun Woo became a witness to her team. She was following the money trail.At least she wasn’t portrayed as suddenly idiot/dumb.Poor Soon Jung. The Dad/Big Uncle really messed him up.
I’m used to the transmigration theme in Chinese novels and usually the author doesn’t try to reconcile the timelines, so I didn’t expect RR to go that route. The last episode felt super rushed with tons of loose ends. They should’ve stuck with the original ending.
The show ended for me at grandpa’s death. LSM was absolutely amazing in this. Will watch some of his other works now. All members of the Jin family were also amazing to watch. Show did best when it focused on them.
SJK underwhelmed me. This is the first time his charisma and charm didn’t come through. I felt like he hit his current acting ceiling when put next to LSM. People complain about Minyoung but I found Hyunwoo&Jindoo equally dull as well.
Love this drama, even better than World of the Married (for me). I was absolutely engaged. Last episode was a bit rush. The ending makes sense, although I keep thinking DJ was alive somewhere and will show up at the end. But this drama does not belong to SJK. It belongs to grandpa and his 3 children. SJK’s role did not require extensive acting compared to the 4 actors. Even the child actor playing the young DJ has more beefy scenes than SJK. It’s been a longggg time since I actually enjoyed a k-drama. Thanks to Reborn Rich I’ve enjoyed a k-drama once again.
After about a two year break from dramas, I just now finished. I did NOT know anything about the webtoon ending, so this was OK. I mean, there def have been worse endings. I have to go now to read the webtoon for comparison.
PS Happy New Year, Koala!
Glad World of the Married kept its #1 rating.
Reborn Rich was an excellent drama, with clever plot drivers, but missing the draw factor that made me binge WOTM in one sitting. The characters stayed stagnant predictable, except for Grandpa and DJ/HW.
I actually come to like the drama because of the ending. It must be due to I’ve never invested in JDJ’s overtake Soonyang’s storyline. We never dig his JDJ real emotion. He is always calm and I always know JDJ story is told because the audience need to see JDJ become the catalyst of what happen in present time rather than someone I want to root. After all he purposely mess with this family. I come to believe JDJ And HYW is one soul in 2’s not a dream.
Majority watch it for grandpa. Without him this is quite an ordinary revenge drama. SJK did better in some other shows, maybe he paled in comparison to grandpa.
Can someone tell me what’s the original ending?
Excellent drama!
Haven’t enjoy k-dramas for a long time since Misaeng which also had Lee Sung Min as one of its lead actor.
Well done cast of Reborn Rich!
Felt a bit sad the young actor’s time in the series ended too soon. He was great. As for the time travelling to the past, maybe it is time writers are taken to task to please explain rather than just for convenience. At least Cdramas show they are on death beds or something hence travelled back to the past or whatever.
I think the disappointment is with JDJ’s death. After all everyone was rooting for him all the way. But the writer had already set it up that way with the past being unchangeable. The ending is still acceptable for me. There could have been a more satisfactory ending if the writer had followed the original ending.
15 Episodes of pure awesomeness!
The final episode was written by a deaf chimpanzee using intricate sign language to save on production costs!
Amazing to have your brains blown out at point blank range, a 500m+ fall from a cliff into a raging ocean.
Min Young dives off the same cliff gathers all the pieces of Hyun Woo’s Brain from the ocean floor gathers them into a waterproof box, While simultaneously rescuing his deceased corpse from somewhere on the ocean floor. Gets him in hospital for CPR, Brain reconstruction and death by drowning and he manages to recover and be discharged just 1 week later with no visible injuries or scarring.
Ending really sucks. I was expecting Do-JUn 2.0 will get to marry Seo min-young. Once again, leaves my heart broken and regret watching this after the same ending tv shows and movies I’ve been through. This was a F@#K ending indeed. But thank god, I get to share it to you all.