Youku Confirms Release of Modern C-drama Hidden Love with Zhao Lu Si and Chen Zhe Yuan for June 20th and Drops Preview and Posters

Thank you Youku for being decisive and scheduling the right drama for the right time. Modern school-age romance C-drama Hidden Love with Chen Zhe Yuan and Zhao Lu Si is coming out next Tuesday June 20th and with it a bunch of new pretty drama posters and an adorable preview has been released. It’s a very very simple story – girl sees older brother’s bestie and crushes on him over years until their college days cross paths and romance blooms. What works is keeping the tone light and having two leads that exhibit the right chemistry – shy and hesitant to romantic tension as the relationship transforms. This drama feels perfect for Youku to kick off the summer season and give students out for summer break something to pass time with.

Preview for Hidden Love:
Has the right blend of visuals and feels. Enjoyed the novel. Hope the drama keeps that beautiful tension and feels of innocent first love and seemingly unrequited love.
I’m following the drama although I’m usually not the one for any types of school dramas. But the OTP look so cute together. ZLS fits this kind of roles. Her crush isn’t cringe-making as many Cdrama heroines.