
China Central Television Calls Out C-actress Yuan Bing Yan by Name in Recent Article Discussing the Celebrity Tax Misconduct — 6 Comments

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  2. Sigh… What a waste of talent. She’s such a good actress.
    And it’s a pity that the effort, time and money of everyone else involved in her unaired dramas will be wasted too.
    Please pay your taxes, celebrities!

  3. Looks like she truly offended people she should not… No come back from her. I hope all artistes pay their tax…China Gov needs lots of money to build the economy now…

  4. It probably was just a small error that’s only equivalent to 6k in USD lol she could just pay it off easily by selling one hand bag. In US a lot of stuff can get miscategorize and can always fix your taxes later and repay. China is so crazy with that. If they want more cash, they need to have these celebrities continue to work. CCTV needs to say what exact expense did her company used as deduction. So not tranparent but they are authoritarian so whatever. Funny how it’s called the People’s Republic. What a joke.

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