
MBC Traditional Sageuk Romance My Dearest with Namgoong Min and Ahn Eun Jin Starts Off with 5.4% and 4.3% Ratings — 1 Comment

  1. I really wanted to love this drama but it reminds me more of a fusion sageuk – the dialogue and mannerisms seem almost contemporary with none of the restraint that I associate with real sageuk.

    However, the cinematography is the opposite of the dialogue & characterization. It’s atmospheric without being overpowering and very loosely framed. There’s a sequence in the first episode where the heroine runs through various seasons in a dream that is stunning. From a technical standpoint, this drama reminds me very much of Chinese historicals and xianxia.

    In summary, I like it but don’t love it yet. I hope it’ll take an extra leap in quality once the war portion actually unfolds.

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