
K-ent Believes its a Two-way Race for 2023 Baeksang Drama Best Actress Between Late Arrival Song Hye Kyo and Early Frontrunner Park Eun Bin — 35 Comments

    • haha my thoughts exactly. TG works because of the good storyline and supporting actors/es. Not because of SHK. While PEB really steals the show.

      • Nope, Shk did the increadible acting, u didn’t understand her character after all ..
        That’s why u r saying this

    • THIS exactly. Her co-stars did most of the heavy lifting. All she had to do was look stoney faced. But I’ll bet they’ll give it to SHK which would be a shame because PEB made me her fan with that role…she was soooooo good.

  1. Park Eun Bin . K awards tend to favor seniority but in the past Yoon Eun hye a fresh former idol and rookie actress made it , winning over the great Kim Hee Ae . IMPOV , PEB’s performance was the most difficult one . In terms of acting , PEB is more versatile than SHK .

  2. I’m the only one who has thought abt the possibility of song2 cpl reunion in upcoming baeksang? wonder how the media and knetz react on this news if it is happened

  3. I’m totally here for Song Hye Kyo’s edgy era. I hope she cuts out the stupid romance melodramas and focuses on bolder roles like this.

  4. SHK really gave the best performances of her career. Her character in general is very subtle but the 2nd half really gave her w/ hard scenes to work with & she delivered w/ great emotional and rage. There’s no over acting but just great acting.

    That being said, PEB’s character as Woo is a rare character & not often being portrayed. I would give my vote to her only in the sense that it’s a harder character to play. The whole drama is a make or break if Woo’s character wasn’t believable. If it’s from the US, then PEB would take the award.

  5. Definitely rooting for Park Eun Bin because no one else can bring Atty. Woo into life better than her. This is her time to shine and finally win the award.

    I don’t know but honestly, I somehow don’t even see Song Hye Kyo getting nominated for the Best Actress category when there’s KHS, JDY, LBY, KHJ, KGE, and a lot more actresses who gave stronger performances regardless of genres and receptions. If there’s someone from The Glory who’s truly deserving of a Baeksang nom, it’s rather someone among the supporting actors like Lim Ji Yeon or Yeom Hye Ran, or Shin Ye Eun.

    • Yo esperó qué gané Park Eun Bin su personaje fue difícil y ella lo hizo suyo a mi en lo personal mencanto no hay nada de la serie qué no me hubiera gustado lo he visto varias veces y no me canso de verlo y espero qué cumplan y hagan la segunda temporada espero q ella sea la triunfadora 😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • Only one used to watching one drama after another, regardless of how difficult the role demands, will faill to see the excellent portrayal of Song Hye Kyo in The Glory. She personified the victim, the reason why everyone else did a good job at their roles in the drama was because the victim was so real, her angers, fears, broken hopes, everything a bully victim feels and whst she becomes, Song Hye Kyo portrayed her perfectly, inspiring even her co-stars to bring out their best! She deserves this award, and more. The no.1 rating of The Glory worldwide should tell us the unbiased opinion and admiration she has gained from millions of The Glory viewers!

  6. No doubts Song Hye Kyo was phenomenal in the Glory, especially in the second half, but for me, the truly superb acting was from Lim Ji Yeon. Those psycho eyes, which also went on panic mode whenever her perfect societal facade crumbled! Omg I don’t remember anything like it

    • For me Lim Ji Yeon quite overacting in some of her scene. Like her sudden laugh is too forced sometimes. I noticed Korean actress tend to scream, give those big staring eyes and act crazy to expressed their antagonist psycho character it’s too cliche. The young actor for YeonJin did better for me. Her evil smile make me want to smack her face.
      For Song Hye Kyo I think she did great with her subtle and calm well plan revenge character. She just showed her exploded emotions once she faced her mother. And I love Lee Sara character. Natural and realistic act.

  7. If there’s anyone in the Glory deserving of a nomination it’s Lim Ji Yeon. She absolutely killed it as the villain! SHK did great work–for SHK standards. She will probably get nominated, at the very most.

    But if koala is saying the award would “usually” go to the senior actor, then it would probably be KHS for Queen’s umbrella. Or even JDY, if it’s gonna be the most senior one.

    If we’re basing it on performance alone, regardless of seniority or popularity, then my money is definitely on PEB!

  8. I think song hye kyo performances in that winter the wind blows is better and more nuance and heart.

    And I like Park Eun Bin performances better in the king affection.

    Butvit’s just more personal taste I guess

  9. For SHK she doesn’t over act to be recognized but just feel thru looking her eyes,facial expression release from deepest emotional hardship she keep for so long. She simply act but the feelng she showed up is wooowww ,i can feel it. And the character she portray need not to exaggerate bec she is a teacher ,simple poor,she is not bustard so she dont need to show more it is really enough to show much ,she maintin calmness and humble professional.howeve, they both deserve whatever.

  10. I think Baeksang has broken the seniority since they awarded both Kim Tae Ri and Lee Jun Ho, who also happened to win the popularity awards, last year. Song Hye Kyo’s performance in The Glory is great, but Lim Ji Yeon’s nuanced and strong delivery is on another level. SHK didn’t hard carry the drama on her own like Park Eun Bin did with the more complex portrayal of Woo Young Woo.

  11. I really don’t know why Extraordinary attorney woo is even being compared to “the glory” in the first place. The glory was good but “EAW” required a lot of detail analysis and park Yun bin delivered those tiny details wonderfully well one could literally read her thought process throughout the development of the show. Song hye ko was good in the glory too but I prefer her acting in romcoms and melodramas . If anyone is getting awards for “the glory” it should be the side characters.

  12. If SHK wins best actress or Daesang I will completely lose faith in Baeksang Arts Awards. SHK’s acting was good,but not superb. If I remember, Lee Bo Young’s acting when she knew that she was being put as executive just for a year, it was better than SHK’s acting. I don’t watch EAW so I can’t say about Park Eun Bin.

  13. For me, Park Yun Bin! Best actress goes to the one who give the best performance to a difficult role. All of them are good but Park Yun Bin surpass them all.

  14. Park Eun Bin carried the whole EAW per episode and brought the autism spectrum to the fore.PEB delivered an extraordinary performance like no other, while SHK gave a superb performance of a victim making a successful revenge in an over repeated theme of “bullying”that reaches its highest peak in this drama.But I have to hand it to PEB as she was superbly awesome in EAW.She deserves the Daesang.

  15. I’d say Kim Hye Soo is a strong contender as well for Under the Queen’s Umbrella. I feel like the drama didn’t get much buzz internationally, but domestically, its ratings just went up and up. On par with Crash Course in Romance. And Kim Hye-soo gets a lot of (deserved) love over the years from awards.

    Winning the award or not – it’s undeniable that Park Eun-bin and Song Hye-kyo each had their best year and had provided performances that would stick with people in huge dramas that spoke to people.

  16. For me it’s Park Eun Bin will win she has ability to make her role perfect she did will and act on Extraordinary attorney she’s amazing actress she made her role perfectly 💯👍❤️

  17. For me it’s Park Eun Bin will win she has ability to make her role perfect she did will and act on Extraordinary attorney woo she’s amazing actress she made her role perfectly 💯👍❤️

  18. Kim Hyesoo of Under Queen’s Umbrella & Lee Sungmin of Reborn Rich will win the Best Actress & Actor at the Baeksang this year.

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