
Tencent Confirms Broadcast of Lost You Forever Part 1 on July 24th as Yang Zi Brings Her Liuliang Power and a Beloved Novel to the C-drama Summer Ratings Showdown — 7 Comments

  1. I remembered you translating this masterpiece of a novel years ago and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about it when it airs. Jing is still the most precious human to me, but I think I’ll be swayed by Xiang Liu in the drama esp Tan Jianci is playing him

  2. When I’m in need of escape to fantasy, I reread the translation of Koala here. It is just so good and yes, Im excited to see those imaginings to be put on live. That scene where Jing realize, Xiao Lu is a girl because she blush. Hehehe. My dream Jing is Yangyang, Xiang Lu for Dylan Wang.

  3. Hi Koala. I want to thank you for the beautiful translation of Da Mo Yao many many years ago! You are def an O. G! Thank you for continuing this hobby and entertaining us! I’m looking forward to this drama! It’s too late to start the novel now. At least I will watch with no bias, this production looks good, and Yang Zi I feel is an excellent actress. Too bad since go to Squid I haven’t been attracted to her dramas. I am looking forward to her performance here hopefully I can see that spark from her once again!

  4. Thank you all! Who love my attempts at writing and just being so supportive all the time! I have a good feeling about LYF the drama so fingers crossed!

  5. I watched the trailer and it looked intriguing. Looks aside, Yang Zi’s acting is convincing and nuanced most of the time. The premiere came at the right time when Tencent just officially wrapped up The Longest Promise that had unsatisfactory ending deviating from the novel. I was very disappointed at Tencent regarding how TLP was cast and promoted. I hope LYF will make it up. It appeared that the streaming site had promoted LYF way more than TLP before the premiere. Both dramas are led by liuliang but the treatment appears different.

  6. So excited for this Ms. Kaola. I read your translation many many years ago (possibly 10) and enjoyed it so much. Excited to watch the drama.

  7. After ten miles of peach blossoms it was very hard to move on… until I found your translated LYF. Thank you so much Ms Koala!
    Hope the drama can surpass the peach blossoms drama 🤞

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